• 武警江蘇省總隊醫(yī)院骨科(江蘇揚州,225003);

目的比較更換髓內釘和保留髓內釘、附加側板治療股骨干骨折髓內釘固定術后非感染性骨不連的療效。 方法回顧性分析2001年6月-2011年6月收治的股骨干骨折髓內釘固定術后非感染性骨不連患者28例,采用更換髓內釘治療11例(A組),采用擴髓保留髓內釘、附加側板治療17例(B組)。兩組性別、年齡、吸煙與否、骨折部位、國際內固定協會(AO/ASIF)分型、損傷類型、合并傷、骨不連類型、骨不連時間等一般資料比較差異均無統計學意義(P  gt; 0.05),具有可比性。術后定期隨訪行臨床檢查及攝X線片,觀察膝關節(jié)活動和骨痂生長情況;根據Tohner-Wrnch標準評定臨床療效。 結果A組手術時間、術中出血量、術中輸懸浮紅細胞量均顯著多于B組(P  lt; 0.05),兩組術后引流量、住院時間比較差異無統計學意義(P  gt; 0.05)。兩組切口均Ⅰ期愈合,無血管、神經損傷發(fā)生。兩組患者均獲隨訪,隨訪時間12~36個月,平均18.6個月。兩組患者均獲骨性愈合,其中B組臨床骨愈合時間和影像學骨愈合時間均優(yōu)于A組(P  lt; 0.05)。隨訪期間兩組均無內固定物松動、斷裂,骨折復位丟失,成角或旋轉畸形愈合等并發(fā)癥發(fā)生。末次隨訪時,根據Tohner-Wrnch標準評定療效:A組獲優(yōu)6例,良3例,差2例,優(yōu)良率81.8%;B組獲優(yōu)12例,良5例,優(yōu)良率100%;兩組比較差異有統計學意義(Z=—2.623,P=0.021)。 結論與更換髓內釘相比,應用保留原髓內釘、附加側板治療股骨干骨折髓內釘固定術后非感染性骨不連,其操作相對簡便、手術時間短、術中出血少、創(chuàng)傷輕,臨床療效滿意,是一種較理想的治療方法。

引用本文: 茹江英,倉海濱,胡傳亮,胡玉華. 兩種方法治療股骨干骨折髓內釘固定后非感染性骨不連的療效比較. 中國修復重建外科雜志, 2013, 27(1): 25-29. doi: 復制

1. Pihlajamaki HK, Salminen ST, Bostman OM. The treatment of nonunions following intramedullary nailing of femoral shaft fractures. J Orthop Trauma, 2002, 16(6): 394-402.
2. Brinker MR, O’Connor DP. Exchange nailing of ununited fractures. J Bone Joint Surg (Am), 2007, 89(1): 177-188.
3. Ueng SW, Chao EK, Lee SS, et al. Augmentative plate fixation for the management of femoral nonunion after intramedullary nailing. J Trauma, 1997, 43(4): 640-644.
4. Johanson NA, Liang MH, Daltroy L, et al. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons lower limb outcomes assessment instruments. Reliability, validity, and sensitivity to change. J Bone Joint Surg (Am), 2004, 86-A(5): 902-909.
5. Frölke JP, Patka P. Definition and classification of fracture non-unions. Injury, 2007, 38 Suppl 2: S19-22.
6. 趙剛, 張伯松, 孫林, 等. 帶鎖髓內針治療股骨干骨折術后旋轉不穩(wěn)定所致不愈合的診斷和治療. 中華外科雜志, 2009, 47(16): 1232-1235.
7. Johner R, Raccaud O, Dournow J. Standard radiological study of the knee. Rev Med Suisse Romande, 1994, 114(4): 335-341.
8. 李寶文, 王東昕, 李學良, 等. 股骨干骨折術后不愈合25例臨床分析. 中國修復重建外科雜志, 2008, 22(6): 763-764.
9. Court-Brown CM, Keating JF, Christie J, et al. Exchange intramedullary nailing. Its use in aseptic tibial nonunion. J Bone Joint Surg (Br), 1995, 77(3): 407-411.
10. Bhandari M, Schemitsch EH. Bone formation following intramedullary femoral reaming is decreased by indomethacin and antibodies to insulin-like growth factors. J Orthop Trauma, 2002, 16(10): 717-722.
11. 劉振東. 擴髓換釘治療股骨干無菌性骨不連. 中華創(chuàng)傷骨科雜志, 2005, 7(5): 470-472.
12. Banaszkiewicz PA, Sabboubeh A, McLeod I, et al. Femoral exchange nailing for aseptic nonunion: not the end to all problems. Injury, 2003, 34(5): 349-356.
13. Park J, Kim SG, Yoon HK, et al. The treatment of nonisthmal femoral shaft nonunions with im nail exchange versus augmentation plating. J Orthop Trauma, 2010, 24(2): 89-94.
14. Park K, Kim K, Choi YS, et al. Comparison of mechanical rigidity between plate augmentation leaving the nail in situ and interlocking nail using cadaveric fracture model of the femur. Int Orthop, 2011, 35(4): 581-585.
15. Nadkarni B, Srivastav S, Mittal V, et al. Use of locking compression plates for long bone nonunions without removing existing intramedullary nail: review of literature and our experience. J Trauma, 2008, 65(2): 482-486.
16. 張建政, 劉智, 孫天勝, 等. 附加鋼板治療髓內釘固定后股骨萎縮性骨不連. 中華創(chuàng)傷雜志, 2011, 27(5): 451-455.
17. 劉智, 李連華, 孫天勝, 等. 附加鋼板與交鎖髓內釘治療下肢長骨干骨折后肥大性骨不連22例. 中華創(chuàng)傷雜志, 2011, 27(8): 702-704.
18. Lin CJ, Chiang CC, Wu PK, et al. Effectiveness of plate augmentation for femoral shaft nounion after nailing. J Chin Med Assoc, 2012, 75(8): 396-401.
19. Said GZ, Said HG, el-Sharkawi MM, et al. Failed intramedullary nailing of femur: open reduction and plate augmentation with the nail in situ. Int Orthop, 2011, 35(7): 1089-1092.
20. 張建政, 孫天勝, 劉智, 等. 更換髓內釘與保留髓內釘附加鋼板治療髓內釘固定后股骨肥大性骨不連. 中華骨科雜志, 2011, 31(9): 949-954.
  1. 1. Pihlajamaki HK, Salminen ST, Bostman OM. The treatment of nonunions following intramedullary nailing of femoral shaft fractures. J Orthop Trauma, 2002, 16(6): 394-402.
  2. 2. Brinker MR, O’Connor DP. Exchange nailing of ununited fractures. J Bone Joint Surg (Am), 2007, 89(1): 177-188.
  3. 3. Ueng SW, Chao EK, Lee SS, et al. Augmentative plate fixation for the management of femoral nonunion after intramedullary nailing. J Trauma, 1997, 43(4): 640-644.
  4. 4. Johanson NA, Liang MH, Daltroy L, et al. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons lower limb outcomes assessment instruments. Reliability, validity, and sensitivity to change. J Bone Joint Surg (Am), 2004, 86-A(5): 902-909.
  5. 5. Frölke JP, Patka P. Definition and classification of fracture non-unions. Injury, 2007, 38 Suppl 2: S19-22.
  6. 6. 趙剛, 張伯松, 孫林, 等. 帶鎖髓內針治療股骨干骨折術后旋轉不穩(wěn)定所致不愈合的診斷和治療. 中華外科雜志, 2009, 47(16): 1232-1235.
  7. 7. Johner R, Raccaud O, Dournow J. Standard radiological study of the knee. Rev Med Suisse Romande, 1994, 114(4): 335-341.
  8. 8. 李寶文, 王東昕, 李學良, 等. 股骨干骨折術后不愈合25例臨床分析. 中國修復重建外科雜志, 2008, 22(6): 763-764.
  9. 9. Court-Brown CM, Keating JF, Christie J, et al. Exchange intramedullary nailing. Its use in aseptic tibial nonunion. J Bone Joint Surg (Br), 1995, 77(3): 407-411.
  10. 10. Bhandari M, Schemitsch EH. Bone formation following intramedullary femoral reaming is decreased by indomethacin and antibodies to insulin-like growth factors. J Orthop Trauma, 2002, 16(10): 717-722.
  11. 11. 劉振東. 擴髓換釘治療股骨干無菌性骨不連. 中華創(chuàng)傷骨科雜志, 2005, 7(5): 470-472.
  12. 12. Banaszkiewicz PA, Sabboubeh A, McLeod I, et al. Femoral exchange nailing for aseptic nonunion: not the end to all problems. Injury, 2003, 34(5): 349-356.
  13. 13. Park J, Kim SG, Yoon HK, et al. The treatment of nonisthmal femoral shaft nonunions with im nail exchange versus augmentation plating. J Orthop Trauma, 2010, 24(2): 89-94.
  14. 14. Park K, Kim K, Choi YS, et al. Comparison of mechanical rigidity between plate augmentation leaving the nail in situ and interlocking nail using cadaveric fracture model of the femur. Int Orthop, 2011, 35(4): 581-585.
  15. 15. Nadkarni B, Srivastav S, Mittal V, et al. Use of locking compression plates for long bone nonunions without removing existing intramedullary nail: review of literature and our experience. J Trauma, 2008, 65(2): 482-486.
  16. 16. 張建政, 劉智, 孫天勝, 等. 附加鋼板治療髓內釘固定后股骨萎縮性骨不連. 中華創(chuàng)傷雜志, 2011, 27(5): 451-455.
  17. 17. 劉智, 李連華, 孫天勝, 等. 附加鋼板與交鎖髓內釘治療下肢長骨干骨折后肥大性骨不連22例. 中華創(chuàng)傷雜志, 2011, 27(8): 702-704.
  18. 18. Lin CJ, Chiang CC, Wu PK, et al. Effectiveness of plate augmentation for femoral shaft nounion after nailing. J Chin Med Assoc, 2012, 75(8): 396-401.
  19. 19. Said GZ, Said HG, el-Sharkawi MM, et al. Failed intramedullary nailing of femur: open reduction and plate augmentation with the nail in situ. Int Orthop, 2011, 35(7): 1089-1092.
  20. 20. 張建政, 孫天勝, 劉智, 等. 更換髓內釘與保留髓內釘附加鋼板治療髓內釘固定后股骨肥大性骨不連. 中華骨科雜志, 2011, 31(9): 949-954.