• 汕頭大學醫(yī)學院第二附屬醫(yī)院器官移植中心(汕頭515041);

目的  探討豬-猴異種血管移植超急性排斥反應(HAR)的機理。
方法  豬股靜脈原位異種移植于恒河猴,發(fā)生HAR后通過免疫組化檢測移植血管IgG、IgM、C3及C4的沉積。
結果  大量IgM、C3和C4沉積于移植靜脈內皮,未發(fā)現(xiàn)IgG沉積于移植血管內皮。
結論  豬-猴異種移植HAR是由異種自然抗體IgM與異抗原特異結合啟動,進而以經(jīng)典途徑激活補體系統(tǒng)而發(fā)生。

引用本文: 文軍,陳耿臻,沈文律. 豬-猴異種血管移植免疫反應初探. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 2001, 8(4): 218-219. doi: 復制

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  1. 1. Cooper DKC, Ye Y, Kosanke S, et al. The pig as potential organ for man 〔M〕. In: Cooper DKC, Ye Y, Kosanke S, et al. Xenotransplantation. Heidelberg: Springer, 1991∶457-459.
  2. 2. Mckenzin IFC, Xing PX, Vaughan HA, et al. Distribution of the major xenoantigen (gal α 1,3gal) for pig to human xenografts 〔J〕. Transplant Immunology, 1994; 2∶81.
  3. 3. Lawson JH, Platt JL. Molecular barriers to xenotransplantation〔J〕. Transplantation, 1996; 62(2)∶303.
  4. 4. Miyagawa S, Hirose H, Shirakura R, et al. The mechanism of discordant xenograft rejection 〔J〕. Transplantation, 1988; 46(3)∶825.
  5. 5. Dalmasso AP, Vercellotti GM, Fishel RJ, et al. Mechanism of complement activation in the hyperacute rejection of porcine organs transplanted into primate recipients 〔J〕. Am Pathology, 1992; 140(6)∶1157.
  6. 6. Zhao Z, Termignon JL, Cardoso J, et al. Hyperacute xenograft rejection in the swinetohuman donorrecipient combination 〔J〕. Transplantation, 1994; 57(2)∶245.