• 1.成都軍區(qū)成都總醫(yī)院全軍普通外科中心(成都610083);;
  • 2.四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院普外科(成都610041);;
  • 3.南京軍區(qū)南京總醫(yī)院普通外科(南京210002);

目的探討肝細(xì)胞生長(zhǎng)因子(HGF)對(duì)大鼠移植小腸粘膜結(jié)構(gòu)的保護(hù)作用。方法近交系Wistar (RT1k)大鼠行異位全小腸移植后第2天開(kāi)始給予腸外營(yíng)養(yǎng)至第10天,對(duì)照組(n=10)行常規(guī)TPN支持,HGF組(n=10)行常規(guī)TPN支持的同時(shí)加用人胎肝細(xì)胞生長(zhǎng)因子150 μg/(kg·d),觀察移植腸粘膜結(jié)構(gòu)的形態(tài)學(xué)參數(shù)如絨毛高度、絨毛寬度、隱窩深度、粘膜厚度及絨毛表面積的變化,以及移植腸上皮細(xì)胞超微結(jié)構(gòu)變化及移植腸粘膜蛋白質(zhì)和DNA含量的改變。結(jié)果移植前兩組腸粘膜形態(tài)學(xué)參數(shù)差異無(wú)顯著性意義,行移植及TPN后對(duì)照組各參數(shù)較移植前明顯減小(P<0.05); 而HGF組各參數(shù)與移植前比較變化不明顯(P>0.05),但明顯高于對(duì)照組,分別是絨毛高度為(298.79±22.31) μm vs (176.45±14.62) μm,P=0.001; 絨毛寬度為(107.46±12.34) μm vs (74.20±16.85) μm,P=0.004; 隱窩深度為(104.56±11.17) μm vs (74.45±8.34) μm,P=0.000 5; 粘膜厚度為(409.53±35.83) μm vs (259.38±24.65) μm,P=0.003; 絨毛表面積為(0.101±0.011) mm2 vs (0.041±0.005) mm2,P=0.001。HGF組蛋白質(zhì)含量明顯高于對(duì)照組(P=0.012)而與基準(zhǔn)值接近,分別為(89.65±9.28) mg/g濕重、(53.73±11.45) mg/g濕重和(92.64±10.52) mg/g濕重,DNA含量也顯著高于對(duì)照組〔(0.89±0.09) mg/g濕重vs (0.51±0.06) mg/g濕重,P=0.008〕。HGF組移植腸上皮細(xì)胞超微結(jié)構(gòu)基本保持完好,而對(duì)照組則出現(xiàn)明顯線(xiàn)粒體腫脹,嵴短小紊亂和微絨毛萎縮。結(jié)論肝細(xì)胞生長(zhǎng)因子能較好地保護(hù)大鼠移植小腸粘膜結(jié)構(gòu),維持移植腸上皮細(xì)胞超微結(jié)構(gòu)的完整。

引用本文: 李可洲,伍曉汀,李寧,黎介壽. 肝細(xì)胞生長(zhǎng)因子對(duì)大鼠移植小腸粘膜結(jié)構(gòu)的保護(hù)作用. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2003, 10(3): 236-239. doi: 復(fù)制

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4. Michalopoulos GK, Zarnegar R. Hepatocyte growth factor [J]. Hepatology,1992; 15(1)∶149.
5. Tashiro K, Hagiya M, Nishizawa T, et al. Deduced primary structure of rat hepatocyte growth factor and expression of the mRNA in rat tissues [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,1990; 87(8)∶3200.
6. Di Renzo MF, Narsimhan RP, Olivero M, et al. Expression of the Met/HGF receptor in normal and neoplastic human tissues [J]. Oncogen,1991; 6(11)∶1997.
7. Fukamachi H, Ichinose M, Tsukada S, et al. Hepatocyte growth factor region specifically stimulates gastrointestinal epithelial growth in primary culture [J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 1994; 205(2)∶1445.
8. Dignass AU, LynchDevaney K, Podolsky DK. Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor modulates intestinal epithelial cell proliferation and migration [J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 1994; 202(2)∶701.
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12. 伍曉汀, 黎介壽, 李寧, 等. TPN加n3脂肪酸,1,6二磷酸果糖及谷氨酰胺對(duì)小腸移植大鼠的作用 [J]. 腸外與腸內(nèi)營(yíng)養(yǎng)雜志, 1999; 6(2)∶92.
13. Sonnenberg E, Meyer D, Weidner KM, et al. Scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor and its receptor,the cmet tyrosine kinase,can mediate a signal exchange between mesenchyme and epithelia during mouse development [J]. J Cell Bio, 1993; 123(1)∶223.
14. Amano O, Matsumoto K, Nakamura T, et al. Expression and localization of hepatocyte growth factor in rat submandibular grand [J]. Growth Factor, 1994; 10(2)∶145.
15. Kato Y, Yu D, Schwartz MZ. Hepatocyte growth factor upregulates SGLT1 and SGUT5 gene expression after massive small bowel resection [J]. J Pediatr Surg, 1998; 33(1)∶13.
  1. 1. Kato Y, Yu D, Schwartz MZ. Enhancement of intestinal adaptation by hepatocyte growth factor [J]. J Pediatr Surg,1998; 33(2)∶235.
  2. 2. Soin AS, Friend PJ. A modification to improve technical success rate of small bowel transplantation in rats [J]. Transplant Proc, 1996; 28(5)∶2722.
  3. 3. 李可洲, 鮑揚(yáng),李寧, 等. 肝細(xì)胞生長(zhǎng)因子對(duì)TPN大鼠小腸粘膜的保護(hù)作用 [J]. 腸外與腸內(nèi)營(yíng)養(yǎng)雜志, 1999; 6(2)∶102.
  4. 4. Michalopoulos GK, Zarnegar R. Hepatocyte growth factor [J]. Hepatology,1992; 15(1)∶149.
  5. 5. Tashiro K, Hagiya M, Nishizawa T, et al. Deduced primary structure of rat hepatocyte growth factor and expression of the mRNA in rat tissues [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA,1990; 87(8)∶3200.
  6. 6. Di Renzo MF, Narsimhan RP, Olivero M, et al. Expression of the Met/HGF receptor in normal and neoplastic human tissues [J]. Oncogen,1991; 6(11)∶1997.
  7. 7. Fukamachi H, Ichinose M, Tsukada S, et al. Hepatocyte growth factor region specifically stimulates gastrointestinal epithelial growth in primary culture [J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 1994; 205(2)∶1445.
  8. 8. Dignass AU, LynchDevaney K, Podolsky DK. Hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor modulates intestinal epithelial cell proliferation and migration [J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 1994; 202(2)∶701.
  9. 9. Kato Y, Yu D, Lukish JR, et al. Influence of luminal hepatocyte growth factor on small intestine mucosa in vivo [J]. J Surg Res,1997; 71(1)∶49.
  10. 10. Kato Y, Yu D, Lukish JR, et al. Hepatocyte growth factor enhances intestinal mucosal cell function and mass in vivo [J]. J Pediatr Surg, 1997; 32(7)∶991.
  11. 11. 黎介壽主編. 臨床腸外及腸內(nèi)營(yíng)養(yǎng)支持 [M]. 第1版. 北京: 人民軍醫(yī)出版社,1993∶47~52.
  12. 12. 伍曉汀, 黎介壽, 李寧, 等. TPN加n3脂肪酸,1,6二磷酸果糖及谷氨酰胺對(duì)小腸移植大鼠的作用 [J]. 腸外與腸內(nèi)營(yíng)養(yǎng)雜志, 1999; 6(2)∶92.
  13. 13. Sonnenberg E, Meyer D, Weidner KM, et al. Scatter factor/hepatocyte growth factor and its receptor,the cmet tyrosine kinase,can mediate a signal exchange between mesenchyme and epithelia during mouse development [J]. J Cell Bio, 1993; 123(1)∶223.
  14. 14. Amano O, Matsumoto K, Nakamura T, et al. Expression and localization of hepatocyte growth factor in rat submandibular grand [J]. Growth Factor, 1994; 10(2)∶145.
  15. 15. Kato Y, Yu D, Schwartz MZ. Hepatocyte growth factor upregulates SGLT1 and SGUT5 gene expression after massive small bowel resection [J]. J Pediatr Surg, 1998; 33(1)∶13.