• 華西醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬第一醫(yī)院普外科(成都610041);

目的  了解腫瘤免疫基因治療在提高腫瘤治療效果方面的作用。
方法  采用文獻(xiàn)回顧方法對有關(guān)腫瘤免疫基因治療進展進行綜述。
結(jié)果  腫瘤免疫基因治療的方法主要有: ①細(xì)胞因子基因?qū)胄?yīng)細(xì)胞; ②轉(zhuǎn)基因腫瘤疫苗; ③聯(lián)合基因治療。結(jié)論  免疫基因治療可提高腫瘤治療療效。

引用本文: 權(quán)毅 綜述 嚴(yán)律南,審校. 腫瘤免疫基因治療進展. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2001, 8(4): 282-284. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Malkovska V, Sondel PM, Malkovsky M. Tumor immunotherapy 〔J〕. Curr Opin Immunol, 1989; 1(2)∶883.
2. Rosenberg SA, Michael T, Lotze MT, et al. A progrom report on the treatment of 157 patients with advanced cancer using lymphokineactived killer cells and IL2 alone 〔J〕. N Engl J Med, 1987; 316(5)∶889.
3. Forni G, Cavallo GP, Giovarelli M, et al. Tumor immunotherapy by local injection of IL2 and nonreactive lymphocytes. Experimental and clinical results 〔J〕. Prog Exp Tumor Res, 1988; 32(1)∶187.
4. Rosenberg SA, Power LB, Noonan KE, et al. Gene transfer into human immunotherapy of patient with advanced meianoma using tumor TIL modified by retroviral gene transduction 〔J〕. N Engl J Med, 1990; 323(10)∶570.
5. Anderson C. Gene therapy research under fire over controversial cancer trail 〔J〕.Nature, 1992; 360(6403)∶399.
6. Rosenberg SA, Puyal C, Felgner PL, et al. The immunotherapy and gene therapy of cancer 〔J〕. J Clin Oncol, 1992; 10(2)∶180.
7. Roth SA, Cristiano RJ. Gene therapy for cancer: What have we done and where are we going 〔J〕? J Nat Can Inst, 1997; 89(1)∶21.
8. Guenther G, Connid F, Anna G, et al. Retroviral vectormediated lymphokine gene transfer into human renal cancer cells 〔J〕. Cancer Research, 1992; 52(22)∶6229.
9. Thara H, Sandgren EP, Quaife CJ, et al. Antitumor effects of IL12: application for the immunotherapy and gene therapy of cancer 〔J〕. Ther Gene, 1995; 2(2)∶96.
10. Miller AR, Reters WT, Posner M, et al. Cytokine mediated gene therapy for cancer 〔J〕. Am Surg Oncol, 1994; 1(5)∶436.
11. Sobol RE, Dinman JD, Icho T, et al. IL2 gene therapy in a patient with glioblastoma 〔J〕. Gene Ther, 1995; 2(2)∶164.
12. Hui K, Grosveld F, Festenstein H, et al. Rejective of transplantable AKP leukaemia cells following MHC DNAmediated cell transformation 〔J〕. Nature, 1984; 311(6010)∶750.
13. James RF, Edwards S, Hui RM, et al. The effect of class 2 gene transfection on the tumorigenicity of the H2knegative mouse leukaemia cell line K36.16 〔J〕. Immunology, 1991; 72(2)∶213.
14. Nabel GJ, Nabel EJ, Yang ZY, et al. Direct gene transfer with DNAlipsome complex in melanoma: expression, biologic activity, and lack of toxicity in humans 〔J〕. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1993; 90(6)∶11306.
15. Sanda MG, Restifo NP, Walsh JC, et al. Molecular characterization of defective antigen processing in human prostate cancer 〔J〕. J Natl Cancer Inst, 1995; 87(1)∶280.
16. Schwann RN. Costimulation of T lymphocytes: the role of CD28, CTL4 and B7/BB1 in IL2 production and immunotherapy 〔J〕. Cell, 1992; 71(7)∶1065.
17. Chen L. Manipulation of T cell response to tumor by targeting on costimnlatory pathway 〔J〕. Leukemia, 1997; 11(3)∶567.
18. Geldhof AB, Geert R, Marleen B, et al. Expression of B71 Highly metastatic mouse T lymphomas induces optimol natural killer cellmediated cytotoxicity 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1995; 55(13)∶2730.
19. Fenton RT, Bate SE, Sonnevel T, et al. A phase I trial of B7transfected or parental lethally irradiated allogeneic melanoma cell lines to induce cellmediated immunity against tumorassociated antigen presented by HLA A2 or HLAA1 in patients with stage IV melanoma 〔J〕. Human Gene Therapy, 1995; 6(1)∶87.
20. Patel RL, Andre L, Richard D, et al. Cancer gene therapy annual conference 1997 〔J〕. Human Gene Therapy, 1998; 9(2)∶283.
21. Chen L, Thomas EK, Hus L, et al. Human papilloma virus type 16 nucleoprotien E7 is a tumor rejection antigen 〔J〕. Proc Natl Ad Sci USA, 1991; 88(1)∶110.
22. 王洪平, 吳易元. CD1: 第三類抗原遞呈分子 〔J〕. 國外醫(yī)學(xué)分子生物學(xué)分冊, 1997; 19(2)∶75.
23. DiMaio JM, Clary BM, Via DF, et al . Directed enzyme prodrug gene therapy for pantreatic cancer in vivo 〔J〕. Surgery, 1994; 116(2)∶205.
24. Thomas F, Gajewski R, Jean C,et al. Costimulation with B71, IL6, and IL12 is sufficient for primary generation of murine antitumor cytotoxic T lymphocytes in vivo 〔J〕. J Immunnol, 1995; 154(11)∶5637.
  1. 1. Malkovska V, Sondel PM, Malkovsky M. Tumor immunotherapy 〔J〕. Curr Opin Immunol, 1989; 1(2)∶883.
  2. 2. Rosenberg SA, Michael T, Lotze MT, et al. A progrom report on the treatment of 157 patients with advanced cancer using lymphokineactived killer cells and IL2 alone 〔J〕. N Engl J Med, 1987; 316(5)∶889.
  3. 3. Forni G, Cavallo GP, Giovarelli M, et al. Tumor immunotherapy by local injection of IL2 and nonreactive lymphocytes. Experimental and clinical results 〔J〕. Prog Exp Tumor Res, 1988; 32(1)∶187.
  4. 4. Rosenberg SA, Power LB, Noonan KE, et al. Gene transfer into human immunotherapy of patient with advanced meianoma using tumor TIL modified by retroviral gene transduction 〔J〕. N Engl J Med, 1990; 323(10)∶570.
  5. 5. Anderson C. Gene therapy research under fire over controversial cancer trail 〔J〕.Nature, 1992; 360(6403)∶399.
  6. 6. Rosenberg SA, Puyal C, Felgner PL, et al. The immunotherapy and gene therapy of cancer 〔J〕. J Clin Oncol, 1992; 10(2)∶180.
  7. 7. Roth SA, Cristiano RJ. Gene therapy for cancer: What have we done and where are we going 〔J〕? J Nat Can Inst, 1997; 89(1)∶21.
  8. 8. Guenther G, Connid F, Anna G, et al. Retroviral vectormediated lymphokine gene transfer into human renal cancer cells 〔J〕. Cancer Research, 1992; 52(22)∶6229.
  9. 9. Thara H, Sandgren EP, Quaife CJ, et al. Antitumor effects of IL12: application for the immunotherapy and gene therapy of cancer 〔J〕. Ther Gene, 1995; 2(2)∶96.
  10. 10. Miller AR, Reters WT, Posner M, et al. Cytokine mediated gene therapy for cancer 〔J〕. Am Surg Oncol, 1994; 1(5)∶436.
  11. 11. Sobol RE, Dinman JD, Icho T, et al. IL2 gene therapy in a patient with glioblastoma 〔J〕. Gene Ther, 1995; 2(2)∶164.
  12. 12. Hui K, Grosveld F, Festenstein H, et al. Rejective of transplantable AKP leukaemia cells following MHC DNAmediated cell transformation 〔J〕. Nature, 1984; 311(6010)∶750.
  13. 13. James RF, Edwards S, Hui RM, et al. The effect of class 2 gene transfection on the tumorigenicity of the H2knegative mouse leukaemia cell line K36.16 〔J〕. Immunology, 1991; 72(2)∶213.
  14. 14. Nabel GJ, Nabel EJ, Yang ZY, et al. Direct gene transfer with DNAlipsome complex in melanoma: expression, biologic activity, and lack of toxicity in humans 〔J〕. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 1993; 90(6)∶11306.
  15. 15. Sanda MG, Restifo NP, Walsh JC, et al. Molecular characterization of defective antigen processing in human prostate cancer 〔J〕. J Natl Cancer Inst, 1995; 87(1)∶280.
  16. 16. Schwann RN. Costimulation of T lymphocytes: the role of CD28, CTL4 and B7/BB1 in IL2 production and immunotherapy 〔J〕. Cell, 1992; 71(7)∶1065.
  17. 17. Chen L. Manipulation of T cell response to tumor by targeting on costimnlatory pathway 〔J〕. Leukemia, 1997; 11(3)∶567.
  18. 18. Geldhof AB, Geert R, Marleen B, et al. Expression of B71 Highly metastatic mouse T lymphomas induces optimol natural killer cellmediated cytotoxicity 〔J〕. Cancer Res, 1995; 55(13)∶2730.
  19. 19. Fenton RT, Bate SE, Sonnevel T, et al. A phase I trial of B7transfected or parental lethally irradiated allogeneic melanoma cell lines to induce cellmediated immunity against tumorassociated antigen presented by HLA A2 or HLAA1 in patients with stage IV melanoma 〔J〕. Human Gene Therapy, 1995; 6(1)∶87.
  20. 20. Patel RL, Andre L, Richard D, et al. Cancer gene therapy annual conference 1997 〔J〕. Human Gene Therapy, 1998; 9(2)∶283.
  21. 21. Chen L, Thomas EK, Hus L, et al. Human papilloma virus type 16 nucleoprotien E7 is a tumor rejection antigen 〔J〕. Proc Natl Ad Sci USA, 1991; 88(1)∶110.
  22. 22. 王洪平, 吳易元. CD1: 第三類抗原遞呈分子 〔J〕. 國外醫(yī)學(xué)分子生物學(xué)分冊, 1997; 19(2)∶75.
  23. 23. DiMaio JM, Clary BM, Via DF, et al . Directed enzyme prodrug gene therapy for pantreatic cancer in vivo 〔J〕. Surgery, 1994; 116(2)∶205.
  24. 24. Thomas F, Gajewski R, Jean C,et al. Costimulation with B71, IL6, and IL12 is sufficient for primary generation of murine antitumor cytotoxic T lymphocytes in vivo 〔J〕. J Immunnol, 1995; 154(11)∶5637.