• 第三軍醫(yī)大學(xué)大坪醫(yī)院野戰(zhàn)外科研究所普外科(重慶 400042);

引用本文: 何雙梧,李家琪,綜述. 胃泌素及其受體與大腸癌關(guān)系研究進(jìn)展. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 1998, 5(1): 51-52. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Kalin DA, McBath M, Jones RD, et al. Hypergastrinemia and colorectal carcinogenesis in the rats. Cancer lett, 1985; 29∶73.
2. McGrogry DB, Jones RD, David A, et al. Trophic effects of gastrin on colorectal neoplasms in the rat. Ann Surg, 1982; 195∶219.
3. Iishi H, Tatsuta M, Baba M, et al. Enhancement by bombesin of colon carcinogenesis and metastasis induced by azoxymethane in Wistar rats. Int J Cancer, 1992; 50∶834.
4. Sobhani I, Lehy T, Puig PL, et al. Chronic endogenous hypergastrinemia in humans: evidence for a mitogenic effect on the colonic mucosa. Gastroenterology, 1993; 105∶22.
5. Tatsuta M, Yamamura H, Ichii M, et al. Effect of prolonged administration of gastrin on experimental carcinogenesis in rat colon induced by intrarectal instillation of NMethylN’nitroNnitrosoguanidine. Cancer Res, 1983; 43∶2258.
6. Pinson DM, Havn N, Sztern MI, et al. Druginduced hypergastrinemia: absence of trophic effects on colonic carcinoma in rats. Gastroenterology, 1995; 108∶1068.
7. Kusyk CJ, Mcniel NO, Johuson LR. Stimulation of growth of a colon cancer cell line by gastrin. Am J Physiol, 1986; 251∶595.
8. Imdahl A,Eggstein S,Grone C,et al.Growth of colorectal carcinoma cells:regulation in vitro by gastrin, pentagastrin and the gastrinreceptors antagonist proglumide.J Cancer Res Clin Oncol,1989;115∶388.
9. Mauss S, Niederau C, Hengels KJ. Effects of gastrin, proglumide, loxiglumide and L365, 260 on growth of human colon carcinoma cells. Anticancer Res, 1994; 14(1A)∶215.
10. Hoosein NM, Kiener PA, Curry RC, et al. Evidence for antocrine growth stimulation of cultured colon tumor cells by a gastrin cholecystokininlide peptide. Exp Cell Res, 1990; 186∶15.
11. Sumiyoshi H, Yashi W, Ochiar A, et al. Effect of gastrin on tumour growth and cyclic nucleotide metabolism in xenotransplantable human gastric and colonic carcinoma in nudemice. Cancer Res, 1984; 44∶4276.
12. Baldwin GS, Whitehead RH. Gut hormones growth and malignancy. Baillieres Clin Endocrinol Metab, 1994; 8∶185.
13. Graffner H, Singh G, Fucs E, et al. Omeprazoleinduced hypergastrinemia does not influence growth of colon carcinoma, Dig Dis Sci, 1992; 34∶485.
14. Venter R. Gastrin Receptor in cultured human cell derived from carcinoma of the colon. Endocrinology, 1981; 108∶153.
15. Singh P, Walker JP, Townsend CM, et al. Role of gastrin and gastrin receptors on the growth of a transplantable mouse colon carcinoma (MC26) in BALB/mice. Cancer Res, 1986; 46∶1612.
16. Richard B, Jin I, Courtneey MT, et al. Progress torward hormonal therapy of gastrointestinal cancer. Ann Surg, 1996; 223∶4.
17. Upp JR, Singh P, Townsend CM, et al. Clinical significance of gastrin receptors in human colon cancers. Cancer Res, 1989; 49∶488.
18. Ishizka J, Towensend CMJR, Bold RJ, et al. Effects of gastrin on 3’,5’cyclic adenosine monophosphate, intracellular carcium and phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis in human colon cancer cells. Cancer Res, 1994; 54∶2129.
19. Charnley RM, Thomas WM, Slanley J, et al. Serum gastrin concentration in colorectal cancer patients. Ann R Coll Surg Engl, 1992; 74∶138.
20. 李家琪,何雙梧,李益人等.大腸癌病人血清及癌組織中胃泌素水平測(cè)定及其臨床意義.中華消化雜志, 1997; 17∶36.
21. Seitze JF, Giavawnini M, Monges G, et al. Serum gastrin levels in colorectal cancers: evolution after treatment. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 1992; 16∶385.
22. Yapp R, Modlin ZM, Kumar RR, et al. Gastrin and colorectal cancer. Dig Dis Sci, 1992; 37∶481.
23. Vanderstracten EF, Devos MM, Versieck JM, et al. Serum gastrin leve9ls and colorectal neoplasia. Dis Colon Rectum, 1995; 38∶172.
24. Kameyama M, Tukuda I, Imaoka S, et al. Level of surum gastrin as a predictor of liver metastasis from colorectal cancer. Dis Colon Rectum, 1993; 36∶497.
25. Hoosein NM, Kiener PA, Curry RC, et al. Antiliferative effects of gastrin receptor antagonists and antibodies to gastrin on human colon carcinoma cell lines. Cancer Res, 1988; 48∶7179.
26. 何雙梧,謝尚奎,趙言明.胃泌素受體拮抗劑丙谷胺對(duì)原代培養(yǎng)大腸癌細(xì)胞作用的研究. 中華消化雜志, 1997; 17∶91.
27. Kameyama M, Nakamori S, Imaoka S, et al. Adjuvant chemoendocrine chemotherapy with gastrin antagonist after resection of liver metastasis in colorectal cancer. Gan to Kagakn Ryoho, 1994; 21∶2169.
  1. 1. Kalin DA, McBath M, Jones RD, et al. Hypergastrinemia and colorectal carcinogenesis in the rats. Cancer lett, 1985; 29∶73.
  2. 2. McGrogry DB, Jones RD, David A, et al. Trophic effects of gastrin on colorectal neoplasms in the rat. Ann Surg, 1982; 195∶219.
  3. 3. Iishi H, Tatsuta M, Baba M, et al. Enhancement by bombesin of colon carcinogenesis and metastasis induced by azoxymethane in Wistar rats. Int J Cancer, 1992; 50∶834.
  4. 4. Sobhani I, Lehy T, Puig PL, et al. Chronic endogenous hypergastrinemia in humans: evidence for a mitogenic effect on the colonic mucosa. Gastroenterology, 1993; 105∶22.
  5. 5. Tatsuta M, Yamamura H, Ichii M, et al. Effect of prolonged administration of gastrin on experimental carcinogenesis in rat colon induced by intrarectal instillation of NMethylN’nitroNnitrosoguanidine. Cancer Res, 1983; 43∶2258.
  6. 6. Pinson DM, Havn N, Sztern MI, et al. Druginduced hypergastrinemia: absence of trophic effects on colonic carcinoma in rats. Gastroenterology, 1995; 108∶1068.
  7. 7. Kusyk CJ, Mcniel NO, Johuson LR. Stimulation of growth of a colon cancer cell line by gastrin. Am J Physiol, 1986; 251∶595.
  8. 8. Imdahl A,Eggstein S,Grone C,et al.Growth of colorectal carcinoma cells:regulation in vitro by gastrin, pentagastrin and the gastrinreceptors antagonist proglumide.J Cancer Res Clin Oncol,1989;115∶388.
  9. 9. Mauss S, Niederau C, Hengels KJ. Effects of gastrin, proglumide, loxiglumide and L365, 260 on growth of human colon carcinoma cells. Anticancer Res, 1994; 14(1A)∶215.
  10. 10. Hoosein NM, Kiener PA, Curry RC, et al. Evidence for antocrine growth stimulation of cultured colon tumor cells by a gastrin cholecystokininlide peptide. Exp Cell Res, 1990; 186∶15.
  11. 11. Sumiyoshi H, Yashi W, Ochiar A, et al. Effect of gastrin on tumour growth and cyclic nucleotide metabolism in xenotransplantable human gastric and colonic carcinoma in nudemice. Cancer Res, 1984; 44∶4276.
  12. 12. Baldwin GS, Whitehead RH. Gut hormones growth and malignancy. Baillieres Clin Endocrinol Metab, 1994; 8∶185.
  13. 13. Graffner H, Singh G, Fucs E, et al. Omeprazoleinduced hypergastrinemia does not influence growth of colon carcinoma, Dig Dis Sci, 1992; 34∶485.
  14. 14. Venter R. Gastrin Receptor in cultured human cell derived from carcinoma of the colon. Endocrinology, 1981; 108∶153.
  15. 15. Singh P, Walker JP, Townsend CM, et al. Role of gastrin and gastrin receptors on the growth of a transplantable mouse colon carcinoma (MC26) in BALB/mice. Cancer Res, 1986; 46∶1612.
  16. 16. Richard B, Jin I, Courtneey MT, et al. Progress torward hormonal therapy of gastrointestinal cancer. Ann Surg, 1996; 223∶4.
  17. 17. Upp JR, Singh P, Townsend CM, et al. Clinical significance of gastrin receptors in human colon cancers. Cancer Res, 1989; 49∶488.
  18. 18. Ishizka J, Towensend CMJR, Bold RJ, et al. Effects of gastrin on 3’,5’cyclic adenosine monophosphate, intracellular carcium and phosphatidylinositol hydrolysis in human colon cancer cells. Cancer Res, 1994; 54∶2129.
  19. 19. Charnley RM, Thomas WM, Slanley J, et al. Serum gastrin concentration in colorectal cancer patients. Ann R Coll Surg Engl, 1992; 74∶138.
  20. 20. 李家琪,何雙梧,李益人等.大腸癌病人血清及癌組織中胃泌素水平測(cè)定及其臨床意義.中華消化雜志, 1997; 17∶36.
  21. 21. Seitze JF, Giavawnini M, Monges G, et al. Serum gastrin levels in colorectal cancers: evolution after treatment. Gastroenterol Clin Biol, 1992; 16∶385.
  22. 22. Yapp R, Modlin ZM, Kumar RR, et al. Gastrin and colorectal cancer. Dig Dis Sci, 1992; 37∶481.
  23. 23. Vanderstracten EF, Devos MM, Versieck JM, et al. Serum gastrin leve9ls and colorectal neoplasia. Dis Colon Rectum, 1995; 38∶172.
  24. 24. Kameyama M, Tukuda I, Imaoka S, et al. Level of surum gastrin as a predictor of liver metastasis from colorectal cancer. Dis Colon Rectum, 1993; 36∶497.
  25. 25. Hoosein NM, Kiener PA, Curry RC, et al. Antiliferative effects of gastrin receptor antagonists and antibodies to gastrin on human colon carcinoma cell lines. Cancer Res, 1988; 48∶7179.
  26. 26. 何雙梧,謝尚奎,趙言明.胃泌素受體拮抗劑丙谷胺對(duì)原代培養(yǎng)大腸癌細(xì)胞作用的研究. 中華消化雜志, 1997; 17∶91.
  27. 27. Kameyama M, Nakamori S, Imaoka S, et al. Adjuvant chemoendocrine chemotherapy with gastrin antagonist after resection of liver metastasis in colorectal cancer. Gan to Kagakn Ryoho, 1994; 21∶2169.