• 四川大學華西第二醫(yī)院,四川成都 610041;


引用本文: 廖治,李莉,高雪梅. 腹腔鏡治療附件包塊1356例臨床分析. 華西醫(yī)學, 2008, 23(1): 70-71. doi: 復制

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2. Padilla LA,Radosevich DM,Milad MP.Limitations of the pelvic examination for evaluation of the female pelvic organs[J].Int J Gynaecol Obstet,2005,88:84-88.
3. Marana R,Muzii L,Ferrari S,et al.Management of adnexal cystic masses with unexpected intracystic vegetations detected during laparoscopy[J].J Minim Invasive Gynecol,2005,12:502-507.
4. Liakakos T,Thomakos N,Fine P M,et al.Peritoneal adhesions etiology,patho-physiology,and clinical significance.Recent advances in prevention and management[J].Dig Surg,2001,18:260-273.
5. 夏恩蘭.婦科內(nèi)鏡的發(fā)展及臨床應用[J].中華婦產(chǎn)科雜志,2003,38:502-505.
6. 周應芳.腹腔鏡應用范圍變化及發(fā)展趨勢[J].中國實用婦科與產(chǎn)科雜志,2003,19:648-650.
7. 李奇龍.腹腔鏡手術治療婦科惡性腫瘤的適應證與并發(fā)癥[J].中華婦產(chǎn)科雜志,2005,40:499-501.
  1. 1. Padilla LA,Radosevich DM,Milad MP.Accuracy of the pelvic examination in detecting adnexal masses[J].Obstet Gynecol,2000,96:593-598.
  2. 2. Padilla LA,Radosevich DM,Milad MP.Limitations of the pelvic examination for evaluation of the female pelvic organs[J].Int J Gynaecol Obstet,2005,88:84-88.
  3. 3. Marana R,Muzii L,Ferrari S,et al.Management of adnexal cystic masses with unexpected intracystic vegetations detected during laparoscopy[J].J Minim Invasive Gynecol,2005,12:502-507.
  4. 4. Liakakos T,Thomakos N,Fine P M,et al.Peritoneal adhesions etiology,patho-physiology,and clinical significance.Recent advances in prevention and management[J].Dig Surg,2001,18:260-273.
  5. 5. 夏恩蘭.婦科內(nèi)鏡的發(fā)展及臨床應用[J].中華婦產(chǎn)科雜志,2003,38:502-505.
  6. 6. 周應芳.腹腔鏡應用范圍變化及發(fā)展趨勢[J].中國實用婦科與產(chǎn)科雜志,2003,19:648-650.
  7. 7. 李奇龍.腹腔鏡手術治療婦科惡性腫瘤的適應證與并發(fā)癥[J].中華婦產(chǎn)科雜志,2005,40:499-501.