谷波 1 , 楊玉仙 2 , 劉玲 2
  • 四川大學華西醫(yī)院第三綜合病房;1.內(nèi)科;2.泌尿科,四川成都 610041;

摘要:目的:探討口腔頰黏膜尿道背側(cè)鑲嵌補片法治療長段前尿道狹窄圍術(shù)期的護理措施。 〖方法:術(shù)前做好口腔、會陰部及腸道準備,重視患者心理護理;術(shù)后重視尿管護理,維持吻合口低壓狀態(tài),做好口腔及飲食護理,適當限制活動,注重并發(fā)癥的觀察與及時處理。結(jié)果:術(shù)后2~3月手術(shù)成功率達到92.4%,僅7.5%患者復發(fā)。結(jié)論:保證圍手術(shù)期護理措施的質(zhì)量對尿道成形手術(shù)的效果起到了重要的作用。
Abstract: Objective: To explore the perioperative nursing measures for the patients who underwent urethroplasty with dorsal onlay autogenetic oral ducal mucosa. Methods: Preoperative preparation includes oral cavity, perinea region,bowel cleansing and psychological nursing. Postoperatively, urinary catheter nursing is crucial to keep the anastomosis tension acceptablely low. Other postoperative care includes oral cleansing, activity restricting, discovering and dealing promptly with the complications. Results: Success rate was 92.4% 23 months after operation .Only 7.5% patients relapsed. Conclusions: Intensive perioperative nursing care was obviously helpful in improving the outcome of urethroplasty.

引用本文: 谷波,楊玉仙,劉玲. 口腔頰黏膜尿道背側(cè)鑲嵌補片法治療長段前尿道狹窄的圍術(shù)期護理. 華西醫(yī)學, 2009, 24(12): 3221-3223. doi: 復制