• 武漢市武鋼第一醫(yī)院外科(武漢 430080);

目的  采用小腸排列術(shù)使無法控制的腸粘連變?yōu)榭煽刂频哪c粘連,以期防止粘連性梗阻的發(fā)生。
方法  采用文獻綜述的方法介紹小腸排列術(shù)先后歷經(jīng)的3個階段,即: ①用縫合小腸似手風(fēng)琴鍵樣排列固定在腹腔內(nèi); ②用直針粗線將小腸系膜做U字形小腸排列縫合; ③用米-阿氏管經(jīng)小腸腔內(nèi)排列。
結(jié)果  較牢地固定了小腸位置,使腸袢成弧形環(huán)狀排列,避免了銳角; 充分地進行了腸腔減壓。隨訪45例(2~15年),證實治愈率為91.9%。
結(jié)論  手術(shù)操作不復(fù)雜,費時短,療效可靠,有效地降低了粘連性腸梗阻的發(fā)生,受到外科醫(yī)師的普遍接受。

引用本文: 胡建敏. 小腸排列術(shù)治療復(fù)發(fā)性粘連性腸梗阻. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2001, 8(3): 208-210. doi: 復(fù)制

1. ScottCoombes DM, Vipond MN, Thompson JN. General surgeons’ attitudes to the treatment and prevention of abdominal adhesions 〔J〕. Ann R Coll Surg Engl,1993; 75(2)∶123.
2. Seabrook DB, Wilson ND. Prevention and treatment of intestinal obstruction by the use of the Noble Procedure 〔J〕. Am J Surg,1954; 88(5)∶186.
3. Lord JW. The surgical management of chronic recurrent intestinal obstruction due to adhesions 〔J〕. Ann Surg,1950; 129(9)∶35.
4. Wilson ND. Complications of the noble procedure 〔J〕. Am J Surg, 1964; 108(11)∶264.
5. Smith TB. Treatment of recurring intestinal obstruction by the plication procedure 〔J〕. Am Surg,1955; 29(8)∶24.
6. Nathewson JM. Plication of small intestine as prophylaxis against abhesions 〔J〕. Am J Surg,1966; 38(7)∶41.
7. 鄭瑞華,楊英起.腸系膜穿線法小腸排列術(shù)治療粘連性腸梗阻 〔J〕.普外臨床,1994; 9(2)∶73.
8. Stone JD. Simplc intestinal plication 〔J〕. SGO,1956; 221(20)∶2340.
9. Path EJ. Cause analysis of postoperation abdominalgia on Noble’s operation 〔J〕. An J Surg, 1960; 105(4)∶421.
10. Ragin H, Poth EJ. Clinical and experimental comparison of the noble and the ChildsPhillips plications of the small bowel 〔J〕. Am J Surg,1966; 111(10)∶555.
11. Childs WA, Phillips ED. Experience with intestinal obstruction and proposed modification 〔J〕. Ann Surg,1960; 152(12)∶258.
12. Holleider LF. Childs and Phillips plication of the small bowel. A few remarks on a series of 100 cases 〔J〕. Current Surg,1978; 35(4)∶338.
13. 童大鶴.腸系膜間斷固定小腸排列術(shù)治療廣泛性腸梗阻 〔J〕.白求恩醫(yī)科大學(xué)學(xué)報,1982; 2(1)∶50.
14. Sclabas G, Heller G, Ludin A. Late results of ChildsPhillips mesenteric plication for therapy and prevention of small intestine ileus 〔J〕. Chirurg, 1997; 68(7)∶693.
15. 陸天方.小腸排列術(shù)治療粘連性腸梗阻27例報告 〔J〕.廣東醫(yī)學(xué),1997; 18(2)∶133.
16. Terguson AJ, Raritch AJ. Transmesenteric plication for small intestinal obstructions 〔J〕. Am J Surg,1975; 110(1)∶595.
17. White RR. Prevention of recurrent small bowel obstruction due to adhesions 〔J〕. Ann Surg,1956; 143(6)∶714.
18. Smith GK. The noble plication procedure 〔J〕. AMA Arch Surg,1955; 70(12)∶801.
19. 廖文斌,黃秉權(quán).小腸折疊排列防治粘連性腸梗阻 〔J〕.實用外科,1986; 6(4)∶217.
20. Baker JW. Stitchless plication for recurring obstruction of the small bowel 〔J〕. Am J Surg,1968; 116(5)∶316.
21. Sanderson ER, Richard WK. Decompression of the small intestine by retrograde intubation 〔J〕. SGO,1971; 132(12)∶1073.
  1. 1. ScottCoombes DM, Vipond MN, Thompson JN. General surgeons’ attitudes to the treatment and prevention of abdominal adhesions 〔J〕. Ann R Coll Surg Engl,1993; 75(2)∶123.
  2. 2. Seabrook DB, Wilson ND. Prevention and treatment of intestinal obstruction by the use of the Noble Procedure 〔J〕. Am J Surg,1954; 88(5)∶186.
  3. 3. Lord JW. The surgical management of chronic recurrent intestinal obstruction due to adhesions 〔J〕. Ann Surg,1950; 129(9)∶35.
  4. 4. Wilson ND. Complications of the noble procedure 〔J〕. Am J Surg, 1964; 108(11)∶264.
  5. 5. Smith TB. Treatment of recurring intestinal obstruction by the plication procedure 〔J〕. Am Surg,1955; 29(8)∶24.
  6. 6. Nathewson JM. Plication of small intestine as prophylaxis against abhesions 〔J〕. Am J Surg,1966; 38(7)∶41.
  7. 7. 鄭瑞華,楊英起.腸系膜穿線法小腸排列術(shù)治療粘連性腸梗阻 〔J〕.普外臨床,1994; 9(2)∶73.
  8. 8. Stone JD. Simplc intestinal plication 〔J〕. SGO,1956; 221(20)∶2340.
  9. 9. Path EJ. Cause analysis of postoperation abdominalgia on Noble’s operation 〔J〕. An J Surg, 1960; 105(4)∶421.
  10. 10. Ragin H, Poth EJ. Clinical and experimental comparison of the noble and the ChildsPhillips plications of the small bowel 〔J〕. Am J Surg,1966; 111(10)∶555.
  11. 11. Childs WA, Phillips ED. Experience with intestinal obstruction and proposed modification 〔J〕. Ann Surg,1960; 152(12)∶258.
  12. 12. Holleider LF. Childs and Phillips plication of the small bowel. A few remarks on a series of 100 cases 〔J〕. Current Surg,1978; 35(4)∶338.
  13. 13. 童大鶴.腸系膜間斷固定小腸排列術(shù)治療廣泛性腸梗阻 〔J〕.白求恩醫(yī)科大學(xué)學(xué)報,1982; 2(1)∶50.
  14. 14. Sclabas G, Heller G, Ludin A. Late results of ChildsPhillips mesenteric plication for therapy and prevention of small intestine ileus 〔J〕. Chirurg, 1997; 68(7)∶693.
  15. 15. 陸天方.小腸排列術(shù)治療粘連性腸梗阻27例報告 〔J〕.廣東醫(yī)學(xué),1997; 18(2)∶133.
  16. 16. Terguson AJ, Raritch AJ. Transmesenteric plication for small intestinal obstructions 〔J〕. Am J Surg,1975; 110(1)∶595.
  17. 17. White RR. Prevention of recurrent small bowel obstruction due to adhesions 〔J〕. Ann Surg,1956; 143(6)∶714.
  18. 18. Smith GK. The noble plication procedure 〔J〕. AMA Arch Surg,1955; 70(12)∶801.
  19. 19. 廖文斌,黃秉權(quán).小腸折疊排列防治粘連性腸梗阻 〔J〕.實用外科,1986; 6(4)∶217.
  20. 20. Baker JW. Stitchless plication for recurring obstruction of the small bowel 〔J〕. Am J Surg,1968; 116(5)∶316.
  21. 21. Sanderson ER, Richard WK. Decompression of the small intestine by retrograde intubation 〔J〕. SGO,1971; 132(12)∶1073.