• 華西醫(yī)科大學附一院普外科(成都 610041);

解剖尸體50具(100側喉返神經(jīng)),結果發(fā)現(xiàn):右側喉返神經(jīng)位于甲狀腺下動脈前方占50.0%,左側喉返神經(jīng)居下動脈后方為76.0%(P lt;0.05);64側喉返神經(jīng)入喉前分為2~5支;89.0%喉返神經(jīng)經(jīng)甲狀腺懸韌帶內(nèi)側入喉,其入口位于甲狀軟骨下角前下方者占91.0%。在此基礎上,采取緊貼甲狀腺腺體縱行解剖甲狀腺懸韌帶的手術方法施行甲狀腺手術70例(83側),術中顯露喉返神經(jīng)39側,未顯露44側,均無喉返神經(jīng)損傷。作者認為預防喉返神經(jīng)損傷的關鍵在于掌握其解剖特點,熟練手術技巧,而不在于是否常規(guī)顯露喉返神經(jīng)。

引用本文: 龔日祥,徐惠珍,朱精強. 甲狀腺術中喉返神經(jīng)損傷的預防. 中國普外基礎與臨床雜志, 1996, 3(3): 149-151. doi: 復制

1. Roy AD, Gardiner RH, Niblock WM. Thyroidectomy and the recurrent laryngeal nerves .Lancet, 1956; 270 :988.
2. Hvidegaard T, Vase P, Jorgensen K, et al. Identification and functional recording of the recurrent nerve by electrical stimulation during neck surgery .Laryngoscope, 1983;93 :370.
3. Williams AF,F.R.C.S.Oldham,et al.Recurrent laryngeal nerve lesions during thyroidectomy.Surgery,1958;43:435.
4. Michael P,Kahky,Ranadals,et al.Complications of surgery of the thyroid and parathyroid glands .The Surg Clin Nor Am,1993;73(2):307.
5. Wade JSH, Cardiff MC. Vulnerability of the recurrent laryngeal nerves at thyroidectomy .Br J Surg, 1955;43 :164.
  1. 1. Roy AD, Gardiner RH, Niblock WM. Thyroidectomy and the recurrent laryngeal nerves .Lancet, 1956; 270 :988.
  2. 2. Hvidegaard T, Vase P, Jorgensen K, et al. Identification and functional recording of the recurrent nerve by electrical stimulation during neck surgery .Laryngoscope, 1983;93 :370.
  3. 3. Williams AF,F.R.C.S.Oldham,et al.Recurrent laryngeal nerve lesions during thyroidectomy.Surgery,1958;43:435.
  4. 4. Michael P,Kahky,Ranadals,et al.Complications of surgery of the thyroid and parathyroid glands .The Surg Clin Nor Am,1993;73(2):307.
  5. 5. Wade JSH, Cardiff MC. Vulnerability of the recurrent laryngeal nerves at thyroidectomy .Br J Surg, 1955;43 :164.