• 1. 遼寧省人民醫(yī)院普外科(沈陽110015)2. 中國醫(yī)科大學第一臨床學院普外科;

為觀察自由基清除劑甘露醇對急性出血壞死性胰腺炎(AHNP)的治療作用,在28只Wistar大鼠胰管內逆行注入牛膽汁酸鈉,造成AHNP模型后隨機分成治療組和對照組。治療組大鼠以20%甘露醇(1g/kg)于尾靜脈緩慢推注,1 次/12小時,直至實驗結束。對照組以同樣方法及間隔時間給予生理鹽水(5.0ml/kg)。兩組大鼠均于96小時采心臟血后處死。結果:治療組胰腺組織中過氧化脂質(LPO)、血清中LPO、乳酸脫氫酶(LDH)、α1-抗胰蛋白酶(α1-AT)、谷草轉氨酶(GOT)和胰腺組織壞死面積均顯著低于對照組(P<0.01或P<0.05)。光鏡下治療組胰腺、肝臟、心臟、腎臟的損害亦輕于對照組。治療組大鼠死亡率顯著低于對照組(P<0.05)。由此表明:甘露醇能夠清除自由基,減輕AHNP胰腺及其全身臟器的損害。

引用本文: 李立,劉承訓,張強,楊春育. 甘露醇治療大鼠急性出血壞死性胰腺炎的實驗觀察. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 1998, 5(6): 332-334. doi: 復制

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3. Furukawa M. Role of oxygenderived free redicals in acute necrotizing pancreatitis induced by stress and cerulein in rats. Pancreas, 1994; 9(1)∶67.
4. Sanfey H, Bulkley GB, Cameron JL. The role of oxygenderived free radicals in pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis. Ann Surg, 1984; 200(4)∶405.
5. Michael D, Cavarocchi NC, Obrien JF. Influence of antioxidants (mannitol and allopurinol) on oxygen free radical generation during and after cardiopulmonary bypass. Circulation, 1986; 74(Suppl Ⅲ)∶134.
6. Johnson RM, Barone RM, Newson Bl, et al. Treatment of experimental acute pancreatitis with 5Fluorouracil. Am J Surg, 1973; 125(2)∶211.
7. Chardavoyne R, Asher A, Bank S, et al. Role of reactive oxygen metabolites in early cardiopulmonary changes of acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. DigDisSci, 1989; 34∶1581.
8. 丁長海.抗氧自由基藥物研究進展.中國藥理學通報,1992;8(5)∶321.
9. Wang ZH, Lguchi H, Ohshio G, et al. Increased pancreatic metallothionein and glutathione levels: protecting against cerulein and taurocholate induced acute pancreatitis in rats. Pancreas, 1996; 13(2)∶173.
10. Hirano T, Furuyama H, Kawakami Y, et al. Protective effect of prophylaxis with a protease inhibitor and a free radical scavenger against a temporary ischemia model of pancreatitis. Canadian Journal of Surgery, 1995; 38(3)∶241.
11. Schoenberg MH, Buchler M, Younes M, et al. Effect of antioxidant treatment in rats with acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. DigDisSci, 1994; 39(5)∶1034.
12. Closa D, Hotter G, Carafan J, et al. Prostanoids and oxygen free radicals in early stages of experimental pancreatitis. DigDisSci, 1994; 39(7)∶1537.
13. 蔣昆,鮑耀東,阮長耿.自由基清除劑緩解oxyHb的致腦血管痙攣的實驗研究.中華神經外科雜志,1989; 5(2)∶101.
14. 安梅,李主一,翁龍江.甘露醇對肢體缺血再灌注所致急性肺損傷的防治作用的研究.中國危重急救醫(yī)學,1994;6(1)∶7.
15. 李宏,伍貽經,時安云.活性氧對心肌細胞膜ATP酶活性的影響.中國病理生理雜志,1990; 6(4)∶197.
  1. 1. Beger HG. Surgical management of necrotizing pancreatitis. Surg Clin of North AM, 1989; 69∶529.
  2. 2. Gough DB, Boyle B, Joyce WP, et al. Free radical inhibition and serial chemiluminescence in evolving experimental pancreatitis. Br J Surg, 1990; 77∶1256.
  3. 3. Furukawa M. Role of oxygenderived free redicals in acute necrotizing pancreatitis induced by stress and cerulein in rats. Pancreas, 1994; 9(1)∶67.
  4. 4. Sanfey H, Bulkley GB, Cameron JL. The role of oxygenderived free radicals in pathogenesis of acute pancreatitis. Ann Surg, 1984; 200(4)∶405.
  5. 5. Michael D, Cavarocchi NC, Obrien JF. Influence of antioxidants (mannitol and allopurinol) on oxygen free radical generation during and after cardiopulmonary bypass. Circulation, 1986; 74(Suppl Ⅲ)∶134.
  6. 6. Johnson RM, Barone RM, Newson Bl, et al. Treatment of experimental acute pancreatitis with 5Fluorouracil. Am J Surg, 1973; 125(2)∶211.
  7. 7. Chardavoyne R, Asher A, Bank S, et al. Role of reactive oxygen metabolites in early cardiopulmonary changes of acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. DigDisSci, 1989; 34∶1581.
  8. 8. 丁長海.抗氧自由基藥物研究進展.中國藥理學通報,1992;8(5)∶321.
  9. 9. Wang ZH, Lguchi H, Ohshio G, et al. Increased pancreatic metallothionein and glutathione levels: protecting against cerulein and taurocholate induced acute pancreatitis in rats. Pancreas, 1996; 13(2)∶173.
  10. 10. Hirano T, Furuyama H, Kawakami Y, et al. Protective effect of prophylaxis with a protease inhibitor and a free radical scavenger against a temporary ischemia model of pancreatitis. Canadian Journal of Surgery, 1995; 38(3)∶241.
  11. 11. Schoenberg MH, Buchler M, Younes M, et al. Effect of antioxidant treatment in rats with acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. DigDisSci, 1994; 39(5)∶1034.
  12. 12. Closa D, Hotter G, Carafan J, et al. Prostanoids and oxygen free radicals in early stages of experimental pancreatitis. DigDisSci, 1994; 39(7)∶1537.
  13. 13. 蔣昆,鮑耀東,阮長耿.自由基清除劑緩解oxyHb的致腦血管痙攣的實驗研究.中華神經外科雜志,1989; 5(2)∶101.
  14. 14. 安梅,李主一,翁龍江.甘露醇對肢體缺血再灌注所致急性肺損傷的防治作用的研究.中國危重急救醫(yī)學,1994;6(1)∶7.
  15. 15. 李宏,伍貽經,時安云.活性氧對心肌細胞膜ATP酶活性的影響.中國病理生理雜志,1990; 6(4)∶197.