• 解放軍總醫(yī)院1.南樓外一科二病區(qū);2.第一附屬醫(yī)院重癥監(jiān)護(hù)科, 北京 100048;

摘要:目的:探討接受超聲引導(dǎo)下經(jīng)直腸前列腺穿刺活檢術(shù)(transretal prostatic biopsy,TPB)檢查的臨床護(hù)理相關(guān)問題,為前列腺穿刺活檢臨床護(hù)理提供參考。方法:通過心理疏導(dǎo)接解除者術(shù)前對TPB的恐懼心理,明確TPB是比較安全、可靠的、不可替代的檢查方法,了解手術(shù)過程、護(hù)理方法和一般并發(fā)癥,提高TPB的檢查效果及護(hù)理質(zhì)量。結(jié)果:71例患者進(jìn)行TPB檢查,全部患者均能主動(dòng)配合檢查操作,檢查術(shù)中并發(fā)迷走神經(jīng)心血管反射1例,術(shù)后并發(fā)血尿4例,短期內(nèi)疼痛5例,均早期發(fā)現(xiàn),給與相應(yīng)的護(hù)理與治療后治愈。結(jié)論:TPB是前列腺占位性病變患者有效的定性有創(chuàng)性檢查方法,對行TPB檢察患者患者應(yīng)采取針對性的護(hù)理措施,提高護(hù)理質(zhì)量及檢查安全性。
Abstract: Objective: To investigate correlative nursing measure of patients with transretal prostatic biopsy (TPB) guided by ultrasound, provide reference for clinical nursing of TPB. Methods: We dismissed patient’s fear by psychological nursing, and explained that TPB was a safe, reliable and nosubstitutive checking, and help them understand procedure of operation, nursing measure and common complication, so as to improve effect of checking and quality of care. Results: Seventyone patients received checking with TPB, all patients could initiativiy go with checking, one patient took place pneumogastric nerve reflect, 4 patients take place hematuria postoperation, 5 patients feel soreness in shortterm. All complications were found in morning, and were cure by nursing and treatment. Conclusion: TPB is valid checking method to occupy lesion of prostate for qualitation. Because TPB is a traumatic operation, homologous nursing measure must be take to improve safety of TPB and quality of care.

引用本文: 朱國寧,黃立鋒,韓利坤. 超聲引導(dǎo)下經(jīng)直腸前列腺穿刺活檢術(shù)護(hù)理研究. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2009, 24(12): 3213-3215. doi: 復(fù)制