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目的  討89Sr治療肺癌多發(fā)骨轉移的臨床療效。方法  30例肺癌多發(fā)骨轉移患者予以肘靜脈注射89SrCl2 148 MBq/例次,治療后第28 d,觀察疼痛強度(通過劃線法和止痛藥的使用情況評價),通過同位素全身骨掃描骨轉移灶數目、尿吡啶酚(PYD)和脫氧吡啶酚(DPD)水平的變化進行療效評價。結果  與治療前比較,治療28 d后疼痛強度顯著緩解(P lt;0.001),疼痛緩解率73.3%,消失率16.6%。骨轉移灶數目減少16例,有效率53.3%,改善程度明顯(P lt;0.001)。PYD和DPD較治療前明顯下降[(62.48±37.25)比(100.15±48.65)nmol/mmol Cr,(13.94±8.66)比(31.25±15.32)nmol/mmol Cr,P均 lt;0.001]。結論  89Sr可有效緩解肺癌多發(fā)骨轉移的骨痛,減少骨轉移灶數量,提高患者生活質量。

引用本文: 胥杰,陳曉. 89Sr治療30例肺癌多發(fā)骨轉移的療效觀察. 中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護雜志, 2008, 08(2): 104-106. doi: 復制

1. Ashayeri E,Omogbehin A,Sridhar R,et al.Strontium 89 in the treatment of pain due to diffuse osseous metastases:a university hospital experience.J Natl Med Assoc,2002,94:706-711.
2. 郭永忠,張峰.尿脫氧吡啶酚是新的骨吸收生化指標.醫(yī)學綜述,2000,6:7-9.
3. Finlay IG,Mason MD,Shelley M.Radioisotopes for the palliation of metastatic bone cancer:a systematic review.Lancet Oncol,2005,6:392-400.
4. Ron IG,Stav O,Vishne T,et al.The correlation between palliation of bone pain by intravenous strontium-89 and external beam radiation to linked field in patients with osteoblastic bone metastases.Am J Clin Oncol,2004,27:500-504.
5. Lam MG,de Klerk JM,van Rijk PP,et al.Bone seeking radiopharmaceuticals for palliation of pain in cancer patients with osseous metastases.Anticancer Agents Med Chem,2007,7:381-397.
  1. 1. Ashayeri E,Omogbehin A,Sridhar R,et al.Strontium 89 in the treatment of pain due to diffuse osseous metastases:a university hospital experience.J Natl Med Assoc,2002,94:706-711.
  2. 2. 郭永忠,張峰.尿脫氧吡啶酚是新的骨吸收生化指標.醫(yī)學綜述,2000,6:7-9.
  3. 3. Finlay IG,Mason MD,Shelley M.Radioisotopes for the palliation of metastatic bone cancer:a systematic review.Lancet Oncol,2005,6:392-400.
  4. 4. Ron IG,Stav O,Vishne T,et al.The correlation between palliation of bone pain by intravenous strontium-89 and external beam radiation to linked field in patients with osteoblastic bone metastases.Am J Clin Oncol,2004,27:500-504.
  5. 5. Lam MG,de Klerk JM,van Rijk PP,et al.Bone seeking radiopharmaceuticals for palliation of pain in cancer patients with osseous metastases.Anticancer Agents Med Chem,2007,7:381-397.
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