• 四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院普外科(成都610041);

目的探討乙肝病毒(HBV)復(fù)制活躍者肝移植時(shí)保留下腔靜脈與否與術(shù)后HBV再感染的關(guān)系。方法采用免疫組化SLAB法及HBV DNA原位雜交法檢測(cè)15例肝移植時(shí)切除的病肝下腔靜脈的HBV標(biāo)志物,對(duì)20例不保留腔靜脈的肝移植受體(經(jīng)典組)與7例HBV復(fù)制活躍并保留腔靜脈的肝移植受體(背馱組)肝移植術(shù)后HBV再感染率及術(shù)后生存率進(jìn)行比較。結(jié)果經(jīng)典組10例(50.0%)及背馱組5例(71.4%)肝移植時(shí)切除的病肝下腔靜脈壁的HBV標(biāo)志物HBsAg、HBcAg及HBV DNA均呈陰性。經(jīng)典組術(shù)后隨訪6~30個(gè)月,平均16個(gè)月,HBV再感染1例,再感染率5.0%(1/20),再感染時(shí)間在術(shù)后22個(gè)月; 背馱組術(shù)后隨訪5~12個(gè)月,平均8個(gè)月,無(wú)一例發(fā)生HBV再感染,再感染率為0(0/7)。結(jié)論本研究結(jié)果提示,HBV復(fù)制活躍者其肝后下腔靜脈組織中無(wú)HBV存留及復(fù)制。因此,保留肝后下腔靜脈的背馱式肝移植術(shù)式不會(huì)增加肝移植術(shù)后移植物受體HBV再感染或乙肝復(fù)發(fā)。

引用本文: 王曉波,盧實(shí)春,嚴(yán)律南,李波,文天夫,林琦遠(yuǎn),曾勇,趙紀(jì)春,賴威,劉雋. 保留與不保留肝后腔靜脈肝移植與術(shù)后乙肝復(fù)發(fā)的關(guān)系研究. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2003, 10(4): 340-342. doi: 復(fù)制

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3. 盧實(shí)春,嚴(yán)律南,李波,等. 拉未夫定預(yù)防乙肝相關(guān)性肝硬化肝移植術(shù)后乙肝再感染的臨床對(duì)照研究 [J]. 世界華人消化雜志, 2003; 11(2)∶185.
4. 盧實(shí)春,嚴(yán)律南,李波,等. HBV復(fù)制活躍肝移植受體在拉咪呋啶預(yù)防下HBV標(biāo)志物動(dòng)態(tài)變化的研究 [J]. 肝臟, 2002; 7(2)∶76.
5. BenAri Z, Shmuel D, Mor E, et al. Beneficial effect of lamivudine in recurrent hepatitis B after liver transplantation [J]. Transplantation, 1997; 63(3)∶393.
6. Petit MA, BuffelloLe Guillou D, Roche B, et al. Residual hepatitis B virus particles in liver transplant recipients receiving lamivudine: PCR quantitation of HBV DNA and ELISA of preS1 antigen [J]. J Med Virol, 2001; 65(3)∶493.
  1. 1. Samuel D, Bismuth A, Mathieu D, et al. Passive immunoprophylaxis after liver transplantation in HBsAgpositive patients [J]. Lancet, 1991; 337(8745)∶813.
  2. 2. Dejean A, Lugassy C, Zafrani S, et al. Detection of hepatitis B virus DNA in pancreas, kidney and skin of two human carriers of virus [J]. J Gen Virol, 1984; 65(Pt 3)∶651.
  3. 3. 盧實(shí)春,嚴(yán)律南,李波,等. 拉未夫定預(yù)防乙肝相關(guān)性肝硬化肝移植術(shù)后乙肝再感染的臨床對(duì)照研究 [J]. 世界華人消化雜志, 2003; 11(2)∶185.
  4. 4. 盧實(shí)春,嚴(yán)律南,李波,等. HBV復(fù)制活躍肝移植受體在拉咪呋啶預(yù)防下HBV標(biāo)志物動(dòng)態(tài)變化的研究 [J]. 肝臟, 2002; 7(2)∶76.
  5. 5. BenAri Z, Shmuel D, Mor E, et al. Beneficial effect of lamivudine in recurrent hepatitis B after liver transplantation [J]. Transplantation, 1997; 63(3)∶393.
  6. 6. Petit MA, BuffelloLe Guillou D, Roche B, et al. Residual hepatitis B virus particles in liver transplant recipients receiving lamivudine: PCR quantitation of HBV DNA and ELISA of preS1 antigen [J]. J Med Virol, 2001; 65(3)∶493.