• 第三軍醫(yī)大學(xué)附屬第一醫(yī)院普通外科(重慶 400038);

目的  觀察乳腺良性疾病不典型增生癌變過程中基底膜的變化。
方法 采用SP免疫組化染色法和兩種特殊染色方法(Foot及PAS染色法),并利用電鏡觀察基底膜的變化。
結(jié)果  Ⅱ級(jí)不典型增生的乳腺組織已有基底膜的變化,Ⅲ級(jí)不典型增生時(shí)基底膜的變化更明顯,主要表現(xiàn)為光鏡下基底膜明顯厚薄不均,電鏡下則可見小的缺失,而乳腺癌組織中基底膜完全缺如。
結(jié)論  在乳腺上皮細(xì)胞癌變過程中基底膜的變化與乳腺上皮細(xì)胞的變化密切相關(guān),是乳腺上皮不典型增生癌變過程的一部分。

引用本文: 韓曉蓉,姜軍,馬宏敏. 乳腺不典型增生癌變過程中基底膜的變化. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2001, 8(2): 75-77. doi: 復(fù)制

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  1. 1. Page DL. Cancer risk assessment in benign breast biopsies [J]. Human Pathol, 1986; 17(2A3)∶871.
  2. 2. 龔志錦,詹钅容洲.病理組織制片和染色技術(shù)[M].上海:上??茖W(xué)技術(shù)出版社,1994:75.
  3. 3. Weaver VM, Fischer AH, Peterson OW, et al. The importance of the microenvironment in breast cancer progression:recapitulation of mammary tumorigenesis using a unique human mammary epithelial cell model and a threedimensional culture assay [J]. Biochem Cell Biol, 1996; 74(6)∶833.
  4. 4. Liotta A. Cancer cell invasion and metastasis [J]. Scientific Am, 1992; 266(2)∶34.
  5. 5. Werb Z, Ashkenas J, MacAuley A. et al. Extracellular matrix remodeling as a regulator of stromalepithelial interactions during mammary gland development, involution and carcinogenesis [J]. Braz J Med Biol Res, 1996; 29(9)∶1087.
  6. 6. Madan AK, Yu K, Dhurandhar N, et al. Association of hyaluronidase and breast adenocarcinoma invasiveness [J]. Oncol Rep 1999; 6(3)∶607.
  7. 7. 姜軍,詹新恩,陳意生等.乳腺上皮不典型增生時(shí)DNA含量、超微結(jié)構(gòu)及腫瘤相關(guān)抗原變化的意義 [J].中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志,1998; 5(4)∶208.
  8. 8. Flug M, Kopf Maier P. The basement membrane and its involvement in carcinoma cell invasion [J]. Acta Anat Bassel, 1995; 152(2)∶69.