• 福建醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬協(xié)和醫(yī)院普外科(福州350001);

引用本文: 林舜國(guó),林梃,池畔,盧星榕,陳大良. 滌綸補(bǔ)片無(wú)張力修補(bǔ)腹股溝疝84例報(bào)告. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 1998, 5(4): 243-243. doi: 復(fù)制

1. 李德春,陳易人.替代物修補(bǔ)腹股溝疝.實(shí)用外科雜志,1992; 12(3)∶123.
2. Pecaock EE. Here we are:belind again. Am J Surg, 1989; 157∶187.
3. Lichtenstein IL, Shulman AG, Amid PK, et al. The pathophysiology of recurrent hernia. Contemp Surg, 1989; 35(2)∶13.
  1. 1. 李德春,陳易人.替代物修補(bǔ)腹股溝疝.實(shí)用外科雜志,1992; 12(3)∶123.
  2. 2. Pecaock EE. Here we are:belind again. Am J Surg, 1989; 157∶187.
  3. 3. Lichtenstein IL, Shulman AG, Amid PK, et al. The pathophysiology of recurrent hernia. Contemp Surg, 1989; 35(2)∶13.