• 解放軍北京軍區(qū)總醫(yī)院普外科(北京100700);

為探討胃癌淋巴結轉移與原發(fā)癌臨床病理學特性的關系,給選擇合理的淋巴結清除范圍提供依據,作者統計分析了手術切除的192例胃癌標本。結果:本組胃癌的淋巴結轉移率為60.4%,轉移度為28.9%。C、M、A區(qū)(上、中、下部)及全胃癌淋巴結轉移率分別為64.6%、57.7%、59.1%及90.9%。早、中、晚期胃癌淋巴結轉移率依次呈遞增趨勢(P<0.05)。浸潤型(Borr Ⅲ、Ⅳ)轉移率(76.5%)明顯高于局限型(Borr Ⅰ、Ⅱ)轉移率(43.2%)。腫瘤直徑<4cm、4~8cm和>8cm的淋巴結轉移率依次增加,其差異有高度顯著性(P<0.01)。因此,術中應按胃癌的臨床病理分期、部位、大小及大體分型,并結合不同分區(qū)淋巴結分組、分站轉移特點,選擇淋巴結清除范圍。

引用本文: 闞永豐,李世擁. 胃癌淋巴結轉移的臨床病理研究. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 1999, 6(3): 148-150. doi: 復制

1. Kaibara N, Sumi K, Yonekawa M, et al. Does extensive dissection of lymph node improve the results of surgical treatment of gastric cancer? Am J Surg, 1990; 159(2)∶218.
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3. Gilbertsen VA. Results of treatment of stomach cancer. An appraisal of efforts for more extensive surgery and a report 1 983 cases. Cancer, 1969; 23(10)∶1305.
4. Shiu MH, Morre E, Sandre M, et al. Influence of the gastric carcinoma. Arch Surg, 1987; 122(11)∶1347.
5. 林超鴻, 高仁中, 鄒楊. 胃癌的淋巴轉移. 腫瘤, 1990; 10(5)∶234.
6. 余長鋅, 夏金聲, 石志謙. 胃癌的淋巴轉移根治術式. 浙江醫(yī)學, 1988; 10(4)∶223.
7. Aretxabala X, Konishi K, Yonemura Y, et al. Node dissection in gastric cancer. Br J Surg, 1987; 74(9)∶770.
  1. 1. Kaibara N, Sumi K, Yonekawa M, et al. Does extensive dissection of lymph node improve the results of surgical treatment of gastric cancer? Am J Surg, 1990; 159(2)∶218.
  2. 2. Jinnai D. Evaluation of extended radical operation for gastric cancer with regard to lymph node metastasis and followup results. Gann Monograph on Cancer Research, 1968; 3(2)∶225.
  3. 3. Gilbertsen VA. Results of treatment of stomach cancer. An appraisal of efforts for more extensive surgery and a report 1 983 cases. Cancer, 1969; 23(10)∶1305.
  4. 4. Shiu MH, Morre E, Sandre M, et al. Influence of the gastric carcinoma. Arch Surg, 1987; 122(11)∶1347.
  5. 5. 林超鴻, 高仁中, 鄒楊. 胃癌的淋巴轉移. 腫瘤, 1990; 10(5)∶234.
  6. 6. 余長鋅, 夏金聲, 石志謙. 胃癌的淋巴轉移根治術式. 浙江醫(yī)學, 1988; 10(4)∶223.
  7. 7. Aretxabala X, Konishi K, Yonemura Y, et al. Node dissection in gastric cancer. Br J Surg, 1987; 74(9)∶770.