• 首都醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬?gòu)?fù)興醫(yī)院普外科(北京100038);

目的 探討腔鏡技術(shù)在乳腺疾病的診斷和治療方面的安全性和可行性。方法對(duì)近年來有關(guān)文獻(xiàn)進(jìn)行復(fù)習(xí)。 結(jié)果微創(chuàng)腔鏡手術(shù)可以通過小切口完成,從而最大限度地減少術(shù)后疼痛,縮短恢復(fù)時(shí)間,而且切口位于隱蔽部位,具有較好的美容效果。通過乳腺腔鏡可以進(jìn)行細(xì)微的止血和解剖,并安全地完成乳房切除術(shù)和乳房即時(shí)重建、哨兵淋巴結(jié)活檢以及腋窩淋巴結(jié)清掃手術(shù); 還可用于乳腺良性腫瘤的診斷和治療,以及男性乳房肥大癥患者的手術(shù)治療; 纖維乳管鏡可用于乳頭溢液患者的診斷。通過腔鏡手術(shù)既可使乳腺疾病有滿意的治療效果,又保持術(shù)后良好的乳房外形與功能,而不遺留明顯的瘢痕,從而可以增強(qiáng)患者的自信心,提高生活質(zhì)量。結(jié)論乳腺外科是腔鏡技術(shù)一個(gè)很好的應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域。

引用本文: 季曉昕,駱成玉. 腔鏡技術(shù)在乳腺疾病中的應(yīng)用. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2004, 11(3): 211-212. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Tamaki Y, Sakita I, Miyoshi Y, et al. Transareolar endoscopyassisted partial mastectomy: a preliminary report of six cases [J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech, 2001; 11(6)∶356.
2. Tagaya N, Kubota K. Experience with endoscopic axillary lymphadenectomy using needlescopic instruments in patients with breast cancer: a preliminary report [J]. Surg Endosc, 2002; 16(2)∶307.
3. Brunt LM, Jones DB, Wu JS, et al. Endoscopic axillary lymph node dissection: an experimental study in human cadavers [J]. J Am Coll Surg, 1998; 187(2)∶158.
4. Ho WS, Ying SY, Chan AC. Endoscopicassisted subcutaneous mastectomy and axillary dissection with immediate mammary prosthesis reconstruction for early breast cancer [J]. Surg Endosc, 2002; 16(2)∶302.
5. Kitamura K, Ishida M, Inoue H, et al. Early results of an endoscopeassisted subcutaneous mastectomy and reconstruction for breast cancer [J]. Surgery, 2002; 131(1 Suppl)∶S324.
6. Masuoka T, Fujikawa M, Yamamoto H, et al. Breast reconstruction after mastectomy without additional scarring: application of endoscopic latissimus dorsi muscle harvest [J]. Ann Plast Surg, 1998; 40(2)∶123.
7. Brun JL, Rousseau E, Belleannee G, et al. Axillary lymphadenectomy prepared by fat and lymph node suction in breast cancer [J]. Eur J Surg Oncol, 1998; 24(1)∶17.
8. Pomel C, Missana MC, Atallah D, et al. Endoscopic muscular latissimus dorsi flap harvesting for immediate breast reconstruction after skin sparing mastectomy [J]. Eur J Surg Oncol, 2003; 29(2)∶127.
9. Tsangaris TN, Trad K, Brody FJ, et al. Endoscopic axillary exploration and sentinel lymphadenectomy [J]. Surg Endosc, 1999; 13(1)∶43.
10. Kuhn T, Santjohanser C, Koretz K, et al. Axilloscopy and endoscopic sentinel node detection in breast cancer patients [J]. Surg Endosc, 2000; 14(6)∶573.
11. Ogawa Y, Ishikawa T, Sawada T, et al. Thoracoscopic internal mammary sentinel node biopsy for breast cancer [J]. Surg Endosc, 2003; 17(2)∶315.
12. Malur S, Bechler J, Schneider A. Endoscopic axillary lymphadenectomy without prior liposuction in 100 patients with invasive breast cancer [J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech, 2001; 11(1)∶38.
13. Kamprath S, Bechler J, KuhneHeid R, et al. Endoscopic axillary lymphadenectomy without prior liposuction. Development of a technique and initial experience [J]. Surg Endosc, 1999; 13(12)∶1226.
14. Cangiotti L, Poiatti R, Taglietti L, et al. A miniinvasive technique for axillary lymphadenectomy in early breast cancer: a study of 15 patients [J]. J Exp Clin Cancer Res, 1999; 18(3)∶295.
15. Salvat J, Knopf JF, Ayoubi JM, et al. Endoscopic exploration and lymph node sampling of the axilla. Preliminary findings of a randomized pilot study comparing clinical and anatomopathologic results of endoscopic axillary lymph node sampling with traditional surgical treatment [J]. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1996; 70(2)∶165.
16. Kuehn T, Santjohanser C, Grab D, et al. Endoscopic axillary surgery in breast cancer [J].Br J Surg, 2001; 88(5)∶698.
17. de Wilde RL, Schmidt EH, Hesseling M, et al. Comparison of classic and endoscopic lymphadenectomy for staging breast cancer [J]. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc, 2003; 10(1)∶75.
18. Kitamura K, Hashizume M, Sugimachi K, et al. Early experience of endoscopic extirpation of benign breast tumors via an extramammary incision [J]. Am J Surg, 1998; 176(3)∶235.
19. Kitamura K, Hashizume M, Kataoka A, et al. Transaxillary approach for the endoscopic extirpation of benign breast tumors [J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc, 1998; 8(4)∶277.
20. Dooley WC. Routine operative breast endoscopy for bloody nipple discharge [J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2002; 9(9)∶920.
21. Shen KW, Wu J, Lu JS, et al. Fiberoptic ductoscopy for breast cancer patients with nipple discharge [J]. Surg Endosc, 2001; 15(11)∶1340.
22. Yamamoto D, Shoji T, Kawanishi H, et al. A utility of ductography and fiberoptic ductoscopy for patients with nipple discharge [J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2001; 70(2)∶103.
23. Ohyama T, Takada A, Fujikawa M, et al. Endoscopeassisted transaxillary removal of glandular tissue in gynecomastia [J]. Ann Plast Surg, 1998; 40(1)∶62.
  1. 1. Tamaki Y, Sakita I, Miyoshi Y, et al. Transareolar endoscopyassisted partial mastectomy: a preliminary report of six cases [J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech, 2001; 11(6)∶356.
  2. 2. Tagaya N, Kubota K. Experience with endoscopic axillary lymphadenectomy using needlescopic instruments in patients with breast cancer: a preliminary report [J]. Surg Endosc, 2002; 16(2)∶307.
  3. 3. Brunt LM, Jones DB, Wu JS, et al. Endoscopic axillary lymph node dissection: an experimental study in human cadavers [J]. J Am Coll Surg, 1998; 187(2)∶158.
  4. 4. Ho WS, Ying SY, Chan AC. Endoscopicassisted subcutaneous mastectomy and axillary dissection with immediate mammary prosthesis reconstruction for early breast cancer [J]. Surg Endosc, 2002; 16(2)∶302.
  5. 5. Kitamura K, Ishida M, Inoue H, et al. Early results of an endoscopeassisted subcutaneous mastectomy and reconstruction for breast cancer [J]. Surgery, 2002; 131(1 Suppl)∶S324.
  6. 6. Masuoka T, Fujikawa M, Yamamoto H, et al. Breast reconstruction after mastectomy without additional scarring: application of endoscopic latissimus dorsi muscle harvest [J]. Ann Plast Surg, 1998; 40(2)∶123.
  7. 7. Brun JL, Rousseau E, Belleannee G, et al. Axillary lymphadenectomy prepared by fat and lymph node suction in breast cancer [J]. Eur J Surg Oncol, 1998; 24(1)∶17.
  8. 8. Pomel C, Missana MC, Atallah D, et al. Endoscopic muscular latissimus dorsi flap harvesting for immediate breast reconstruction after skin sparing mastectomy [J]. Eur J Surg Oncol, 2003; 29(2)∶127.
  9. 9. Tsangaris TN, Trad K, Brody FJ, et al. Endoscopic axillary exploration and sentinel lymphadenectomy [J]. Surg Endosc, 1999; 13(1)∶43.
  10. 10. Kuhn T, Santjohanser C, Koretz K, et al. Axilloscopy and endoscopic sentinel node detection in breast cancer patients [J]. Surg Endosc, 2000; 14(6)∶573.
  11. 11. Ogawa Y, Ishikawa T, Sawada T, et al. Thoracoscopic internal mammary sentinel node biopsy for breast cancer [J]. Surg Endosc, 2003; 17(2)∶315.
  12. 12. Malur S, Bechler J, Schneider A. Endoscopic axillary lymphadenectomy without prior liposuction in 100 patients with invasive breast cancer [J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Tech, 2001; 11(1)∶38.
  13. 13. Kamprath S, Bechler J, KuhneHeid R, et al. Endoscopic axillary lymphadenectomy without prior liposuction. Development of a technique and initial experience [J]. Surg Endosc, 1999; 13(12)∶1226.
  14. 14. Cangiotti L, Poiatti R, Taglietti L, et al. A miniinvasive technique for axillary lymphadenectomy in early breast cancer: a study of 15 patients [J]. J Exp Clin Cancer Res, 1999; 18(3)∶295.
  15. 15. Salvat J, Knopf JF, Ayoubi JM, et al. Endoscopic exploration and lymph node sampling of the axilla. Preliminary findings of a randomized pilot study comparing clinical and anatomopathologic results of endoscopic axillary lymph node sampling with traditional surgical treatment [J]. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol, 1996; 70(2)∶165.
  16. 16. Kuehn T, Santjohanser C, Grab D, et al. Endoscopic axillary surgery in breast cancer [J].Br J Surg, 2001; 88(5)∶698.
  17. 17. de Wilde RL, Schmidt EH, Hesseling M, et al. Comparison of classic and endoscopic lymphadenectomy for staging breast cancer [J]. J Am Assoc Gynecol Laparosc, 2003; 10(1)∶75.
  18. 18. Kitamura K, Hashizume M, Sugimachi K, et al. Early experience of endoscopic extirpation of benign breast tumors via an extramammary incision [J]. Am J Surg, 1998; 176(3)∶235.
  19. 19. Kitamura K, Hashizume M, Kataoka A, et al. Transaxillary approach for the endoscopic extirpation of benign breast tumors [J]. Surg Laparosc Endosc, 1998; 8(4)∶277.
  20. 20. Dooley WC. Routine operative breast endoscopy for bloody nipple discharge [J]. Ann Surg Oncol, 2002; 9(9)∶920.
  21. 21. Shen KW, Wu J, Lu JS, et al. Fiberoptic ductoscopy for breast cancer patients with nipple discharge [J]. Surg Endosc, 2001; 15(11)∶1340.
  22. 22. Yamamoto D, Shoji T, Kawanishi H, et al. A utility of ductography and fiberoptic ductoscopy for patients with nipple discharge [J]. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2001; 70(2)∶103.
  23. 23. Ohyama T, Takada A, Fujikawa M, et al. Endoscopeassisted transaxillary removal of glandular tissue in gynecomastia [J]. Ann Plast Surg, 1998; 40(1)∶62.