• 解放軍150醫(yī)院全軍結直腸外科研究所(河南洛陽 471031);

引用本文: 王國俊,高春芳. 腹腔鏡直腸癌全直腸系膜切除術. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2011, 18(1): 92-94. doi: 復制

1. 周總光, 王自強. 歐美與日本中低位直腸癌診治指南解讀 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2009, 29(4): 291292.
2. 汪建平. 中低位直腸癌診治現狀及展望 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2009, 29(4): 287290.
3. 李世擁. 中低位直腸癌保肛術式選擇 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2009, 29(4): 371372.
4. 郁寶銘. 低位直腸癌保肛手術理念與技術的發(fā)展 [J]. 腫瘤學雜志, 2006, 12(1): 47.
5. Jacobs M, Verdeja JC, Goldstein HS. Minimally invasive colon resection (laparoscopic colectomy) [J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc, 1991, 1(3): 144150.
6. Lourenco T, Murray A, Grant A, et al. Laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer: safe and effective?A systematic review [J]. Surg Endosc, 2008, 22(5): 11461160.
7. Naitoh T, Tsuchiya T, Honda H, et al. Clinical outcome of the laparoscopic surgery for stage Ⅱ and Ⅲ colorectal cancer [J]. Surg Endosc, 2008, 22(4): 950954.
8. MaxwellArmstrong CA, Robinson MH, Scholefield JH. Laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery [J]. Am J Surg, 2000, 179(6): 500507.
9. Heald, RJ, Husband EM, Ryall RD. The mesorectum in rectal cancer surgerythe clue to pelvic recurrence? [J]. Br J Surg, 1982, 69(10): 613616.
10. 郁寶銘. 重視直腸癌保肛手術的意義及其發(fā)展趨勢 [J]. 中華外科雜志, 2006, 44(11): 725727.
11. Heald RJ, Ryall RD. Recurrence and survival after total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer [J]. Lancet, 1986, 1(8496): 14791482.
12. Heald, RJ, Karanjia ND. Results of radical surgery for rectal cancer [J]. World J Surg, 1992, 16(5): 848857.
13. Cecil TD, Sexton R, Moran BJ, et al. Total mesorectal excision results in low local recurrence rates in lymph nodepositive rectal cancer [J]. Dis Colon Rectum, 2004, 47(7): 11451150.
14. 姜金波, 李雪梅, 張維東, 等. 人骨盆標本中直腸側韌帶的解剖學研究 [J]. 中華醫(yī)學雜志, 2006, 86(35): 24752478.
15. 姜金波, 戴勇, 何慶泗, 等. 直腸癌全直腸系膜切除術及相關解剖 [J]. 中國現代普通外科進展, 2008, 11(1): 6668, 74.
16. 孫喜太, 蘇磊, 李強, 等. 腹腔鏡直腸癌根治術的相關解剖要點分析 [J]. 中國微創(chuàng)外科雜志, 2009, 15(7): 589591.
17. ElGazzaz G, Hull T, Hammel J, et al. Does a laparoscopic approach affect the number of lymph nodes harvested during curative surgery for colorectal cancer? [J]. Surg Endosc, 2010, 24(1): 113118.
18. Kim SH, Milsom JW. Is laparoscopic technique oncologically appropriate for colorectal cancer surgery? [J]. J Korean Med Sci, 1998, 13(3): 227233.
19. 周總光. 重視結直腸癌腹腔鏡外科治療的基本原則 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2004, 11(3): 197198.
20. 李國新. 腹腔鏡在中低位直腸癌外科治療中的價值與評價 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2009, 29(4): 305308.
21. Milsom JW, Kim SH. Laparoscopic versus open surgery for colorectal cancer [J]. World J Surg, 1997, 21(7): 702705.
22. Macafee DA, MaxwellArmstrong C, Scholefield JH. Laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery [J]. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther, 2003, 3(4): 484492.
23. Heald RJ, Moran BJ. Embryology and anatomy of the rectum [J]. Semin Surg Oncol, 1998, 15(2): 6671.
24. Nano M, Levi AC, Borghi F, et al. Observations on surgical anatomy for rectal cancer surgery [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 1998, 45(21): 717726.
25. 邱輝忠, 吳斌. 直腸癌全直腸系膜切除的若干問題(附75例報告) [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2003, 23(6): 3132.
26. Heald RJ. Rectal cancer: The surgical options [J]. Eur J Cancer, 1995, 31(78): 11891192.
27. Wang C, Zhou ZG, Wang Z, et al. Mesorectal spread and micrometastasis of rectal cancer studied with large slice technique and tissue microarray [J]. J Surg Oncol, 2005, 91(3): 167172.
28. 劉寶善, 徐琳, 劉超, 等. 直腸癌超低位前切除術有關問題 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2009, 29(4): 362364.
29. 傅傳剛, 王顥. 直腸拖出切除吻合術在低位直腸癌治療中的應用 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2009, 29(4): 367368.
  1. 1. 周總光, 王自強. 歐美與日本中低位直腸癌診治指南解讀 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2009, 29(4): 291292.
  2. 2. 汪建平. 中低位直腸癌診治現狀及展望 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2009, 29(4): 287290.
  3. 3. 李世擁. 中低位直腸癌保肛術式選擇 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2009, 29(4): 371372.
  4. 4. 郁寶銘. 低位直腸癌保肛手術理念與技術的發(fā)展 [J]. 腫瘤學雜志, 2006, 12(1): 47.
  5. 5. Jacobs M, Verdeja JC, Goldstein HS. Minimally invasive colon resection (laparoscopic colectomy) [J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc, 1991, 1(3): 144150.
  6. 6. Lourenco T, Murray A, Grant A, et al. Laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer: safe and effective?A systematic review [J]. Surg Endosc, 2008, 22(5): 11461160.
  7. 7. Naitoh T, Tsuchiya T, Honda H, et al. Clinical outcome of the laparoscopic surgery for stage Ⅱ and Ⅲ colorectal cancer [J]. Surg Endosc, 2008, 22(4): 950954.
  8. 8. MaxwellArmstrong CA, Robinson MH, Scholefield JH. Laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery [J]. Am J Surg, 2000, 179(6): 500507.
  9. 9. Heald, RJ, Husband EM, Ryall RD. The mesorectum in rectal cancer surgerythe clue to pelvic recurrence? [J]. Br J Surg, 1982, 69(10): 613616.
  10. 10. 郁寶銘. 重視直腸癌保肛手術的意義及其發(fā)展趨勢 [J]. 中華外科雜志, 2006, 44(11): 725727.
  11. 11. Heald RJ, Ryall RD. Recurrence and survival after total mesorectal excision for rectal cancer [J]. Lancet, 1986, 1(8496): 14791482.
  12. 12. Heald, RJ, Karanjia ND. Results of radical surgery for rectal cancer [J]. World J Surg, 1992, 16(5): 848857.
  13. 13. Cecil TD, Sexton R, Moran BJ, et al. Total mesorectal excision results in low local recurrence rates in lymph nodepositive rectal cancer [J]. Dis Colon Rectum, 2004, 47(7): 11451150.
  14. 14. 姜金波, 李雪梅, 張維東, 等. 人骨盆標本中直腸側韌帶的解剖學研究 [J]. 中華醫(yī)學雜志, 2006, 86(35): 24752478.
  15. 15. 姜金波, 戴勇, 何慶泗, 等. 直腸癌全直腸系膜切除術及相關解剖 [J]. 中國現代普通外科進展, 2008, 11(1): 6668, 74.
  16. 16. 孫喜太, 蘇磊, 李強, 等. 腹腔鏡直腸癌根治術的相關解剖要點分析 [J]. 中國微創(chuàng)外科雜志, 2009, 15(7): 589591.
  17. 17. ElGazzaz G, Hull T, Hammel J, et al. Does a laparoscopic approach affect the number of lymph nodes harvested during curative surgery for colorectal cancer? [J]. Surg Endosc, 2010, 24(1): 113118.
  18. 18. Kim SH, Milsom JW. Is laparoscopic technique oncologically appropriate for colorectal cancer surgery? [J]. J Korean Med Sci, 1998, 13(3): 227233.
  19. 19. 周總光. 重視結直腸癌腹腔鏡外科治療的基本原則 [J]. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2004, 11(3): 197198.
  20. 20. 李國新. 腹腔鏡在中低位直腸癌外科治療中的價值與評價 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2009, 29(4): 305308.
  21. 21. Milsom JW, Kim SH. Laparoscopic versus open surgery for colorectal cancer [J]. World J Surg, 1997, 21(7): 702705.
  22. 22. Macafee DA, MaxwellArmstrong C, Scholefield JH. Laparoscopic colorectal cancer surgery [J]. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther, 2003, 3(4): 484492.
  23. 23. Heald RJ, Moran BJ. Embryology and anatomy of the rectum [J]. Semin Surg Oncol, 1998, 15(2): 6671.
  24. 24. Nano M, Levi AC, Borghi F, et al. Observations on surgical anatomy for rectal cancer surgery [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 1998, 45(21): 717726.
  25. 25. 邱輝忠, 吳斌. 直腸癌全直腸系膜切除的若干問題(附75例報告) [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2003, 23(6): 3132.
  26. 26. Heald RJ. Rectal cancer: The surgical options [J]. Eur J Cancer, 1995, 31(78): 11891192.
  27. 27. Wang C, Zhou ZG, Wang Z, et al. Mesorectal spread and micrometastasis of rectal cancer studied with large slice technique and tissue microarray [J]. J Surg Oncol, 2005, 91(3): 167172.
  28. 28. 劉寶善, 徐琳, 劉超, 等. 直腸癌超低位前切除術有關問題 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2009, 29(4): 362364.
  29. 29. 傅傳剛, 王顥. 直腸拖出切除吻合術在低位直腸癌治療中的應用 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2009, 29(4): 367368.
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