• 1.成都軍區(qū)總醫(yī)院全軍普外中心(成都610083);;
  • 2.第一軍醫(yī)大學珠江醫(yī)院肝膽外科(廣州510282);

目的  探討卵圓細胞在進行性肝損傷過程中的分布及遷移規(guī)律。
方法  清潔型SD 大鼠60只隨機分為對照組(20只)和實驗組(40只),兩組均于肝癌造模后的不同時相切取肝組織標本進行形態(tài)學觀察、常規(guī)病理和原癌基因編碼蛋白(C-kit)免疫組化檢測。
結(jié)果  對照組大鼠肝臟表面光滑,組織學形態(tài)正常,偶見C-kit陽性細胞。實驗組于肝癌造模后的第2周,首先于匯管區(qū)發(fā)現(xiàn)卵圓細胞沿膽管上皮依次排列增生,這些卵圓細胞呈C-kit陽性表達。隨著肝損傷進行性加重,卵圓細胞以匯管區(qū)為中心向肝小葉穿插、遷移。肝癌形成期,以混合型癌多見,癌結(jié)節(jié)內(nèi)外均見有卵圓細胞,此期C-kit陽性細胞仍集中于匯管區(qū)。
結(jié)論  卵圓細胞為肝組織內(nèi)對損傷反應最敏感的一種細胞; 肝卵圓細胞的無序遷移參與假小葉形成; 卵圓細胞與肝癌的發(fā)生密切相關(guān)。

引用本文: 龔加慶,方馳華,李雅. 肝卵圓細胞在進行性肝損傷過程中分布及遷移的實驗研究. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2004, 11(5): 389-392. doi: 復制

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5. 龔加慶,方馳華.大鼠卵圓細胞與原發(fā)性肝細胞癌發(fā)生的關(guān)系 [J]. 世界華人消化雜志, 2002; 10(10)∶1133.
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7. McCrudden R, Iredale JP. Liver fibrosis, the hepatic stellate cell and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases [J]. Histol Histopathol, 2000; 15(4)∶1159.
8. Gelderblom WC, Marasas WF, LebepeMazur S, et al. Interaction of fumonisin B(1) and aflatoxin B(1) in a shortterm carcinogenesis model in rat liver [J]. Toxicology, 2002; 171(2-3)∶161.
9. Ahn B, Han BS, Kim DJ, et al. Immunohistochemical localization of inducible nitric oxide synthase and 3nitrotyrosine in rat liver tumors induced by Nnitrosodiethylamine [J]. Carcinogenesis, 1999; 20(7)∶1337.
  1. 1.
  2. 2. Baker DG, Taylor HW, Lee SP, et al. Hepatic toxicity and recovery of Fischer 344 rats following exposure to 2aminoanthracene by intraperitoneal injection [J]. Toxicol Pathol, 2001; 29(3)∶328.
  3. 3. Petersen BE. Hepatic “stem” cells: coming full circle [J]. Blood Cells Mol Dis, 2001; 27(3)∶590.
  4. 4. Baumann U, Crosby HA, Ramani P, et al. Expression of the stem cell factor receptor ckit in normal and diseased pediatric liver: identification of a human hepatic progenitor cell? [J]. Hepatology, 1999; 30(1)∶112.
  5. 5. 龔加慶,方馳華.大鼠卵圓細胞與原發(fā)性肝細胞癌發(fā)生的關(guān)系 [J]. 世界華人消化雜志, 2002; 10(10)∶1133.
  6. 6. Hellerbrand C, Jobin C, Licato LL, et al. Cytokines induce NFkappaB in activated but not in quiescent rat hepatic stellate cells [J]. Am J Physiol, 1998; 275(2 Pt 1)∶G269.
  7. 7. McCrudden R, Iredale JP. Liver fibrosis, the hepatic stellate cell and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases [J]. Histol Histopathol, 2000; 15(4)∶1159.
  8. 8. Gelderblom WC, Marasas WF, LebepeMazur S, et al. Interaction of fumonisin B(1) and aflatoxin B(1) in a shortterm carcinogenesis model in rat liver [J]. Toxicology, 2002; 171(2-3)∶161.
  9. 9. Ahn B, Han BS, Kim DJ, et al. Immunohistochemical localization of inducible nitric oxide synthase and 3nitrotyrosine in rat liver tumors induced by Nnitrosodiethylamine [J]. Carcinogenesis, 1999; 20(7)∶1337.