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引用本文: 陳琳,綜述 楊金巧,審校. 雌激素受體β與乳腺癌. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2002, 9(5): 358-360. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Kuiper GG, Enmark E, PeltoHuikko M, et al. Cloning of a novel receptor expressed in rat prostate and ovary [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1996; 93(12)∶5925.
2. Mosselman S, Polman J, Dijkema R. ER beta: identification and characterization of a novel human estrogen receptor [J]. FEBS Lett,1996; 392(1)∶49.
3. Tremblay GB, Tremblay A, Copeland NG, et al. Cloning, chromosomal localization, and functional analysis of the murine estrogen receptor beta [J]. Mol Endocrinol, 1997; 11(3)∶353.
4. Enmark E, PeltoHuikko M, Grandien K, et al. Human estrogen receptor betagene structure, chromosomal localization, and expression pattern [J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab,1997; 82(12)∶4258.
5. Gustafsson JA. Estrogen receptor betaa new dimension in estrogen mechanism of action [J]. J Endocrinol,1999; 163(3)∶379.
6. Kuiper GG, Carlsson B, Grandien K, et al. Comparision of the ligand binding specificity and transcript tissue distribution of estrogen receptor alpha and beta [J]. Endocrinology,1997; 138(3)∶863.
7. Cowley SM, Hoare S, Mosselman S, et al.Estrogen receptors alpha and beta form heterodimers on DNA [J]. J Biol Chem,1997; 272(32)∶19858.
8. Pace P, Taylor J, Suntharalingam S, et al. Human estrogen receptor beta binds DNA in a manner similar to and dimerizes with estrogen receptor alpha [J].J Biol Chem,1997; 272(41)∶25832.
9. Gaub MP,Bellard M, Scheuer I,et al. Activation of the ovalbumin gene by the estrogen receptor involves the fosjun complex [J].Cell 1990; 63(6)∶1267.
10. Paech K, Webb P, Kuiper GG,et al. Differential ligand activation of estrogen receptors ERalpha and ER beta at AP1 sites [J]. Science, 1997; 277(5331)∶1508.
11. Hall JM, McDonnell DP. The estrogen receptor betaisoform (ER beta) of the human estrogen receptor modulates ER alpha transcriptional activity and is a key regulator of the cellular response to estrogens and antiestrogens [J].Endocrinology, 1999; 140(12)∶5566.
12. Dotzlaw H, Leygue E, Watson PH, et al. Expression of estrogen receptorbeta in human breast tumors [J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 1997; 82(7)∶2371.
13. Leygue E, Dotzlaw H, Wastson PH, et al. Altered estrogen receptorα and β messenger RNA expression during human breast tumorigenesis [J]. Cancer Res, 1998; 58(15)∶3197.
14. Speirs V, Parkes AT, Kerin MJ, et al. Coexpression of estrogen receptor α and β: poor prognostic factors in human breast cancer? [J]. Cancer Res, 1999; 59(3)∶525.
15. Dotzlaw H, Leygue E, Wastson PH,et al. Estrogen receptorβ messenger RNA expression in human breast tumor biopsies: relationship to steroid receptor status and regulation by progestins [J].Cancer Res, 1999; 59(3)∶529.
16. Speirs V, Malone C, Walton DS, et al. Increased expression of estrogen receptor beta mRNA in tamoxifenresistant breast cancer patients [J]. Cancer Res, 1999; 59(21)∶5421.
17. Fuqua SA, Fitzgerald SD, Allred DC,et al. Inhibition of estrogen receptor action by a naturally occuring variant in human breast tumors [J]. Cancer Res,1992; 52(2)∶483.
18. Vladusic EA, Hornby AE, GuerraVladusic FK, et al. Expression of estrogen receptor beta messenger RNA variant in breast cancer [J]. Cancer Res, 1998; 58(2)∶210.
19. Pfeffer U, Fecarotta E, Castagnetta L,et al. Estrogen receptor messenger RNA lacking exon 4 in estrogenresponsive human breast cancer cell lines [J]. Cancer Res, 1993; 53(4)∶741.
20. Moore JT, McKee DD, SlentzKesler K,et al. Cloning and characterization of human estrogen receptor beta isoforms [J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun,1998; 247(1)∶75.
21. Leygue E, Dotzlaw H, Watson PH,et al. Expression of estrogen receptor beta1, beta2 and beta5 messenger RNAs in human breast tissue [J]. Cancer Res, 1999; 59(6)∶1175.
22. Fuqua SA, Schiff R, Parra I,et al. Expression of wildtype estrogen receptor beta and variant isoforms in human breast cancer [J]. Cancer Res,1999; 59(21)∶5425.
  1. 1. Kuiper GG, Enmark E, PeltoHuikko M, et al. Cloning of a novel receptor expressed in rat prostate and ovary [J]. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1996; 93(12)∶5925.
  2. 2. Mosselman S, Polman J, Dijkema R. ER beta: identification and characterization of a novel human estrogen receptor [J]. FEBS Lett,1996; 392(1)∶49.
  3. 3. Tremblay GB, Tremblay A, Copeland NG, et al. Cloning, chromosomal localization, and functional analysis of the murine estrogen receptor beta [J]. Mol Endocrinol, 1997; 11(3)∶353.
  4. 4. Enmark E, PeltoHuikko M, Grandien K, et al. Human estrogen receptor betagene structure, chromosomal localization, and expression pattern [J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab,1997; 82(12)∶4258.
  5. 5. Gustafsson JA. Estrogen receptor betaa new dimension in estrogen mechanism of action [J]. J Endocrinol,1999; 163(3)∶379.
  6. 6. Kuiper GG, Carlsson B, Grandien K, et al. Comparision of the ligand binding specificity and transcript tissue distribution of estrogen receptor alpha and beta [J]. Endocrinology,1997; 138(3)∶863.
  7. 7. Cowley SM, Hoare S, Mosselman S, et al.Estrogen receptors alpha and beta form heterodimers on DNA [J]. J Biol Chem,1997; 272(32)∶19858.
  8. 8. Pace P, Taylor J, Suntharalingam S, et al. Human estrogen receptor beta binds DNA in a manner similar to and dimerizes with estrogen receptor alpha [J].J Biol Chem,1997; 272(41)∶25832.
  9. 9. Gaub MP,Bellard M, Scheuer I,et al. Activation of the ovalbumin gene by the estrogen receptor involves the fosjun complex [J].Cell 1990; 63(6)∶1267.
  10. 10. Paech K, Webb P, Kuiper GG,et al. Differential ligand activation of estrogen receptors ERalpha and ER beta at AP1 sites [J]. Science, 1997; 277(5331)∶1508.
  11. 11. Hall JM, McDonnell DP. The estrogen receptor betaisoform (ER beta) of the human estrogen receptor modulates ER alpha transcriptional activity and is a key regulator of the cellular response to estrogens and antiestrogens [J].Endocrinology, 1999; 140(12)∶5566.
  12. 12. Dotzlaw H, Leygue E, Watson PH, et al. Expression of estrogen receptorbeta in human breast tumors [J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 1997; 82(7)∶2371.
  13. 13. Leygue E, Dotzlaw H, Wastson PH, et al. Altered estrogen receptorα and β messenger RNA expression during human breast tumorigenesis [J]. Cancer Res, 1998; 58(15)∶3197.
  14. 14. Speirs V, Parkes AT, Kerin MJ, et al. Coexpression of estrogen receptor α and β: poor prognostic factors in human breast cancer? [J]. Cancer Res, 1999; 59(3)∶525.
  15. 15. Dotzlaw H, Leygue E, Wastson PH,et al. Estrogen receptorβ messenger RNA expression in human breast tumor biopsies: relationship to steroid receptor status and regulation by progestins [J].Cancer Res, 1999; 59(3)∶529.
  16. 16. Speirs V, Malone C, Walton DS, et al. Increased expression of estrogen receptor beta mRNA in tamoxifenresistant breast cancer patients [J]. Cancer Res, 1999; 59(21)∶5421.
  17. 17. Fuqua SA, Fitzgerald SD, Allred DC,et al. Inhibition of estrogen receptor action by a naturally occuring variant in human breast tumors [J]. Cancer Res,1992; 52(2)∶483.
  18. 18. Vladusic EA, Hornby AE, GuerraVladusic FK, et al. Expression of estrogen receptor beta messenger RNA variant in breast cancer [J]. Cancer Res, 1998; 58(2)∶210.
  19. 19. Pfeffer U, Fecarotta E, Castagnetta L,et al. Estrogen receptor messenger RNA lacking exon 4 in estrogenresponsive human breast cancer cell lines [J]. Cancer Res, 1993; 53(4)∶741.
  20. 20. Moore JT, McKee DD, SlentzKesler K,et al. Cloning and characterization of human estrogen receptor beta isoforms [J]. Biochem Biophys Res Commun,1998; 247(1)∶75.
  21. 21. Leygue E, Dotzlaw H, Watson PH,et al. Expression of estrogen receptor beta1, beta2 and beta5 messenger RNAs in human breast tissue [J]. Cancer Res, 1999; 59(6)∶1175.
  22. 22. Fuqua SA, Schiff R, Parra I,et al. Expression of wildtype estrogen receptor beta and variant isoforms in human breast cancer [J]. Cancer Res,1999; 59(21)∶5425.