• 上海第二醫(yī)科大學新華醫(yī)院外科(上海200092);

結(jié)果28例患者采用非手術(shù)治療,其中12例患者接受急診胃鏡檢查; 手術(shù)治療4例。本組患者總的治愈率為87.50%,死亡率為15.62%。

引用本文: 姜保成,楊寶仁,陸建華. 應激性潰瘍大出血的治療體會. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2006, 13(1): 104-105. doi: 復制

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2. 聶莉, 唐運濤, 劉倫波, 等. 重型腦損傷上消化道潰瘍出血的防治 [J]. 中華消化內(nèi)鏡雜志, 2002; 19(6)∶354.
3. Lasky MR, Metzler MH, Phillips JO. A prospective study of omeprazole suspension to prevent clinically significant gastrointestinal bleeding from stress ulcers in mechanically ventilated trauma patients [J]. J Trauma, 1998; 44(3)∶527.
4. Ephgrave KS, KleimanWexler R, Pfaller M, et al. Effects of sucralfate vs antacids on gastric pathogens: results of a doubleblind clinical trial [J]. Arch Surg, 1998; 133(3)∶251.
5. 田兆快, 李軍, 周少波, 等. 胃周圍血管阻斷治療急性胃粘膜病變大出血 [J]. 臨床外科雜志, 1999; 7(2)∶103.
  1. 1. 湛先保. 應激性潰瘍預防對策研究進展 [J]. 國外醫(yī)學消化系疾病分冊, 1998; 18(3)∶134.
  2. 2. 聶莉, 唐運濤, 劉倫波, 等. 重型腦損傷上消化道潰瘍出血的防治 [J]. 中華消化內(nèi)鏡雜志, 2002; 19(6)∶354.
  3. 3. Lasky MR, Metzler MH, Phillips JO. A prospective study of omeprazole suspension to prevent clinically significant gastrointestinal bleeding from stress ulcers in mechanically ventilated trauma patients [J]. J Trauma, 1998; 44(3)∶527.
  4. 4. Ephgrave KS, KleimanWexler R, Pfaller M, et al. Effects of sucralfate vs antacids on gastric pathogens: results of a doubleblind clinical trial [J]. Arch Surg, 1998; 133(3)∶251.
  5. 5. 田兆快, 李軍, 周少波, 等. 胃周圍血管阻斷治療急性胃粘膜病變大出血 [J]. 臨床外科雜志, 1999; 7(2)∶103.