• 1. 海南省人民醫(yī)院肝膽外科(???70311)2. 湖南醫(yī)科大學附二院肝膽外科;


引用本文: 陳勁松,熊壽芝,楊竹林. 膽囊癌組織中p21、p53及bcl-2癌基因蛋白的表達及意義. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 1999, 6(2): 83-85. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Kamel D, Puakkd P, Nuorva K, et al. p53 and CerbB protein expression in adenocarcinomas and ipithelial dysplasias of the gallbladder. J Pathol, 1993; 107(1)∶67.
2. Jansson DS, Radosevich JA, Carney WE, et al. An immunohistochemical analysis of ras oncogene expression in epithelial neoplasms of colon. Cancer, 1990; 65(2)∶1329.
3. Pilotl S, Collinni P, Rillke F, et al. Bcl2 protein expression in carcinomas originating from the follicular epitheliun of the tyroid gland. J Pathol, 1994; 72(1)∶337.
4. Masakiko Y, Takahiro F, Baisuke A, et al.Expression of oncogene products and growth factors in early gallbladder cancer, advanced gallbladder cancer and chronic cholecystitis. Hum Pathol, 1993; 24(4)∶37.
5. Wee A, The M, Raju GC, et al. Clinical importance of p53 protein in gallbladder carcinoma and its precursor lesions. J Clin Pathol, 1994; 47(2)∶453.
6. Dia K, Doglioni C, Lourinol, et al. P53 and cerb B2 protein expression in adenocarcinomas and epithelial dysplasia of the gallbladder. J Pathol, 1993; 170(4)∶67.
7. Rasbridge SA, Gillett CE, Symour AM, et al. The effect of che-motherapy on morpholohy, cellular proliferation aptosis and oncoprotein expression in primary breast carcinoma. Cancer, 1994; 70(1)∶335.
8. 江希明, 鄭樹, 丁仁瑞. 腫瘤生物學. 第1版. 杭州: 浙江科學技術(shù)出版社, 1990∶92~135.
  1. 1. Kamel D, Puakkd P, Nuorva K, et al. p53 and CerbB protein expression in adenocarcinomas and ipithelial dysplasias of the gallbladder. J Pathol, 1993; 107(1)∶67.
  2. 2. Jansson DS, Radosevich JA, Carney WE, et al. An immunohistochemical analysis of ras oncogene expression in epithelial neoplasms of colon. Cancer, 1990; 65(2)∶1329.
  3. 3. Pilotl S, Collinni P, Rillke F, et al. Bcl2 protein expression in carcinomas originating from the follicular epitheliun of the tyroid gland. J Pathol, 1994; 72(1)∶337.
  4. 4. Masakiko Y, Takahiro F, Baisuke A, et al.Expression of oncogene products and growth factors in early gallbladder cancer, advanced gallbladder cancer and chronic cholecystitis. Hum Pathol, 1993; 24(4)∶37.
  5. 5. Wee A, The M, Raju GC, et al. Clinical importance of p53 protein in gallbladder carcinoma and its precursor lesions. J Clin Pathol, 1994; 47(2)∶453.
  6. 6. Dia K, Doglioni C, Lourinol, et al. P53 and cerb B2 protein expression in adenocarcinomas and epithelial dysplasia of the gallbladder. J Pathol, 1993; 170(4)∶67.
  7. 7. Rasbridge SA, Gillett CE, Symour AM, et al. The effect of che-motherapy on morpholohy, cellular proliferation aptosis and oncoprotein expression in primary breast carcinoma. Cancer, 1994; 70(1)∶335.
  8. 8. 江希明, 鄭樹, 丁仁瑞. 腫瘤生物學. 第1版. 杭州: 浙江科學技術(shù)出版社, 1990∶92~135.