• 昆明醫(yī)學(xué)院第二附屬醫(yī)院肝膽胰一病區(qū)(昆明650101);

目的介紹轉(zhuǎn)化生長(zhǎng)因子β(TGFβ)及其與移植排斥的關(guān)系。方法復(fù)習(xí)近年相關(guān)文獻(xiàn)并加以綜述。結(jié)果TGFβ的免疫抑制作用可對(duì)抗移植器官在移植術(shù)早期遭受的排斥損傷; 同時(shí)TGFβ能促進(jìn)成纖維細(xì)胞分化,增加膠原生成,抑制膠原酶活性而降低膠原的分解,促進(jìn)基質(zhì)沉淀,引起移植器官纖維化及動(dòng)脈粥樣硬化,TGFβ的基因多態(tài)性與此密切相關(guān)。此外,缺血再灌注損傷、免疫抑制劑亦對(duì)TGFβ的合成產(chǎn)生影響。結(jié)論TGFβ是一種具有多向性和多種功能的細(xì)胞因子,與急、慢性排斥反應(yīng)的發(fā)展有關(guān)。

引用本文: 姜楠,綜述,李立,審校. 轉(zhuǎn)化生長(zhǎng)因子β在移植排斥中的作用. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2003, 10(2): 179-181. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Wallick SC,Figari IS,Morris RE,et al.Immunoregulatory role of transforming growth factor beta(TGFbeta)in development of killer cells: comparison of active and latent TGFbeta 1[J]. J Exp Med, 1990; 172(6)∶1777.
2. Waltenberger J,Wanders A,Fellstrom B,et al.Induction of transforming growth factorbeta during cardiac allgraft rejection[J]. J Immunol,1993; 151(2)∶1147.
3. Qin L,Chavin KD,Ding Y,et al.Gene transfer for transplantation. Prolongation of allograft survival with transforming growth factorbeta 1 [J]. Ann Surg,1994; 220(4)∶508.
4. Isaka Y,Fujiwara Y,Ueda N,et al.Glomerulosclerosis induced by in vivo transfection of transforming growth factorbeta or plateletderived growth factor gene into the rat kidney [J]. J Clin Invest, 1993; 92(6)∶2597.
5. Yamamoto T,Noble NA,Miller DE,et al.Sustained expression of TGFbeta 1 underlies development of progressive kidney fibrosis[J]. Kidney Int,1994; 45(3)∶916.
6. Sharma VK,Bologa RM, Xu GP,et al.Intragraft TGFbeta1 mRNA: a correlate of interstitial fibrosis and chronic allograft nephropathy[J]. Kidney Int,1996; 49(5)∶1297.
7. Sankaran D, Asderakis A, Asharaf S, et al. Cytokine gene polymorphisms predict acute graft rejection following renal transplantation[J]. Kidney Int, 1999; 56(1)∶281.
8. ElGamel A,Sim E,Hasleton P,et al.Transforming growth factor beta(TGFbeta) and obliterative bronchiolitis following pulmnary transplantation[J]. J Heart Lung transplant,1999; 18(9)∶828.
9. Charpin JM,Valcke J,Kettaneh L,et al.Peaks of transforming growth factorbeta mRNA in alveoral cells of lung transplant recipients as an early marker of chronic rejection[J]. Transplantation,1998; 65(5)∶752.
10. ElGamel A,Awad M,Sim E,et al.Transforming growth factorbeta1 and lung allograft fibrosis[J]. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg,1998; 13(4)∶424.
11. Awad MR,ElGamel A,Hasleton P,et al. Genotypic variation in the transforming growth factorbeta1 gene: association with transforming growth factorbeta1 production, fibrotic lung disease, and graft fibrosis after lung transplantation [J]. Transplantation,1998; 66(8)∶101.
12. ElGamel A,Awad MR,Hasleton PS,et al.Transforming growth factorbeta (TGFbeta) genotype and lung allograft fibrosis[J]. J Heart Lung Transplant, 1999; 18(6)∶517.
13. De GrootKruseman HA,Baan CC,Mol WM,et al.Up regulated transforming growth factorbeta 1 mRNA expression in endomyocardial biopsies during the development of graft vascular disease after clinical heart transplantation[J]. Transplant Proc,1999; 31(7)∶2724.
14. Aziz T,Hasleton P,Hann AW,et al.Transforming growth factor beta in relation to cardiac allograft vasculopathy after heart transplantation[J]. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,2000; 119(4 pt 1)∶700.
15. Densem CG,Hutchinson IV,Cooper A,et al.Polymorphism of the transforming growth factorbeta1 gene correlates with the development of coronary vasculopathy following cardiac transplantation[J]. J Heart Lung Transplant,2000; 19(6)∶551.
16. Demirci G,Nashan B,Pichlmayr R.Fibrosis in chronic rejection of human liver allografts:expression patterns of transforming growth factor TGFbeta1 and TGFbeta3[J]. Transplantation,1996; 62(12)∶1776.
17. Hadley GA,Rostapshova EA,Gomolka DM,et al.Regulation of the epithelial cellspecific integin,CD103,by human CD8+ cytolytic T lymphocytes[J]. Transplantation,1999; 67(11)∶1418.
18. Robertson H, Wong WK,Talbot D,et al.Tubulitis after renal transplantation:demonstration of an association between CD103+ T cells,transforming growth factor beta1 expression and rejection grade[J]. Transplantation,2001; 71(2)∶306.
19. Basile DP,Rovak JM,Martin DR,et al.Increased transforming growth factorbeta1 expression in regenerating rat renal tubules following ischemia injury[J]. Am J Physiol,1996; 270(3 Pt 2)∶F500.
20. Mohamed MA,Robertson H,Booth TA,et al.TGFbeta expression in renal transplant biopsies:a comparative study between cyclosporinA and tacrolimus[J]. Transplantation,2000; 69(5)∶1002.
21. Hutchinson IV.The role of transforming growth factorbeta in transplant rejection[J]. Transplant Proc,1999; 31(7A)∶9S.
22. Khanna A,Cairns V,Hosenpud JD.Tacrolimus induces increased expression of transforming growth factorbeta1 in mammalian lymphoid as well as nonlymploid cells[J]. Transplantation,1999; 67(4)∶614.
23. Hughes JR,Hughes VF,Trull AK,et al.Blood levels of TGFbeta1 in liver transplant recipients receiving either tacrolimus of microemulsified cyclosporine[J]. Transplantation,1999; 68(4)∶583.
  1. 1. Wallick SC,Figari IS,Morris RE,et al.Immunoregulatory role of transforming growth factor beta(TGFbeta)in development of killer cells: comparison of active and latent TGFbeta 1[J]. J Exp Med, 1990; 172(6)∶1777.
  2. 2. Waltenberger J,Wanders A,Fellstrom B,et al.Induction of transforming growth factorbeta during cardiac allgraft rejection[J]. J Immunol,1993; 151(2)∶1147.
  3. 3. Qin L,Chavin KD,Ding Y,et al.Gene transfer for transplantation. Prolongation of allograft survival with transforming growth factorbeta 1 [J]. Ann Surg,1994; 220(4)∶508.
  4. 4. Isaka Y,Fujiwara Y,Ueda N,et al.Glomerulosclerosis induced by in vivo transfection of transforming growth factorbeta or plateletderived growth factor gene into the rat kidney [J]. J Clin Invest, 1993; 92(6)∶2597.
  5. 5. Yamamoto T,Noble NA,Miller DE,et al.Sustained expression of TGFbeta 1 underlies development of progressive kidney fibrosis[J]. Kidney Int,1994; 45(3)∶916.
  6. 6. Sharma VK,Bologa RM, Xu GP,et al.Intragraft TGFbeta1 mRNA: a correlate of interstitial fibrosis and chronic allograft nephropathy[J]. Kidney Int,1996; 49(5)∶1297.
  7. 7. Sankaran D, Asderakis A, Asharaf S, et al. Cytokine gene polymorphisms predict acute graft rejection following renal transplantation[J]. Kidney Int, 1999; 56(1)∶281.
  8. 8. ElGamel A,Sim E,Hasleton P,et al.Transforming growth factor beta(TGFbeta) and obliterative bronchiolitis following pulmnary transplantation[J]. J Heart Lung transplant,1999; 18(9)∶828.
  9. 9. Charpin JM,Valcke J,Kettaneh L,et al.Peaks of transforming growth factorbeta mRNA in alveoral cells of lung transplant recipients as an early marker of chronic rejection[J]. Transplantation,1998; 65(5)∶752.
  10. 10. ElGamel A,Awad M,Sim E,et al.Transforming growth factorbeta1 and lung allograft fibrosis[J]. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg,1998; 13(4)∶424.
  11. 11. Awad MR,ElGamel A,Hasleton P,et al. Genotypic variation in the transforming growth factorbeta1 gene: association with transforming growth factorbeta1 production, fibrotic lung disease, and graft fibrosis after lung transplantation [J]. Transplantation,1998; 66(8)∶101.
  12. 12. ElGamel A,Awad MR,Hasleton PS,et al.Transforming growth factorbeta (TGFbeta) genotype and lung allograft fibrosis[J]. J Heart Lung Transplant, 1999; 18(6)∶517.
  13. 13. De GrootKruseman HA,Baan CC,Mol WM,et al.Up regulated transforming growth factorbeta 1 mRNA expression in endomyocardial biopsies during the development of graft vascular disease after clinical heart transplantation[J]. Transplant Proc,1999; 31(7)∶2724.
  14. 14. Aziz T,Hasleton P,Hann AW,et al.Transforming growth factor beta in relation to cardiac allograft vasculopathy after heart transplantation[J]. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,2000; 119(4 pt 1)∶700.
  15. 15. Densem CG,Hutchinson IV,Cooper A,et al.Polymorphism of the transforming growth factorbeta1 gene correlates with the development of coronary vasculopathy following cardiac transplantation[J]. J Heart Lung Transplant,2000; 19(6)∶551.
  16. 16. Demirci G,Nashan B,Pichlmayr R.Fibrosis in chronic rejection of human liver allografts:expression patterns of transforming growth factor TGFbeta1 and TGFbeta3[J]. Transplantation,1996; 62(12)∶1776.
  17. 17. Hadley GA,Rostapshova EA,Gomolka DM,et al.Regulation of the epithelial cellspecific integin,CD103,by human CD8+ cytolytic T lymphocytes[J]. Transplantation,1999; 67(11)∶1418.
  18. 18. Robertson H, Wong WK,Talbot D,et al.Tubulitis after renal transplantation:demonstration of an association between CD103+ T cells,transforming growth factor beta1 expression and rejection grade[J]. Transplantation,2001; 71(2)∶306.
  19. 19. Basile DP,Rovak JM,Martin DR,et al.Increased transforming growth factorbeta1 expression in regenerating rat renal tubules following ischemia injury[J]. Am J Physiol,1996; 270(3 Pt 2)∶F500.
  20. 20. Mohamed MA,Robertson H,Booth TA,et al.TGFbeta expression in renal transplant biopsies:a comparative study between cyclosporinA and tacrolimus[J]. Transplantation,2000; 69(5)∶1002.
  21. 21. Hutchinson IV.The role of transforming growth factorbeta in transplant rejection[J]. Transplant Proc,1999; 31(7A)∶9S.
  22. 22. Khanna A,Cairns V,Hosenpud JD.Tacrolimus induces increased expression of transforming growth factorbeta1 in mammalian lymphoid as well as nonlymploid cells[J]. Transplantation,1999; 67(4)∶614.
  23. 23. Hughes JR,Hughes VF,Trull AK,et al.Blood levels of TGFbeta1 in liver transplant recipients receiving either tacrolimus of microemulsified cyclosporine[J]. Transplantation,1999; 68(4)∶583.