• 1.中山醫(yī)科大學(xué)第一附屬醫(yī)院肝膽外科(廣州510080);;
  • 2.鄭州大學(xué)第二附屬醫(yī)院肝膽外科(鄭州450052);

目的探討p27在肝細(xì)胞癌中的表達(dá)及其意義。方法應(yīng)用同一組織連續(xù)切片免疫組化SABC法,檢測(cè)p27在45例肝細(xì)胞癌及30例癌旁肝組織中的表達(dá),并結(jié)合臨床病理資料探討其意義。結(jié)果p27標(biāo)記指數(shù)(labeling index, LI)在癌組織及癌旁組織中分別為45.87±14.21和33.77±12.92,兩者相比差異有顯著性意義(P lt;0.001)。p27 LI在低分化組較高分化組低(34.46±12.29 vs 52.80±11.36, P lt;0.001),p27 LI在侵襲轉(zhuǎn)移組較非侵襲轉(zhuǎn)移組低(41.42±12.86 vs 51.44±14.86, P lt;0.02)。結(jié)論p27與肝細(xì)胞癌的發(fā)生、分化及侵襲轉(zhuǎn)移有關(guān)。

引用本文: 周奇,王廣田,梁力建,鄭蔚,龐志剛. p27在肝細(xì)胞癌中的表達(dá)及其意義. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2003, 10(2): 134-136. doi: 復(fù)制

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  1. 1. 夏加增,楊繼昌,張熔熔,等.胃癌中Cyclin D1、 Cyclin E和p27的表達(dá)及其意義 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志,2001; 8(3)∶148.
  2. 2. 郭貴龍,姚榛祥.p27在甲狀腺濾泡狀腫瘤中的表達(dá)及其意義 [J]. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志,2001; 8(5)∶324.
  3. 3. 姚旻,周信達(dá),劉銀坤,等. 上皮鈣粘蛋白(Ecadherin)在高侵襲性肝細(xì)胞癌中的表達(dá) [J]. 中華消化雜志,1998; 18(1)∶31.
  4. 4. Ito Y, Matsuura N, Sakon M, et al. Expression and prognostic roles of the G1S Modulators in hepatocellular carcinoma: p27 independently predicts the recurrence [J]. Hepatology,1999; 30(1)∶90.
  5. 5. Sgambato A, Cittadini A, Faraglia B, et al. Multiple functions of p27kip1 and its alterations in tumor cells: A review [J]. J Cell Physio,2000; 183(1)∶18.
  6. 6. Pagano M, Tam SW, Theodoras AM, et al. Role of the ubiquitin proteasome pathway in regulating abundance of the cyclindependent kinase inhibitor p27 [J]. Science,1995; 269(5224)∶682.
  7. 7. Ferrando AA, Balbin M, Pendas AM, et al. Mutational analysis of the human cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p27kip1 in primary breast carcinomas [J]. Hum Genet, 1996; 97(1)∶91.
  8. 8. Hengst L, Reed SI. Translational control of p27kip1accumulation during the cell cycle [J]. Science,1996; 271(5257)∶1861.
  9. 9. Yamamoto H, Soh JW, Shirin H, et al. Comparative effects of overexpression of p27kip1 and p21cip/Waf1 on growth and differentiation in human colon carcinoma cells [J]. Oncogene, 1999; 18(1)∶103.
  10. 10. Levenberg S, Yarden A, Kam Z, et al. p27 is involved in Ncadherinmediated contact inhibition of cell growth and Sphase entry [J]. Oncogene,1999; 18(4)∶869.
  11. 11. Fang F, Orend G, Watanabe N, et al. Dependence of cyclin ECDK2 kinase activity on cell anchorage [J]. Science,1996; 271(5248)∶499.