• 復(fù)旦大學(xué)附屬華東醫(yī)院呼吸科(上海 200040)通訊作者: 瞿介明, E-mail: jmqu64@ yahoo. com. cn;

目的 探討原發(fā)性肺淋巴瘤的臨床特點(diǎn)、診斷和治療方法。方法 回顧性總結(jié)原發(fā)性肺淋巴瘤3 例, 并結(jié)合文獻(xiàn)對(duì)其臨床表現(xiàn)、影像學(xué)特點(diǎn)、診斷及治療方法進(jìn)行分析。結(jié)果 原發(fā)性肺淋巴瘤罕見, 無特異性臨床表現(xiàn)和影像學(xué)改變, 易誤診。其主要癥狀為咳嗽、發(fā)熱等。影像學(xué)可表現(xiàn)為單發(fā)或多發(fā)結(jié)節(jié)或片狀影甚至實(shí)變, 常見有充氣支氣管征。確診依靠開胸手術(shù)、胸腔鏡或經(jīng)皮肺穿刺獲取組織, 結(jié)合病理學(xué)和免疫組化檢查。主要治療手段為化療。結(jié)論 及時(shí)進(jìn)行有創(chuàng)檢查有利于早期診斷原發(fā)性肺淋巴瘤。

引用本文: 朱硯萍,李向陽,朱惠莉,瞿介明. 原發(fā)性肺淋巴瘤三例報(bào)道并文獻(xiàn)復(fù)習(xí). 中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護(hù)雜志, 2010, 9(1): 70-72. doi: 復(fù)制

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6. Bertoni F,Zucca E.Delving deeper into MALT lymphoma biology.J Clin Invest,2006,116:22-26.
7. 趙倩,趙紹宏,蔡祖龍,等.原發(fā)性肺淋巴瘤的CT表現(xiàn).中國醫(yī)學(xué)影像學(xué)雜志,2009,17:42-45.
8. Zompi S,Couderc LJ,Cadranel J,et al.Clonality analysis of alveolar B lymphocytes contributes to the diagnostic strategy in clinical suspicion of pulmonary lymphoma.Blood,2004,103:3208-3215.
9. Troch M,Streubel B,Petkov V,et al.Does MALT lymphoma of the lung require immediate treatment? An analysis of 11 untreated cases with long-term follow-up.Anticancer Res,2007,27:3633-3637.
10. Conconi A,Martinelli G,Thiéblemont C,et al.Clinical activity of rituximab in extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of MALT type.Blood,2003,102:2741-2745.
11. Raderer M,Jäger G,Brugger S,et al.Rituximab for treatment of advanced extranodal marginal zone B cell lymphoma of the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma.Oncology,2003,65:306-310.
  1. 1. Cordier JF,Chailleux E,Lauque D,et al.Primary pulmonary lymphomas.A clinical study of 70 cases in nonimmunocompromised patients.Chest,1993,103:201-208.
  2. 2. Freeman C,Berg JW,Cutler SJ.Occurrence and prognosis of extranodal lymphomas.Cancer,1972,29:252-260.
  3. 3. Zinzani PL,Martelli M,Poletti V,et al.Practice guidelines for the management of extranodal non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas of adult non-immunodeficient patients.Part I: primary lung and mediastinal lymphomas.A project of the Italian Society of Hematology,the Italian Society of Experimental Hematology and the Italian Group for Bone Marrow Transplantation.Haematologica,2008,93:1364-1371.
  4. 4. Nicholson AG,Wotherspoon AC,Diss TC,et al.Reactive pulmonary lymphoid disorders.Histopathology,1995,26:405-412.
  5. 5. Chow WH,Ducheine Y,Hilfer J,et al.Chronic pneumonia.Primary malignant non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma of the lung arising in mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue.Chest,1996,110:838-840.
  6. 6. Bertoni F,Zucca E.Delving deeper into MALT lymphoma biology.J Clin Invest,2006,116:22-26.
  7. 7. 趙倩,趙紹宏,蔡祖龍,等.原發(fā)性肺淋巴瘤的CT表現(xiàn).中國醫(yī)學(xué)影像學(xué)雜志,2009,17:42-45.
  8. 8. Zompi S,Couderc LJ,Cadranel J,et al.Clonality analysis of alveolar B lymphocytes contributes to the diagnostic strategy in clinical suspicion of pulmonary lymphoma.Blood,2004,103:3208-3215.
  9. 9. Troch M,Streubel B,Petkov V,et al.Does MALT lymphoma of the lung require immediate treatment? An analysis of 11 untreated cases with long-term follow-up.Anticancer Res,2007,27:3633-3637.
  10. 10. Conconi A,Martinelli G,Thiéblemont C,et al.Clinical activity of rituximab in extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of MALT type.Blood,2003,102:2741-2745.
  11. 11. Raderer M,Jäger G,Brugger S,et al.Rituximab for treatment of advanced extranodal marginal zone B cell lymphoma of the mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma.Oncology,2003,65:306-310.