• 成都市第一人民醫(yī)院肝膽外科(成都610016);

目的探討胰管引流與非引流在預(yù)防胰十二指腸切除術(shù)后胰瘺發(fā)生的作用。方法我們回顧性地分析了76例胰十二指腸切除病例,手術(shù)范圍包括遠(yuǎn)端半胃、膽總管、胰頭、十二指腸整塊切除; 消化道重建采用胰空腸端側(cè)吻合或胰管空腸粘膜端側(cè)吻合,76例中45例胰管內(nèi)安置外引流,31例未安置胰管引流。結(jié)果胰管外引流45例中,1例(2.2%)發(fā)生胰瘺; 而31例未安置胰管外引流病例中7例(22.6%)發(fā)生胰瘺,胰管外引流組術(shù)后胰瘺發(fā)生率明顯低于胰管非引流組(P<0.05)。結(jié)論胰十二指腸切除胰腸吻合時胰管內(nèi)安置外引流能降低術(shù)后胰瘺的發(fā)生率,值得臨床應(yīng)用。

引用本文: 孫汴生,楊漢新,王勇強,馬忠明,宋念. 胰管引流與非引流在預(yù)防胰十二指腸切除術(shù)后胰瘺發(fā)生的作用觀察. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2002, 9(2): 118-120. doi: 復(fù)制

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  1. 1. Ohwada S,Ogawat T,Kawate S,et al. Results of ducttomucosa pancreaticojejunostomy for pancreaticoduodenectomy Billroth I type reconstruction in 100 consecutive patients [J].J Am Coll Surg,2001; 193(1)∶29.
  2. 2. Okamato A,Tsuruta K. Fistulation method: simple and safe pancreaticojejunostomy after pancreaticoduodenectomy [J].Surgery,2000; 127(4)∶433.
  3. 3. Yeo CJ,Cameron JL,Sohn TA,et al. Six hundred fifty consecutive pancreaticoduodenectomies in the 1990s [J].Ann Surg,1997; 226(3)∶248.
  4. 4. Roder SD,Stein HJ,Bottcher KA,et al. Stented versus nonstented pancreaticojejunostomy after pancreatoduodenectomy [J].Ann Surg,1999; 229(1)∶41.
  5. 5. Marcus SG,Cohen H,Ranson JHC. Optimal management of the pancreatic remnant after pancreaticoduodenectomy [J].Ann Surg,1995; 221(6)∶635.
  6. 6. Fernandezdel Castillo C,Rattner DW,Warshaw AL. Standards for pancreatic resection in the 1990s [J].Arch Surg,1995; 130(3)∶295.
  7. 7. Miyagawa S,Makuuchi M,Kawasaki S,et al. Secondstage pancreatojejunostomy following pancreatoduodenectomy in highrisk patients [J].Am J Surg,1994; 168(1)∶66.