• 1.南京醫(yī)科大學(xué)第一附院普外科(南京210029)2.華西醫(yī)科大學(xué)附屬第一醫(yī)院普外科3.日本國(guó)京都大學(xué)醫(yī)學(xué)部第二外科;

對(duì)急性阻塞行黃疸兔模型的馬尿酸合成試驗(yàn)(HAT)和反映肝臟能量代謝情況的能荷、線粒體氧化磷酸化率等進(jìn)行了研究。結(jié)果顯示:在急性阻塞性黃疸時(shí),能荷(0.72±0.02)和線粒體氧化磷酸化率(38.3±2.4)分別與對(duì)照組(0.81±0.01和62.1±5.1)比較,均下降明顯(P lt;0.001)。HAT(32.7±17.6mg/h)與對(duì)照組(98.4±32.0mg/h)相比也明顯下降(P lt;0.001);且HAT和能荷的相關(guān)系數(shù)為0.786。實(shí)驗(yàn)結(jié)果提示:HAT可作為反映肝臟能量代謝的可靠指標(biāo)。

引用本文: 張峰 ,俞學(xué)明,王學(xué)浩,嚴(yán)律南,小澤和惠. 馬尿酸試驗(yàn)作為急性阻塞性黃疸時(shí)肝臟能量代謝負(fù)荷指標(biāo)的實(shí)驗(yàn)研究. 中國(guó)普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 1997, 4(2): 63-67. doi: 復(fù)制

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  1. 1. Aogama H,Kamigama Y,Ukikusa M,et al.Clinical significance of hippurate-synthesizing capacity in surgical patients with liver disease:a metabolic tolerance test.J Lab Clin Med,1986;108(3):456.
  2. 2. Tanaka A,Feng Z,Inomoto T,et al.Kinetic analysis of imparied work-cost performace in jaundied rabbit liver.Res Exp Med.1995;195(5):77.
  3. 3. Morimoto T,Ozawa K.Channges in oxidative phosphrylation adenylate energy charge and respiratory components in chloramphemical treating regenerating rat liver.J Lab Clin Med,1986;107(1):10.
  4. 4. Ozawa K,Yamaoka Y.Changes in hepatic energy charge blood ketone body ratio and indocyanine green clearance in relation to DNA synthesis after hepatectomy.Life Science,1982;11:647.
  5. 5. Gatley ST,Sherratt SA.The synthesis of hippurate from benzoate and glycine by rat liver mitochondria.Biochem J,1977;166(1):39.
  6. 6. Couger ML.Mechanism of bilirubin toxicity on tissue culture cell.Biochem Med,1971;5:1.