• 中國醫(yī)科大學附屬第一醫(yī)院腫瘤科(沈陽 110001);

引用本文: 王舒寶,王俊. 胃癌復發(fā)與轉移的有關問題及綜合治療. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2006, 13(1): 9-11. doi: 復制

1. 陳峻青. 胃癌根治手術后的復發(fā)形式和治療 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 1995; 15(12)∶673.
2. 戚曉東, 刑承忠, 王舒寶. Borrmann 4型胃癌的臨床病理特點及外科治療效果的評價 [J]. 實用腫瘤學雜志, 1994; 8(1)∶20.
3. 劉慶華, 陳峻青. 胃癌腹腔內游離細胞與預后 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 1996; 16(10)∶732.
4. 陳峻青, 王舒寶, 邢承忠, 等. 殘胃與殘胃再發(fā)癌的臨床特點 [J]. 中華外科雜志, 2000; 39(9)∶674.
5. 王舒寶. 復發(fā)胃癌及晚期胃癌的外科治療 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2000; 20(10)∶587.
6. 陳峻青.重視晚期胃腸癌的治療 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2000; 20(10)∶579.
7. Tanabe K, Yoshida K, Hamai Y, et al. Clinical study of TS1 for inoperative and recurrent gastric cancer and evaluation of long survival cases [J]. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho, 2005; 32(8)∶1145.
8. Sakaguchi Y, Kabashima A, Okita K, et al. Longterm outcome of S1 and cisplatin combination therapy in patients with advanced or recurrent gastric cancer [J]. Gastric Cancer, 2005; 8(2)∶111.
9. Johira H, Yunoki S, Kawata N, et al. Results of treatment of far advanced and recurrent stomach cancer with TS1 [J]. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho, 2005; 32(2)∶195.
10. Yonemori K, Shimada Y, Goto A, et al. Retrospective analysis of clinical results and predictors of response in chemonaive patients with advanced gastric cancer treated with S1, an oral fluoropyrimidine derivative, as singleagent chemotherapy [J]. Gastric Cancer, 2004; 7(4)∶204.
11. Shin SJ, Chun SH, Kim KO, et al. The efficacy of paclitaxel and cisplatin combination chemotherapy for the treatment of metastatic or recurrent gastric cancer: a multicenter phase Ⅱ study [J]. Korean J Intern Med, 2005; 20(2)∶135.
12. Yeh KH, Lu YS, Hsu CH, et al. Phase Ⅱ study of weekly paclitaxel and 24hour infusion of highdose 5fluorouracil and leucovorin in the treatment of recurrent or metastatic gastric cancer [J]. Oncology, 2005; 69(1)∶88.
13. Cho EK, Lee WK, Im SA, et al. A phase Ⅱ study of epirubicin, cisplatin and capecitabine combination chemotherapy in patients with metastatic or advanced gastric cancer [J]. Oncology, 2005; 68(4-6)∶333.
14. Kang HJ, Chang HM, Kim TW, et al. Phase Ⅱ study of capecitabine and cisplatin as firstline combination therapy in patients with gastric cancer recurrent after fluoropyrimidinebased adjuvant chemotherapy [J]. Br J Cancer, 2005; 92(2)∶246.
15. Kim ST, Kang WK, Kang JH, et al. Salvage chemotherapy with irinotecan, 5fluorouracil and leucovorin for taxane and cisplatinrefractory, metastatic gastric cancer [J]. Br J Cancer, 2005; 92(10)∶1850.
16. Takemura M, Osugi H, Lee S, et al. Lowdose paclitaxel therapy as secondline chemotherapy for patients who previously received TS1 therapy [J]. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho, 2004; 31(13)∶2183.
17. Takahashi N, Suzuki H, Iwabuchi S, et al. Thirdline chemotherapy with paclitaxel, irinotecan hydrochloride and cisplatin for recurrent gastric cancer: a case report [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 2005; 52(61)∶326.
18. Nishijima K, Minatoya G, Itoh H, et al. Effects of radiation therapy for paraaortic lymph node involvement and recurrent lymph node metastases from gastric cancer [J]. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho, 2004; 31(9)∶1351.
19. Shah MA, Ilson D, Ramanathan RK, et al. A multicenter phase Ⅱ study of irinotecan (CPT),cisplatin (CIS), and bevacizumab (BEV) in patients with unresectable or metastable or metastatic gastric or gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma [J]. J Clin Onco: 2005 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2005; 23(16s)∶314s.
20. 吳沛宏, 黃金華, 羅鵬飛, 等. 腫瘤介入治療學 [M]. 第1版. 北京: 科學出版社, 2005∶705~714.
  1. 1. 陳峻青. 胃癌根治手術后的復發(fā)形式和治療 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 1995; 15(12)∶673.
  2. 2. 戚曉東, 刑承忠, 王舒寶. Borrmann 4型胃癌的臨床病理特點及外科治療效果的評價 [J]. 實用腫瘤學雜志, 1994; 8(1)∶20.
  3. 3. 劉慶華, 陳峻青. 胃癌腹腔內游離細胞與預后 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 1996; 16(10)∶732.
  4. 4. 陳峻青, 王舒寶, 邢承忠, 等. 殘胃與殘胃再發(fā)癌的臨床特點 [J]. 中華外科雜志, 2000; 39(9)∶674.
  5. 5. 王舒寶. 復發(fā)胃癌及晚期胃癌的外科治療 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2000; 20(10)∶587.
  6. 6. 陳峻青.重視晚期胃腸癌的治療 [J]. 中國實用外科雜志, 2000; 20(10)∶579.
  7. 7. Tanabe K, Yoshida K, Hamai Y, et al. Clinical study of TS1 for inoperative and recurrent gastric cancer and evaluation of long survival cases [J]. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho, 2005; 32(8)∶1145.
  8. 8. Sakaguchi Y, Kabashima A, Okita K, et al. Longterm outcome of S1 and cisplatin combination therapy in patients with advanced or recurrent gastric cancer [J]. Gastric Cancer, 2005; 8(2)∶111.
  9. 9. Johira H, Yunoki S, Kawata N, et al. Results of treatment of far advanced and recurrent stomach cancer with TS1 [J]. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho, 2005; 32(2)∶195.
  10. 10. Yonemori K, Shimada Y, Goto A, et al. Retrospective analysis of clinical results and predictors of response in chemonaive patients with advanced gastric cancer treated with S1, an oral fluoropyrimidine derivative, as singleagent chemotherapy [J]. Gastric Cancer, 2004; 7(4)∶204.
  11. 11. Shin SJ, Chun SH, Kim KO, et al. The efficacy of paclitaxel and cisplatin combination chemotherapy for the treatment of metastatic or recurrent gastric cancer: a multicenter phase Ⅱ study [J]. Korean J Intern Med, 2005; 20(2)∶135.
  12. 12. Yeh KH, Lu YS, Hsu CH, et al. Phase Ⅱ study of weekly paclitaxel and 24hour infusion of highdose 5fluorouracil and leucovorin in the treatment of recurrent or metastatic gastric cancer [J]. Oncology, 2005; 69(1)∶88.
  13. 13. Cho EK, Lee WK, Im SA, et al. A phase Ⅱ study of epirubicin, cisplatin and capecitabine combination chemotherapy in patients with metastatic or advanced gastric cancer [J]. Oncology, 2005; 68(4-6)∶333.
  14. 14. Kang HJ, Chang HM, Kim TW, et al. Phase Ⅱ study of capecitabine and cisplatin as firstline combination therapy in patients with gastric cancer recurrent after fluoropyrimidinebased adjuvant chemotherapy [J]. Br J Cancer, 2005; 92(2)∶246.
  15. 15. Kim ST, Kang WK, Kang JH, et al. Salvage chemotherapy with irinotecan, 5fluorouracil and leucovorin for taxane and cisplatinrefractory, metastatic gastric cancer [J]. Br J Cancer, 2005; 92(10)∶1850.
  16. 16. Takemura M, Osugi H, Lee S, et al. Lowdose paclitaxel therapy as secondline chemotherapy for patients who previously received TS1 therapy [J]. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho, 2004; 31(13)∶2183.
  17. 17. Takahashi N, Suzuki H, Iwabuchi S, et al. Thirdline chemotherapy with paclitaxel, irinotecan hydrochloride and cisplatin for recurrent gastric cancer: a case report [J]. Hepatogastroenterology, 2005; 52(61)∶326.
  18. 18. Nishijima K, Minatoya G, Itoh H, et al. Effects of radiation therapy for paraaortic lymph node involvement and recurrent lymph node metastases from gastric cancer [J]. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho, 2004; 31(9)∶1351.
  19. 19. Shah MA, Ilson D, Ramanathan RK, et al. A multicenter phase Ⅱ study of irinotecan (CPT),cisplatin (CIS), and bevacizumab (BEV) in patients with unresectable or metastable or metastatic gastric or gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma [J]. J Clin Onco: 2005 ASCO Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2005; 23(16s)∶314s.
  20. 20. 吳沛宏, 黃金華, 羅鵬飛, 等. 腫瘤介入治療學 [M]. 第1版. 北京: 科學出版社, 2005∶705~714.