• 杭州市第一人民醫(yī)院呼吸內(nèi)科( 浙江杭州 310006)通訊作者: 任振義, E-mail: huxike123@ yahoo. com. cn;

目的  探討患者體內(nèi)肺癌細胞Ku80 蛋白含量與其對順鉑敏感性的相關性。方法  收集肺癌患者胸腔積液中的肺癌細胞進行體外原代培養(yǎng), 通過傳代進行純化和擴增后進行實驗。體外藥敏試驗采用CCK-8 法測定肺癌細胞對順鉑的敏感性, 獲得各樣本的半數(shù)抑制濃度( IC50 ) 。利用Western blot 法測定各樣本細胞內(nèi)Ku80 蛋白含量。分析Ku80 蛋白含量與順鉑敏感性的相關性。結果  非小細胞肺癌( NSCLC) 組IC50 為( 4. 40 ±3. 39) mg/L, 小細胞肺癌( SCLC) 組IC50 為( 1. 02 ±0. 54) mg/L, 二者比較差異有統(tǒng)計學意義( P  lt;0. 001) 。NSCLC 組Ku80 蛋白相對含量為0. 80 ±0. 45,而SCLC 組為0. 48 ±0. 25, 二組之間比較差異有統(tǒng)計學意義( P  lt;0. 05) 。通過相關性分析得到肺癌患者Ku80 含量與IC50呈正相關( r = 0. 618, P  lt; 0. 001) 。結論  NSCLC 患者Ku80 基因表達高于SCLC患者, 可能與NSCLC 對化療敏感性差有關。肺癌細胞Ku80 蛋白含量與其對順鉑敏感性呈負相關。Ku80 蛋白含量可作為預測肺癌患者以鉑類為基礎的化療敏感性的候選指標

引用本文: 任振義,葉盛,葉健,王利民. 人體內(nèi)肺癌細胞Ku80 蛋白含量與順鉑化療敏感性的關系研究. 中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護雜志, 2010, 9(6): 631-634. doi: 復制

1. Cho BC, Kim JH, Soo RA, et al. The role of monoclonal antibody in combination with first-line chemotherapy in Asian patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Yonsei Med J, 2010, 51: 1-8 .
2. Yang CT, Hung JY, Lai CL, et al. Gefitinib as first-line therapy for advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer patients in southern Taiwan. Kaohsiung J Med Sci, 2010, 26: 1-7.
3. Demedts IK, Vermaelen KY, van Meerbeeck JP. Treatment of extensive-stage small cell lung carcinoma: current status and future prospects. Eur Respir J, 2010, 35: 202 -215.
4. Shao CJ, Fu J, Shi HL, et al. Activities of DNA-PK and Ku86, but not Ku70, may predict sensitivity to cisplatin in human gliomas. J Neurooncol, 2008 , 89: 27-35.
5. 任振義, 金一尊. Ku 蛋白在腫瘤發(fā)生中的作用及其靶向抑制策略. 國際放射醫(yī)學核醫(yī)學雜志, 2008, 32: 305-307.
6. Komuro Y, Watanabe T, Hosoi Y, et al. The expression pattern of Ku correlates with tumor radiosensitivity and disease free survival in patients with rectal carcinoma. Cancer, 2002, 95: 1199-1205.
7. Tseng RC, Hsieh FJ, Shih CM, et al. Lung cancer susceptibility and prognosis associated with polymorphisms in the nonhomologous endjoining pathway genes: a multiple genotype-phenotype study.Cancer, 2009 , 115: 2939-2948.
8. Kuribayashi T, Ohara M, Sora S, et al. Scriptaid, a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor, enhances the response of human tumor cells to radiation. Int J Mol Med, 2010, 25: 25-29.
9. 熊建文, 肖化, 張鎮(zhèn)西. MTT 法和CCK-8 法檢測細胞活性之測試條件比較. 激光生物學報, 2007, 16: 559 -562.
10. 唐夢琳, 鄧萬明. 肺癌順鉑耐藥的分子機制研究進展. 華西醫(yī)學, 2009, 24: 238-240 .
11. 方美玉. 進展期非小細胞肺癌治療進展. 中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護雜志, 2008 , 7: 481-484 .
12. 金兒, 任振義, 盧忠, 等. X 線照射后A549 肺癌細胞Ku80 mRNA 及其蛋白表達的變化. 中華放射醫(yī)學與防護雜志, 2009, 29: 393 -395.
13. Sibanda BL, Chirgadze DY, Blundell TL. Crystal structure of DNAPKcs reveals a large open-ring cradle comprised of HEAT repeats.Nature, 2010, 463 : 118-121.
14. Deriano L, Stracker TH, Baker A, et al. Roles for NBS1 in alternative nonhomologous end-joining of V ( D) J recombination intermediates.Mol Cell, 2009, 34 : 13-25.
15. 韓國棟, 王遠東, 袁進, 等. 體外腫瘤藥敏試驗指導非小細胞肺癌個體戶新輔助化療的臨床研究. 內(nèi)科, 2008 , 3: 493-496 .
16. Xing J, Wu X, Vaporciyan AA, et al. Prognostic significance of ataxia- telangiectasia mutated, DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit, and Ku heterodimeric regulatory complex 86-kD subunit expression in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.Cancer, 2008 , 112: 2756-2764.
17. Liu B, Wang T, Qian X, et al. Anticancer effect of tetrandrine on primary cancer cells isolated fromascites and pleural fluids. Cancer Lett, 2008, 268: 166-175.
  1. 1. Cho BC, Kim JH, Soo RA, et al. The role of monoclonal antibody in combination with first-line chemotherapy in Asian patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Yonsei Med J, 2010, 51: 1-8 .
  2. 2. Yang CT, Hung JY, Lai CL, et al. Gefitinib as first-line therapy for advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer patients in southern Taiwan. Kaohsiung J Med Sci, 2010, 26: 1-7.
  3. 3. Demedts IK, Vermaelen KY, van Meerbeeck JP. Treatment of extensive-stage small cell lung carcinoma: current status and future prospects. Eur Respir J, 2010, 35: 202 -215.
  4. 4. Shao CJ, Fu J, Shi HL, et al. Activities of DNA-PK and Ku86, but not Ku70, may predict sensitivity to cisplatin in human gliomas. J Neurooncol, 2008 , 89: 27-35.
  5. 5. 任振義, 金一尊. Ku 蛋白在腫瘤發(fā)生中的作用及其靶向抑制策略. 國際放射醫(yī)學核醫(yī)學雜志, 2008, 32: 305-307.
  6. 6. Komuro Y, Watanabe T, Hosoi Y, et al. The expression pattern of Ku correlates with tumor radiosensitivity and disease free survival in patients with rectal carcinoma. Cancer, 2002, 95: 1199-1205.
  7. 7. Tseng RC, Hsieh FJ, Shih CM, et al. Lung cancer susceptibility and prognosis associated with polymorphisms in the nonhomologous endjoining pathway genes: a multiple genotype-phenotype study.Cancer, 2009 , 115: 2939-2948.
  8. 8. Kuribayashi T, Ohara M, Sora S, et al. Scriptaid, a novel histone deacetylase inhibitor, enhances the response of human tumor cells to radiation. Int J Mol Med, 2010, 25: 25-29.
  9. 9. 熊建文, 肖化, 張鎮(zhèn)西. MTT 法和CCK-8 法檢測細胞活性之測試條件比較. 激光生物學報, 2007, 16: 559 -562.
  10. 10. 唐夢琳, 鄧萬明. 肺癌順鉑耐藥的分子機制研究進展. 華西醫(yī)學, 2009, 24: 238-240 .
  11. 11. 方美玉. 進展期非小細胞肺癌治療進展. 中國呼吸與危重監(jiān)護雜志, 2008 , 7: 481-484 .
  12. 12. 金兒, 任振義, 盧忠, 等. X 線照射后A549 肺癌細胞Ku80 mRNA 及其蛋白表達的變化. 中華放射醫(yī)學與防護雜志, 2009, 29: 393 -395.
  13. 13. Sibanda BL, Chirgadze DY, Blundell TL. Crystal structure of DNAPKcs reveals a large open-ring cradle comprised of HEAT repeats.Nature, 2010, 463 : 118-121.
  14. 14. Deriano L, Stracker TH, Baker A, et al. Roles for NBS1 in alternative nonhomologous end-joining of V ( D) J recombination intermediates.Mol Cell, 2009, 34 : 13-25.
  15. 15. 韓國棟, 王遠東, 袁進, 等. 體外腫瘤藥敏試驗指導非小細胞肺癌個體戶新輔助化療的臨床研究. 內(nèi)科, 2008 , 3: 493-496 .
  16. 16. Xing J, Wu X, Vaporciyan AA, et al. Prognostic significance of ataxia- telangiectasia mutated, DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit, and Ku heterodimeric regulatory complex 86-kD subunit expression in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.Cancer, 2008 , 112: 2756-2764.
  17. 17. Liu B, Wang T, Qian X, et al. Anticancer effect of tetrandrine on primary cancer cells isolated fromascites and pleural fluids. Cancer Lett, 2008, 268: 166-175.