• 1.重慶醫(yī)科大學(xué)臨床學(xué)院外科 (重慶 630042)2.重慶醫(yī)科大學(xué)臨床學(xué)院藥劑科;

1993年10月至1994年2月對(duì)中—長鏈脂肪乳劑(實(shí)驗(yàn)組,n=40)和長鏈脂肪乳劑(對(duì)照組,n=30)在靜脈營養(yǎng)中的療效進(jìn)行了對(duì)比觀察。從術(shù)后第1天起,除從周圍靜脈輸注必需液體外,每日靜滴中—長鏈或長鏈脂肪乳劑500~1000ml,連續(xù)3~5天。監(jiān)測項(xiàng)目包括血壓、脈搏、呼吸、體溫、血紅蛋白、白細(xì)胞、肝腎功能、血甘油三酯及血膽固醇。結(jié)果顯示:兩組均無全笛反應(yīng);在輸脂肪乳劑后6小時(shí),兩組血甘油三酯含量均明顯升高,并于12小時(shí)時(shí)達(dá)峰值,16小時(shí)時(shí)已明顯下降,但對(duì)照組明顯高于實(shí)驗(yàn)組(P lt;0.05),24小時(shí)時(shí)仍維持較高水平。由此表明,中—長鏈肪乳劑較易從血清中清除;中鏈甘油三酯能快速進(jìn)入線粒體被氧化供能,不依賴內(nèi)毒堿的轉(zhuǎn)運(yùn),能經(jīng)肝臟生成更多的酮體,極少再脂化為脂肪貯存起來。

引用本文: 時(shí)德,胡羅莉,黃萍,涂天喜,王子偉,孫英信. 中—長鏈脂肪乳劑與長鏈脂肪乳劑在靜脈營養(yǎng)中的療效比較. 中國普外基礎(chǔ)與臨床雜志, 1994, 1(2): 100-103. doi: 復(fù)制

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5. Ball MJ, White K.Comparison of medium and long chain riglyceride metabolism in intensive care patients on parenteral nutrition. Intensive Cate Med, 1989;15:250.
6. Gordon L, Jensen GL, Edward A, et al. Parenteral infusion of long-and medium-chain trilgycerides and reticulo-endothelial system function in man.JPEn, 1990;14:47.
7. Sedman PC, Ramsden CW, Brenman CW, et al. Pharmacological concentrations of lipid emusions inhibit interleukin-2 dependent lymphocyte responsed in vitro.JPEN, 1990;14:12.
8. Selman PC, Brenman S, Somer S, et al. Effects of different lipid emulsion on lymphoxyte function during total parenteral nutrition.Br J Surg, 1991;78:1396.
9. Maiz A, Yamazaki K, Sabrado J, et al. Peotein metacolism during total parenteral nutrition in injured rats using medium chain triglycerides. Metabolism, 1984;33:901.
  1. 1. Fan ST, Wang J. Metabolic clearance of a fat emulsion containig medium-chain triglycerides in cirrbotic patients. JPEN, 1992;16:279.
  2. 2. Carpentier BA, Richelle M, Haumont D, et al. New development in fat emulsion.Proceeding Natr Sociery, 1990;49:375.
  3. 3. Wichlayr M, Baldermann H, Rett K, et al. Comparison of metabolic clearance rates of MCT/LCT and LCT emulsions in diabetics, JPEN, 1988;12:68.
  4. 4. 楊乃發(fā),蔣朱明.輸入不同鏈長的脂肪乳劑后血中酮的動(dòng)態(tài)觀察.中國醫(yī)學(xué)科學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào),1992;6:424.
  5. 5. Ball MJ, White K.Comparison of medium and long chain riglyceride metabolism in intensive care patients on parenteral nutrition. Intensive Cate Med, 1989;15:250.
  6. 6. Gordon L, Jensen GL, Edward A, et al. Parenteral infusion of long-and medium-chain trilgycerides and reticulo-endothelial system function in man.JPEn, 1990;14:47.
  7. 7. Sedman PC, Ramsden CW, Brenman CW, et al. Pharmacological concentrations of lipid emusions inhibit interleukin-2 dependent lymphocyte responsed in vitro.JPEN, 1990;14:12.
  8. 8. Selman PC, Brenman S, Somer S, et al. Effects of different lipid emulsion on lymphoxyte function during total parenteral nutrition.Br J Surg, 1991;78:1396.
  9. 9. Maiz A, Yamazaki K, Sabrado J, et al. Peotein metacolism during total parenteral nutrition in injured rats using medium chain triglycerides. Metabolism, 1984;33:901.