• 1 四川大學華西醫(yī)院耳鼻咽喉-頭頸外科( 四川成都 610041) ;;
  • 2 四川大學華西醫(yī)院睡眠醫(yī)學中心( 四川成都 610041) ;;
  • 3 四川大學華西醫(yī)院呼吸內(nèi)科( 四川成都 610041) 通訊作者: 周光耀, E-mail: zhguangyao@ hotmail. com;

目的  探討阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停低通氣綜合征( OSAHS) 男女患者生物學特征的差異。方法  對2004 年9 月至2005 年2 月就診于華西醫(yī)院睡眠實驗室的192 例患者進行標準化問卷調(diào)查, 并測量頸圍、腰圍、臀圍、身高、體重, 進行整夜多導睡眠圖( PSG) 監(jiān)測, 比較男女OSAHS 患者的臨床表現(xiàn)、人體測量學及PSG指標的差異。結果  呼吸暫停低通氣指數(shù)( AHI) 大于5 次/h 者170 例,診斷為OSAHS。其中男153 例( 90% ) , 女17 例( 10% ) 。男性OSAHS 患者平均年齡小于女性患者[ ( 45. 7 ±11. 4) 歲比( 58. 0 ±6. 1) 歲, P = 0. 000] ; 頸圍( [ 37. 6 ±3. 2] cm比( 35. 6 ±3. 2) cm, P =0. 000] 、腰臀比( 0. 94 ±0. 04 比0. 9 ±0. 06, P = 0. 000) 、AHI[ ( 36. 4 ±25. 7) 次/h 比( 21. 4 ±17. 4)次/h, P =0. 004] 、氧減指數(shù)[ ( 34. 5 ±27. 4) 次/h 比( 22. 2 ±20. 8) 次/h, P =0. 035] 高于女性OSAHS患者; 吸煙比例( 52. 9% 比5. 9% , P = 0. 000) 、飲酒比例( 46. 4% 比5. 9% , P = 0. 001) 也顯著高于女性。女性OSAHS患者晨起頭痛( 70. 6% 比26. 1% , P =0. 005) 、口干( 76. 5% 比47. 7% , P =0. 025) 、性格暴躁( 52. 9% 比19. 0% , P =0. 004) 和發(fā)生高血壓( 52. 9% 比20. 9%, P =0. 007) 的比例高于男性患者。結論  男女OSAHS 患者在患病率、發(fā)病年齡、臨床表現(xiàn)及生物學行為等方面均存在一定的差異,了解這些差異將有助于深入認識女性OSAHS。

引用本文: 王立曼,周光耀,劉亞峰,李春華,雷飛,唐向東,梁宗安. 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停低通氣綜合征男女患者生物學特征分析. 中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護雜志, 2010, 9(5): 501-503. doi: 復制

1. Duran J, Esnaola S, Rubio R, et al. Obstructive sleep apneahypopnea and related clinical features in a population-based sample of subjects aged 30 to 70 yr. AmJ Respir Crit Care Med, 2001, 163 :685-689.
2. Young T, Palta M, Dempsey J, et al. The occurrence of sleepdisordered breathing among middle-aged adults. N Engl J Med,1993, 328: 1230-1235.
3. Young T. Analytic epidemiology studies of sleep disordered breathing: what explains the gender difference in sleep disordered breathing? Sleep, 1993 , 16: S1-S2 .
4. 中華醫(yī)學會耳鼻咽喉科學分會. 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停低通氣綜合征診斷依據(jù)和療效評定標準暨懸雍垂腭咽成形術適應證( 杭州) . 中華耳鼻咽喉科雜志, 2002, 37: 403-404 .
5. Bixler EO, Vgontzas AN, Lin HM, et al. Prevalence of sleepdisordered breathing in women: effects of gender. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2001, 163 : 608-613.
6. Whittle AT, Marshall I, Mortimore IL, et al. Neck soft tissue and fat distribution: comparison between normal man and women by magnetic rensonance imaging. Thorax, 1999, 54 : 323-328.
7. Guilleminault C, Stoohs R, Kim YD, et al. Upper airway sleepdisordered breathing in women. Ann Intern Med, 1995,122: 493-501.
8. Redline S, Kump K, Tishler PV, et al. Gender differences in sleep disordered breathing in a community-based sample. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1994, 149: 722-726.
9. Popovic RM, White DP. Influence of gender on waking genioglossal electromyogram and upper airway resistance. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1995, 152: 725-731.
10. Popovic RM, White DP. Upper airway muscle activity in normal women: influence of hormonal status. J Appl Physiol, 1998, 84 :1055-1062.
11. Wetter DW, Young TB, Bidwell TR, et al. Smoking as a risk factor for sleep disordered breathing. Arch Intern Med, 1994, 154: 2219-2224.
12. Rosen CL. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome( OSAS) in children:diagnostic challenge. Sleep, 1996, 19: S274-S277 .
13. 李潔, 王翎. 老年睡眠呼吸暫停綜合征的特點. 國際呼吸雜志,2008, 28: 357-359 .
  1. 1. Duran J, Esnaola S, Rubio R, et al. Obstructive sleep apneahypopnea and related clinical features in a population-based sample of subjects aged 30 to 70 yr. AmJ Respir Crit Care Med, 2001, 163 :685-689.
  2. 2. Young T, Palta M, Dempsey J, et al. The occurrence of sleepdisordered breathing among middle-aged adults. N Engl J Med,1993, 328: 1230-1235.
  3. 3. Young T. Analytic epidemiology studies of sleep disordered breathing: what explains the gender difference in sleep disordered breathing? Sleep, 1993 , 16: S1-S2 .
  4. 4. 中華醫(yī)學會耳鼻咽喉科學分會. 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暫停低通氣綜合征診斷依據(jù)和療效評定標準暨懸雍垂腭咽成形術適應證( 杭州) . 中華耳鼻咽喉科雜志, 2002, 37: 403-404 .
  5. 5. Bixler EO, Vgontzas AN, Lin HM, et al. Prevalence of sleepdisordered breathing in women: effects of gender. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2001, 163 : 608-613.
  6. 6. Whittle AT, Marshall I, Mortimore IL, et al. Neck soft tissue and fat distribution: comparison between normal man and women by magnetic rensonance imaging. Thorax, 1999, 54 : 323-328.
  7. 7. Guilleminault C, Stoohs R, Kim YD, et al. Upper airway sleepdisordered breathing in women. Ann Intern Med, 1995,122: 493-501.
  8. 8. Redline S, Kump K, Tishler PV, et al. Gender differences in sleep disordered breathing in a community-based sample. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1994, 149: 722-726.
  9. 9. Popovic RM, White DP. Influence of gender on waking genioglossal electromyogram and upper airway resistance. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 1995, 152: 725-731.
  10. 10. Popovic RM, White DP. Upper airway muscle activity in normal women: influence of hormonal status. J Appl Physiol, 1998, 84 :1055-1062.
  11. 11. Wetter DW, Young TB, Bidwell TR, et al. Smoking as a risk factor for sleep disordered breathing. Arch Intern Med, 1994, 154: 2219-2224.
  12. 12. Rosen CL. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome( OSAS) in children:diagnostic challenge. Sleep, 1996, 19: S274-S277 .
  13. 13. 李潔, 王翎. 老年睡眠呼吸暫停綜合征的特點. 國際呼吸雜志,2008, 28: 357-359 .