• 重慶醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬第一醫(yī)院普外科(重慶400016);

目的  探討p53及c-erb B-2癌基因蛋白在乳腺非典型增生及癌變組織中的表達(dá)及其在非典型增生及癌變過程中與血管生成的關(guān)系。方法  對(duì)103例正常乳腺、乳腺非典型增生及乳腺癌組織的p53及c-erb B-2癌基因蛋白及第8因子相關(guān)抗原FⅧ-RA進(jìn)行免疫組化染色。對(duì)微血管內(nèi)皮細(xì)胞面積(MEA)進(jìn)行CIAS定量測(cè)定,并分析p53及c-erb B-2與MEA的相關(guān)性。 結(jié)果  在輕度非典型增生組織中,p53癌基因蛋白陽性表達(dá)組MEA(4 194.89±498.599 8)高于陰性組(3 216.94±803.939 4,t=2.302 4,P<0.05)。中重度非典型增生組織中,p53陽性組MEA(4 525.82±1 360.827 7)高于陰性組(3 564.61±687.064 6,t=2.179 4,P<0.05)。c-erb B-2與MEA無相關(guān) 性(P>0.05)。結(jié)論  在乳腺非典型增生及癌變過程中,p53癌基因蛋白表達(dá)與血管生成具有明顯相關(guān)性。

引用本文: 劉勝春,吳凱南,厲紅元,張震寰. 血管生成與p53、c-erb B-2癌基因蛋白在乳腺非典型增生及癌變過程中的相關(guān)性. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 2001, 8(5): 304-306. doi: 復(fù)制

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11. Mukhopadhyay D, Tsilkas L, Sukhatme P. Wildtype p53 and Vsrc exera opposing influences on human vascular endothelial growth factor gene expression 〔J〕. Cancer Research, 1995; 55 (24)∶6161.
12. Borg A, Tandon K, Sigurdsson H, et al. Her2/neu applification predicts poor survival in nodepositive breast cancer 〔J〕. Cancer Research, 1990; 50(14)∶4332.
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  1. 1. Page L. Cancer risk assessment in benign breast biopsies 〔J〕. Human Pathology, 1986; 17(8)∶ 817.
  2. 2. Vermeulen PB, Eynden G, Huget P, et al. Prospective study of intratumoral microvessel density, p53 expression and survival in colorectal cancer 〔J〕. Br J Cancer, 1999; 79(2)∶316.
  3. 3. Fontanini G, Boldrini L, Calcinai A, et al. Thrombospondins I and II messenger RNA expression in lung carcinoma: Relationship with p53 alterations, angiogenic growth factors,and vascular density 〔J〕. Clinical Cancer Research, 1999; 5(1)∶155.
  4. 4. Kang S, Maeda K, Onoda N, et al. Combined analysis of p53 and vascular endothelial growth factor expression in colorectal carcinoma for determination of tumor vascularity and liver metastasis 〔J〕. Int J Cancer, 1997; 74(5)∶502.
  5. 5. Gasparini G, Weidner N, Maluta S, et al. Intratumoral microvessel density and p53 protein: correlation with metastasis in head and neck squamouscell carcinoma 〔J〕. Int J Cancer, 1993; 55(5)∶739.
  6. 6. Giatromanolaki A, Koukourakis M, Kakolyris S, et al. Vascular endothelial growth factor, wildtype p53, and angiogenesis in early operable nonsmall cell lung cancer 〔J〕 . Clinical Cancer Research, 1998; 4(12)∶3017.
  7. 7. Toi M, Kashitani T, Tominaga T. Tumor angiogenesis is an independent prognostic indicator in primary breast carcinoma 〔J〕. Int J Cancer, 1993; 55(3)∶371.
  8. 8. Charpin C, Devictor B, Bergeret D, et al. CD31 quantitative immunocytochemical assays in breast carcinomas, correlation with current prognostic factors 〔J〕. Am J Clin Pathol, 1995; 103(4)∶443.
  9. 9. Dameron K, Volpert O, Tainsky M, et al. Control of angiogenesis in fibroblasts by p53 regulation of thrombospondin1 〔J〕. Science, 1994; 265(9)∶1582.
  10. 10. Tai D, Fan R, Roy B. Controlling the vasculature: angiogenesis, antiangiogenesis and vascular targeting of gene therapy 〔J〕. Trends Pharmacol Sci, 1995; 16(2)∶57.
  11. 11. Mukhopadhyay D, Tsilkas L, Sukhatme P. Wildtype p53 and Vsrc exera opposing influences on human vascular endothelial growth factor gene expression 〔J〕. Cancer Research, 1995; 55 (24)∶6161.
  12. 12. Borg A, Tandon K, Sigurdsson H, et al. Her2/neu applification predicts poor survival in nodepositive breast cancer 〔J〕. Cancer Research, 1990; 50(14)∶4332.
  13. 13. Horak E, Leek R, Klenk N, et al. Angiogenesis, assessed by platelet/endothelial cell adhesion molecule antibodies, as indicator of node metastasis and survival in breast cancer 〔J〕. Lancet, 1992; 340(7)∶1120.