• 中國(guó)醫(yī)科大學(xué)第一臨床學(xué)院普外三科(沈陽(yáng)110001);

引用本文: 王斌,王新文,張健,李超,辛世杰,張強(qiáng),段志泉. 急性下肢動(dòng)脈阻塞致代謝性肌腎綜合征的診斷與治療(附4例報(bào)告). 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 1998, 5(6): 374-375. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Haimovici H. Vascular Surgery. 3rd ed. Norwalk: California Appleton & Lange CRACOM Corperation, 1989∶386-408.
2. Andersson J, Eklof B, Harker L, et al. Metabolic changes in blood and skeletal muscle in reconstructive aortic surgery. Ann Surg, 1979; 189∶283.
3. Esato K, Nakano H, Danto L, et al. Methods of surppression of myonephropathic metabolic syndron. J Cardiovasc Surg, 1985; 26∶473.
4. Gardner TJ, Stewart JR, William C, et al. Reduction of myocardial ischemic injury with oxygenderived free radical scavengers. Surg, 1983; 94∶423.
  1. 1. Haimovici H. Vascular Surgery. 3rd ed. Norwalk: California Appleton & Lange CRACOM Corperation, 1989∶386-408.
  2. 2. Andersson J, Eklof B, Harker L, et al. Metabolic changes in blood and skeletal muscle in reconstructive aortic surgery. Ann Surg, 1979; 189∶283.
  3. 3. Esato K, Nakano H, Danto L, et al. Methods of surppression of myonephropathic metabolic syndron. J Cardiovasc Surg, 1985; 26∶473.
  4. 4. Gardner TJ, Stewart JR, William C, et al. Reduction of myocardial ischemic injury with oxygenderived free radical scavengers. Surg, 1983; 94∶423.