• 第三軍醫(yī)大學(xué)西南醫(yī)院肝膽外科中心(重慶400038);

采用?;悄懰徕c復(fù)制大鼠急性出血壞死性胰腺炎(AHNP)模型,動(dòng)態(tài)觀察其血漿腫瘤壞死因子α(TNFα)含量、血清脂肪酶含量和胰腺病理改變等,以及抗腫瘤壞死因子α單克隆抗體(TNFα MCAb)的治療對(duì)它們的作用,并與假手術(shù)組比較。結(jié)果顯示:假手術(shù)組大鼠的各項(xiàng)檢測(cè)指標(biāo)無(wú)異常改變,無(wú)動(dòng)物死亡。AHNP組腹水量、血清脂肪酶及血漿TNFα水平均較假手術(shù)組顯著增加,胰腺病理改變明顯;經(jīng)TNFα MCAb治療后,血漿TNFα水平未見(jiàn)升高,而血清脂肪酶下降,腹水積聚減少,胰腺病理改變減輕,動(dòng)物死亡率顯著下降。由此提示,TNFα在AHNP發(fā)病機(jī)理中起重要作用,TNFα MCAb對(duì)AHNP大鼠有一定的治療作用。

引用本文: 羅昆侖,何振平,李昆,段恒春,馬寬生. 抗腫瘤壞死因子抗體對(duì)大鼠急性出血壞死性胰腺炎的治療作用. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 1999, 6(1): 15-17. doi: 復(fù)制

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4. Grewal HP, Mohey elDin AB, Gaber L, et al. Amelioration of the physiological and biochemical changes of acute pancreatitis using an antiTNF polyclonal antibody. Am J Surg, 1994; 167(1)∶214.
5. Lorant DE, Patel KP, Mclntyre TM, et al. Coexpression of GMP140 and PAF by endothelium stimulated by histamine of thrombin: a juxtacrine system for adhesion and activation of neutrophils. J Cell Biol, 1991; 115(1)∶223.
6. Smith CW. Chemotactic factor regulate lectin adhesion molecule1 (LECAMl) dependent neutrophil adhesion to cytokine stimulated endothelium cell in vitro. J Clin Invest, 1991; 87(2)∶609.
  1. 1. Grewal HP, FRCS, Koth M, et al. Induction of tumor necrosis factor in severe acute pancreatitis and it’s subsequent reduction after hepatic passage. Surgery, 1994; 115(2)∶213.
  2. 2. Milani R, Pereira MP, Dolhnikoff M, et al. Respiratory mechanics and lung morphometry in severe pancreatitisassociated acute lung injury in rats. Crit Care Med, 1995; 23(11)∶1882.
  3. 3. Verduin PA, Punt JMHM, Kreutzer HH. Studies on the determination of lipase activity. Clinica Chimica Acta, 1973; 46(1)∶11.
  4. 4. Grewal HP, Mohey elDin AB, Gaber L, et al. Amelioration of the physiological and biochemical changes of acute pancreatitis using an antiTNF polyclonal antibody. Am J Surg, 1994; 167(1)∶214.
  5. 5. Lorant DE, Patel KP, Mclntyre TM, et al. Coexpression of GMP140 and PAF by endothelium stimulated by histamine of thrombin: a juxtacrine system for adhesion and activation of neutrophils. J Cell Biol, 1991; 115(1)∶223.
  6. 6. Smith CW. Chemotactic factor regulate lectin adhesion molecule1 (LECAMl) dependent neutrophil adhesion to cytokine stimulated endothelium cell in vitro. J Clin Invest, 1991; 87(2)∶609.