• 第三軍醫(yī)大學(xué)附屬西南醫(yī)院病理研究所(重慶400038);

目的 探討腫瘤相關(guān)抗原表達對膽囊癌早期診斷及其預(yù)后判斷的價值。方法采用免疫組化染色對10例慢性膽囊炎、10例膽囊腺瘤及50例膽囊癌組織的癌胚抗原(CEA)、癌相關(guān)粘液抗原(CA50)、鈣粘附蛋白E(ECD)及增殖細胞核抗原(PCNA)的表達進行檢測。 結(jié)果膽囊癌組織中CEA及CA50表達陽性率顯著高于腺瘤組和膽囊炎組(P<0.05),而ECD表達陽性率明顯降低,且伴有轉(zhuǎn)移的膽囊癌ECD表達更低。膽囊癌的PCNA標記指數(shù)顯著高于膽囊炎組和腺瘤組(P<0.01)。CEA及PCNA過度表達者3年生存率顯著降低(P<0.01),ECD過度表達者3年生存率較陰性者明顯增高(P<0.05)。結(jié)論 CEA、CA50以及PCNA檢測可能有助于膽囊腺瘤惡變和膽囊癌的早期診斷,且CEA、PCNA和ECD檢測可作為膽囊癌預(yù)后判斷的參考指標。

引用本文: 閻曉初,嚴粉琴,柳鳳軒,劉麗梅. 4種腫瘤相關(guān)抗原在膽囊癌組織中的表達及其意義. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2002, 9(2): 80-82. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Hidalgo GLA, Badia PJM, Heredia BA, et al. Natural history of gallbladder carcinoma: clinical and pathologic factors \[J\]. Rev Esp Enferm Dig, 1997; 89(3)∶186.
2. Roa I, Araya JC, Villaseca M, et al. Gallbladder cancer in a high risk area: morphological features and spread patterns \[J\]. Hepatogastroenterology, 1999; 46(27)∶1540.
3. Albores SJ, Henson DE, Sobin LH. The WHO histological classification of tumors of the gallbadder and extrahepatic bile ducts \[J\]. Cancer, 1992; 70(2)∶410.
4. 惠延平,黃高升,王文亮.ras、cerb B2癌基因蛋白在胃癌及其癌旁組織的表達及分布特征 \[J\]. 診斷病理學(xué)雜志,2001; 8(3)∶163.
5. Tanno S, Obara T, Fujii T, et al. Proliferative potential and Kras mutation in epithelial hyperplasia of the gallbladder in patients with anomalous pancreaticobiliary ductal union \[J\]. Cancer, 1998; 83(2)∶267.
6. Stefanovic D, Novakovic R, Perisic SM, et al. The evaluation of tumor markers levels in determination of surgical procedure in patients with gallbladder carcinoma \[J\]. Med Pregl, 1993; 46(Suppl 1)∶58.
7. Kawa S, Tokoo M, Hasebe O, et al. Comparative study of CA50 and CA242 for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer \[J\]. Br J Cancer,1994; 70(3)∶481.
8. Sasatomi E, Tokunaga O, Miyazaki K, et al. Spontaneous apoptosis in gallbladder carcinoma. Relationships with clinicopathologic factors, expression of Ecadherin, bcl2 protooncogene, and p53 on cosuppressor gene \[J\]. Cancer, 1996; 78(10)∶2101.
9. 許元鴻,郭仁富,郭克建,等. 增殖細胞核抗原(PCNA)在原發(fā)性膽囊癌中的表達及其預(yù)后意義 \[J\]. 中華消化雜志,1998; 18(1)∶10.
  1. 1. Hidalgo GLA, Badia PJM, Heredia BA, et al. Natural history of gallbladder carcinoma: clinical and pathologic factors \[J\]. Rev Esp Enferm Dig, 1997; 89(3)∶186.
  2. 2. Roa I, Araya JC, Villaseca M, et al. Gallbladder cancer in a high risk area: morphological features and spread patterns \[J\]. Hepatogastroenterology, 1999; 46(27)∶1540.
  3. 3. Albores SJ, Henson DE, Sobin LH. The WHO histological classification of tumors of the gallbadder and extrahepatic bile ducts \[J\]. Cancer, 1992; 70(2)∶410.
  4. 4. 惠延平,黃高升,王文亮.ras、cerb B2癌基因蛋白在胃癌及其癌旁組織的表達及分布特征 \[J\]. 診斷病理學(xué)雜志,2001; 8(3)∶163.
  5. 5. Tanno S, Obara T, Fujii T, et al. Proliferative potential and Kras mutation in epithelial hyperplasia of the gallbladder in patients with anomalous pancreaticobiliary ductal union \[J\]. Cancer, 1998; 83(2)∶267.
  6. 6. Stefanovic D, Novakovic R, Perisic SM, et al. The evaluation of tumor markers levels in determination of surgical procedure in patients with gallbladder carcinoma \[J\]. Med Pregl, 1993; 46(Suppl 1)∶58.
  7. 7. Kawa S, Tokoo M, Hasebe O, et al. Comparative study of CA50 and CA242 for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer \[J\]. Br J Cancer,1994; 70(3)∶481.
  8. 8. Sasatomi E, Tokunaga O, Miyazaki K, et al. Spontaneous apoptosis in gallbladder carcinoma. Relationships with clinicopathologic factors, expression of Ecadherin, bcl2 protooncogene, and p53 on cosuppressor gene \[J\]. Cancer, 1996; 78(10)∶2101.
  9. 9. 許元鴻,郭仁富,郭克建,等. 增殖細胞核抗原(PCNA)在原發(fā)性膽囊癌中的表達及其預(yù)后意義 \[J\]. 中華消化雜志,1998; 18(1)∶10.