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目的  研究大腸癌組織中細(xì)胞粘附分子唾液酸化Lewis X (sialyl-LeX)表達(dá)狀況與腫瘤發(fā)生、分化、轉(zhuǎn)移及預(yù)后的關(guān)系。
方法  應(yīng)用免疫組化微波-LSAB法和計(jì)算機(jī)圖像分析技術(shù),對(duì)90例大腸癌和30例遠(yuǎn)離癌組織的正常大腸粘膜進(jìn)行sialylLeX表達(dá)和反應(yīng)強(qiáng)度定量檢測,并對(duì)其中53例患者進(jìn)行隨訪。
結(jié)果  sialyl-LeX陽性物質(zhì)在遠(yuǎn)離癌組織的正常大腸粘膜中陽性率為16.7%(5/30),僅限于一些深部腺腔緣游離面; 而大腸癌組織中sialyl-LeX陽性表達(dá)率高達(dá)92.2%(83/90),主要分布于腺管頂面細(xì)胞漿,腺腔內(nèi)和癌細(xì)胞胞漿內(nèi)以及粘液湖內(nèi)。圖像分析, sialylLeX 陽性細(xì)胞平均積分光密度值在低分化腺癌中顯著高于高、中分化腺癌和粘液腺癌(P lt;0.01); 有淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移者顯著高于無淋巴結(jié)轉(zhuǎn)移者(P lt;0.01); 5年內(nèi)死亡患者顯著高于生存患者(P lt;0.01)。
結(jié)論  sialyl-LeX表達(dá)陽性率和反應(yīng)強(qiáng)度對(duì)反映大腸癌組織發(fā)生、判斷惡性程度、預(yù)測轉(zhuǎn)移和評(píng)估患者預(yù)后具有重要意義。

引用本文: 尚培中,谷化平,孫印臣. 唾液酸化Lewis X 在大腸癌中的表達(dá)及其意義. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2001, 8(3): 151-153. doi: 復(fù)制

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5. Nakagoe T,Fukushima K,Hirota M,et al.Immunohistochemical expression of sialyl LeX antigen in relation to survival of patients with colorectal carcinoma 〔J〕. Cancer, 1993; 72(8)∶ 2323.
6. Nakagoe T, Fukushima K, Hirota M, et al. An immunohistochemical employer monoclonal antibodies Le(a), sialyl Le(a),Le(x), and sialyl Le(x) antigens in primary colorectal, carcinomas and lymph node and hepatic lesions 〔J〕. J Gastroenterol,1994; 29(2)∶129.
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  1. 1. Miyasaka M. Cancer metastasis and adhesion molecules 〔J〕. Clin Orthop,1995; (312)∶10.
  2. 2. 全國大腸癌病理研究協(xié)作組.全國大腸癌病理研究統(tǒng)一規(guī)范 〔J〕. 中華腫瘤雜志,1986; 8(2)∶156.
  3. 3. Irimura T, Nakamori S, Matsushita Y, et al. Colorectal cancer metastasis determined by carbohydratemediated cell adhesion: role of sialylLeX antigens 〔J〕. Semin Cancer Biol, 1993; 4(5)∶ 319.
  4. 4. Nakamori S, Kameyama M, Imaora S, et al. Involvement of carbohydrateantigen sialyl lewis(X) in colorectal cancer metastasis 〔J〕. Dis Colon Rectum,1997; 40(4)∶420.
  5. 5. Nakagoe T,Fukushima K,Hirota M,et al.Immunohistochemical expression of sialyl LeX antigen in relation to survival of patients with colorectal carcinoma 〔J〕. Cancer, 1993; 72(8)∶ 2323.
  6. 6. Nakagoe T, Fukushima K, Hirota M, et al. An immunohistochemical employer monoclonal antibodies Le(a), sialyl Le(a),Le(x), and sialyl Le(x) antigens in primary colorectal, carcinomas and lymph node and hepatic lesions 〔J〕. J Gastroenterol,1994; 29(2)∶129.
  7. 7. Ono M,Sakamoto M,Ino Y,et al. Cancer cell morphology at the invasive front and expression of cell adhesionrelated carbohydrate in the primary lesion of patients with colorectal carcinoma with liver metastasis 〔J〕. Cancer,1996; 78(6)∶1179.