曹紅 1 , 陳東風 2 , 鄭偉 2
  • 1.第三軍醫(yī)大學大坪醫(yī)院野戰(zhàn)外科研究所肝膽外科(重慶400042);;
  • 2.第三軍醫(yī)大學大坪醫(yī)院野戰(zhàn)外科研究所消化內科;

目的 探討粘蛋白(MUC1,MUC3)在結石性膽囊炎和膽囊腺瘤樣息肉中的表達規(guī)律。方法采用免疫組化AEC法和蛋白印跡雜交(Western blot)方法對20例正常膽囊標本(對照組),38例結石性膽囊炎(結石組)及18例膽囊腺瘤樣息肉(息肉組)的膽囊粘膜中MUC1、MUC3的表達進行檢測。結果免疫組化檢測與蛋白印跡雜交分析結果均顯示,結石組及息肉組MUC1的表達陽性率明顯高于對照組(P<0.01),而MUC3的表達陽性率則明顯低于對照組(P<0.01); 結石組MUC3的表達陽性率又明顯高于息肉組(P<0.01)。結論MUC1和MUC3在結石性膽囊炎及膽囊腺瘤樣息肉中的表達呈負相關,這可能與結石形成及膽囊癌前病變有關。

引用本文: 曹紅,陳東風,鄭偉. MUC1、MUC3在結石性膽囊炎和膽囊腺瘤樣息肉粘膜組織中的表達及其意義. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2003, 10(4): 379-382. doi: 復制

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5. BiemerHuttmann AE, Walsh MD, McGuckin MA, et al. Immunohistochemical staining patterns of MUC1, MUC2, MUC4 and MUC5 AC mucins in hyperplastic polyps, serrated adenomas, and traditional adenomas of the colorectum [J]. J Histochem Cytochem, 1999; 47(8)∶1039.
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8. HO SB, Shekels LL, Toribara NW, et al. Altered mucin core peptide expression in acute and chronic chelecystitis [J]. Dig Dis Sci, 2000; 45(6)∶1061.
9. Cao Y, Blohm D, Ghadimi BM, et al. Mucins (MUC1 and MUC3) of gastrointestinal and breast epithelia reveal different and heterogeneous tumorassociated aberrations in glycosylation [J]. J Histochem Cytochem, 1997; 45(11)∶1547.
  1. 1. 蔡文琴, 王泊云主編. 實用免疫細胞化學與核酸分子雜交技術[M]. 成都: 四川科學技術出版社, 1994∶496~497.
  2. 2. 金冬雁, 黎孟楓譯. 分子克隆實驗指南[M]. 北京: 科學出版社,1995∶888~905.
  3. 3. Voynow JA, Rose MC. Quantitation of mucin mRNA in respiratory and intestinal epithelial cells [J]. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol, 1994; 11(6)∶742.
  4. 4. Madrid JF, Hernandez F, Ballesta J. Characterization of glycoproteins in the epithelial cells of human and other mammalian gallbladder [J]. Microsc Res Tech, 1997; 38(6)∶616.
  5. 5. BiemerHuttmann AE, Walsh MD, McGuckin MA, et al. Immunohistochemical staining patterns of MUC1, MUC2, MUC4 and MUC5 AC mucins in hyperplastic polyps, serrated adenomas, and traditional adenomas of the colorectum [J]. J Histochem Cytochem, 1999; 47(8)∶1039.
  6. 6. Yonezawa S, Sato E. Expression of mucin antigens in human cancers and its relationship with malignancy potential [J]. Pathol Int, 1997; 47(12)∶813.
  7. 7. Yamato T, Kurumaya H, Ohama K, et al. Frequent expression of mucin core protein MUC1 in nonneoplastic gallbladder mucosa from patients with pancreaticobiliary maljunction [J]. Liver, 1999; 19(4)∶281.
  8. 8. HO SB, Shekels LL, Toribara NW, et al. Altered mucin core peptide expression in acute and chronic chelecystitis [J]. Dig Dis Sci, 2000; 45(6)∶1061.
  9. 9. Cao Y, Blohm D, Ghadimi BM, et al. Mucins (MUC1 and MUC3) of gastrointestinal and breast epithelia reveal different and heterogeneous tumorassociated aberrations in glycosylation [J]. J Histochem Cytochem, 1997; 45(11)∶1547.