• 四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院神經(jīng)內(nèi)科(成都,610041);

【摘要】 目的  了解成都市社區(qū)居民腦卒中的流行病學(xué)特征,為腦卒中預(yù)防、干預(yù)提供科學(xué)依據(jù)。 方法  采用整群隨機(jī)抽樣方法抽取成都市2個社區(qū)。對132 303人采用前瞻性的熱追蹤,搜集社區(qū)中腦卒中發(fā)病及死亡人群。 結(jié)果  2008年腦卒中發(fā)病率、死亡率分別為217.68/10萬、49.13/10萬,2009年發(fā)病率、死亡率分別為239.60/10萬、41.57/10萬,2008年—2009年標(biāo)化發(fā)病率216.01/10萬,標(biāo)化死亡率43.61/10萬。缺血性腦卒中患者構(gòu)成比最高,占半數(shù)以上。發(fā)病率隨年齡增長而增高(χ2=1 095.11,P lt;0.001),男女發(fā)病率差異無統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(χ2=2.367,P=0.124)。 結(jié)論  成都市社區(qū)居民發(fā)病率與我國平均水平相當(dāng),死亡率略低于我國平均水平。
【Abstract】 Objective  To explore the epidemiologic features of cerebral apoplexy in community of Chengdu, and to provide references for intervention and prevention of cerebral apoplexy. Methods  Two communitis in Chengdu were selected by randomized cluster sampling method. The morbidity and mortality in 132 303 people were calculated by prospective tracing. Results  The annual incidence was 217.68 per 100 000, and the annual mortality was 49.13 per 100 000 in 2008. The annual incidence was 239.60 per 100 000, and the annual mortality was 41.57 per 100 000 in 2009. The age-standardized incidence was 216.01 per 100 000, and the age-standardized mortality was 43.61 per 100 000 in the two years. Ischemic cerebral apoplexy exceeded half of all and had a highest constituent ratio. The incidence Increased with the age (χ2=1 095.11, P lt;0.001), while there was no significant difference between the male and female (χ2=2.367, P=0.124). Conclusion  The incidence of cerebral apoplexy in Chengdu City is similar to the average incidence of our country, and the mortality is lower than that of the average mortality.

引用本文: 張偉,蘇偉,何俐. 成都市社區(qū)腦卒中流行病學(xué)調(diào)查. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2011, 26(1): 41-43. doi: 復(fù)制

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  1. 1.  European Stroke Organisation (ESO) Executive Committee. Guidelines for management of ischaemic stroke and transient ischaemic attack 2008[J]. Cerebrovasc Dis, 2008, 25(5): 457-507.
  2. 2.  中華醫(yī)學(xué)會神經(jīng)病學(xué)分會腦血管病學(xué)組缺血性腦卒中二級預(yù)防指南撰寫組. 中國缺血性腦卒中和短暫性腦缺血發(fā)作二級預(yù)防指南2010[J]. 中華神經(jīng)科雜志, 2010, 43(2): 154-160.
  3. 3.  He J, Klag MJ, Wu Z, et al. Stroke in the People’s Republic of China, I. Geographic Variations in Incidence and Risk Factors[J]. Stroke, 1995, 26(12): 2222-2227.
  4. 4.  中華神經(jīng)科學(xué)會. 各類腦血管疾病診斷要點[J]. 中華神經(jīng)雜志, 1996, 29(6): 379-380.
  5. 5.  國家統(tǒng)計局. 中國2000年人口普查資料[M]. 北京: 中國統(tǒng)計出版社, 2002: 8.
  6. 6.  李云鵬, 柳勝生, 蘇旭燕, 等. 上海市松江區(qū)2001-2008年腦卒中流行病學(xué)分析[J]. 上海預(yù)防醫(yī)學(xué), 2010, 22(1): 22-24.
  7. 7.  殷曉梅, 徐斐, 林其洲, 等. 南京市腦卒中流行病學(xué)分布特征與主要危險因素的研究[J]. 中國衛(wèi)生統(tǒng)計, 2003, 20(3): 177-180.
  8. 8.  洪震. 腦卒中的流行病學(xué)及其危險因素[J]. 中國卒中, 2006, 1(8): 559-563.
  9. 9.  吳陳, 尹紅, 李明龍, 等. 德陽市城市居民腦卒中流行趨勢及危險因素對比研究[J]. 現(xiàn)代預(yù)防醫(yī)學(xué), 2002, 29(3): 359-362.