• 河北醫(yī)科大學第三醫(yī)院脊柱外科(石家莊,050051);

目的 探討B(tài)ryan人工頸椎間盤置換術聯合鄰近節(jié)段椎間融合術(Hybrid手術)與雙節(jié)段頸前路椎間融合術后頸部軸性癥狀(axial symptom,AS)的發(fā)生情況,并進行對比分析。 方法回顧性分析2006年8月-2010年3月因雙節(jié)段頸椎病行Hybrid手術(A組)的18例患者臨床資料,并選取同期行雙節(jié)段頸前路椎間融合術(B組)的30例患者作為對照。兩組年齡、性別、病程、病變類型及手術節(jié)段等一般資料比較,差異均無統(tǒng)計學意義(P  gt; 0.05),具有可比性。觀察兩組手術前后日本骨科協(xié)會(JOA)評分、頸椎功能障礙指數(neck disability index,NDI)評分、手術節(jié)段頸椎曲度、C2~7整體活動度、手術相鄰節(jié)段活動度的變化情況及頸部AS發(fā)生情況,并進行比較分析。 結果兩組患者均獲隨訪,隨訪時間18~34個月,平均24.1個月。末次隨訪時兩組JOA評分、NDI評分均較術前明顯改善(P  lt; 0.01),兩組間術前及末次隨訪時比較差異均無統(tǒng)計學意義(P  gt; 0.05)。B組術后手術節(jié)段頸椎后凸發(fā)生率明顯增高,且高于A組,與A組比較差異有統(tǒng)計學意義(χ2=5.333,P=0.021)。A組手術前后頸椎整體活動度比較差異無統(tǒng)計學意義(t=0.410,P=0.685),B組末次隨訪時較術前明顯減?。╰=3.007,P=0.006),兩組末次隨訪時差異有統(tǒng)計學意義(t=2.664,P=0.013)。B組患者末次隨訪時上、下位相鄰節(jié)段頸椎活動度較術前均明顯增大(P  lt; 0.05),A組手術前后差異無統(tǒng)計學意義(P  gt; 0.05);兩組末次隨訪時頸椎上、下位相鄰節(jié)段活動度差異均有統(tǒng)計學意義(t=2.252,P=0.033;t=2.203,P=0.037)。末次隨訪時A組頸部AS發(fā)生率為16.7%,B組為46.7%,兩組比較差異有統(tǒng)計學意義(χ2=4.427,P=0.035)。 結論 與雙節(jié)段頸前路椎間融合術相比,Hybrid手術治療雙節(jié)段頸椎病在取得良好臨床療效的同時,能較好維持手術節(jié)段曲度和頸椎總活動度,避免相鄰節(jié)段頸椎活動度過度增大,降低術后頸部AS的發(fā)生率。

引用本文: 申滄海,申勇,丁文元,張英澤,曹俊明. Hybrid手術與雙節(jié)段頸前路椎間融合術后軸性癥狀的對比分析. 中國修復重建外科雜志, 2013, 27(1): 58-61. doi: 復制

1. 曾巖, 黨耕町, 馬慶軍. 頸椎前路術后融合節(jié)段曲度變化與軸性癥狀和神經功能的相關性研究. 中國脊柱脊髓雜志, 2004, 14(9): 520-523.
2. 曹俊明, 申勇, 楊大龍, 等. Bryan人工頸椎間盤置換與頸前路椎間融合術后軸性癥狀的對比分析. 中國修復重建外科雜志, 2008, 22(10): 1200-1204.
3. 田偉, 劉波, 李勤, 等. 人工頸椎間盤置換手術的臨床初步應用體會. 中華醫(yī)學雜志, 2005, 85(1): 37-40.
4. Shin DA, Yi S, Yoon do H, et al. Artificial disc replacement combined with fusion versus two-1evel fusion in cervical two-level disc disease. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2009, 34(11): 1153-1161.
5. 任先軍, 王衛(wèi)東, 初同偉, 等. 椎間盤置換聯合鄰近節(jié)段cage融合治療雙節(jié)段頸椎間盤突出癥的近期療效. 中國脊柱脊髓雜志, 2009, 19(11): 840-844.
6. 劉海鷹, 許曉諾, 王波, 等. 雙節(jié)段Hybrid手術治療頸椎病的臨床療效觀察. 中華外科雜志, 2012, 50(3): 238-242.
7. 曾巖, 黨耕町, 馬慶軍. 頸椎前路融合術后頸部運動功能的評價. 中華外科雜志, 2004, 42(24): 1481-1484.
8. Fukui K, Kataka O, Sho T, et al. Pathomechanism, pathogenesis, and results of treatment in cervical spondylotic myelopathy caused by dynamic canal stenosis. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 1990, 15(11): 1148-1152.
9. 潘勝發(fā), 孫宇, 朱振軍, 等. 單開門頸椎管擴大椎板成形術后軸性癥狀與頸椎穩(wěn)定性的相關觀察. 中國脊柱脊髓雜志, 2003, 13(10): 604-607.
10. Goffin J, van Calenbergh F, van Loon J, et al. Intermediate follow-up after treatment of degenerative disc disease with the Bryan Cervical Disc Prosthesis: single-level and bi-level. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2003, 28(24): 2673-2678.
11. Sekhon LH. Cervical arthroplasty in the management of spondylotic myelopathy. J Spinal Disord Tech, 2003, 16(4): 307-313.
12. 楊大龍, 申勇, 曹俊明, 等. 頸人工椎間盤置換近期并發(fā)癥分析. 中國脊柱脊髓雜志, 2008, 18(4): 249-252.
13. Kim SW, Shin JH, Arbatin JJ, et al. Effects of a cervical disc prosthesis on maintaining sagittal alignment of the functional spinal unit and overall sagittal balance of the cervical spine. Eur Spine J, 2008, 17(1): 20-29.
14. 賈連順, 李家順. 頸椎外科手術學. 上海: 上海遠東出版社, 2001: 139-141.
15. Liu J, Ebraheim NA, Sanford CG, et al. Preservation of the spinous process-ligament-muscle complex to prevent kyphotic deformity following laminoplasty. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2007, 7(2): 159-164.
16. Shim CS, Lee SH, Park HJ, et al. Early clinical and radiologic outcomes of cervical arthroplasty with Bryan Cervical Disc prosthesis. J Spinal Disord Tech, 2006, 19(7): 465-470.
17. 張為, 申勇, 丁文元, 等. 人工頸椎間盤置換術治療脊髓型頸椎病的臨床觀察. 中國矯形外科雜志, 2006, 14(15): 1124-1126, i0001.
18. Cao JM, Zhang YZ, Shen Y, et al. Clinical and radiological outcomes of modified techniques in Bryan cervical disc arthroplasty. J Clin Neurosci, 2011, 18(10): 1308-1312.
19. Cho BY, Lim J, Sim HB, et al. Biomechanical analysis of the range of motion after placement of a two-1evel cervical ProDisc-C versus hybrid construct. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2010, 35(19): 1769-1776.
  1. 1. 曾巖, 黨耕町, 馬慶軍. 頸椎前路術后融合節(jié)段曲度變化與軸性癥狀和神經功能的相關性研究. 中國脊柱脊髓雜志, 2004, 14(9): 520-523.
  2. 2. 曹俊明, 申勇, 楊大龍, 等. Bryan人工頸椎間盤置換與頸前路椎間融合術后軸性癥狀的對比分析. 中國修復重建外科雜志, 2008, 22(10): 1200-1204.
  3. 3. 田偉, 劉波, 李勤, 等. 人工頸椎間盤置換手術的臨床初步應用體會. 中華醫(yī)學雜志, 2005, 85(1): 37-40.
  4. 4. Shin DA, Yi S, Yoon do H, et al. Artificial disc replacement combined with fusion versus two-1evel fusion in cervical two-level disc disease. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2009, 34(11): 1153-1161.
  5. 5. 任先軍, 王衛(wèi)東, 初同偉, 等. 椎間盤置換聯合鄰近節(jié)段cage融合治療雙節(jié)段頸椎間盤突出癥的近期療效. 中國脊柱脊髓雜志, 2009, 19(11): 840-844.
  6. 6. 劉海鷹, 許曉諾, 王波, 等. 雙節(jié)段Hybrid手術治療頸椎病的臨床療效觀察. 中華外科雜志, 2012, 50(3): 238-242.
  7. 7. 曾巖, 黨耕町, 馬慶軍. 頸椎前路融合術后頸部運動功能的評價. 中華外科雜志, 2004, 42(24): 1481-1484.
  8. 8. Fukui K, Kataka O, Sho T, et al. Pathomechanism, pathogenesis, and results of treatment in cervical spondylotic myelopathy caused by dynamic canal stenosis. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 1990, 15(11): 1148-1152.
  9. 9. 潘勝發(fā), 孫宇, 朱振軍, 等. 單開門頸椎管擴大椎板成形術后軸性癥狀與頸椎穩(wěn)定性的相關觀察. 中國脊柱脊髓雜志, 2003, 13(10): 604-607.
  10. 10. Goffin J, van Calenbergh F, van Loon J, et al. Intermediate follow-up after treatment of degenerative disc disease with the Bryan Cervical Disc Prosthesis: single-level and bi-level. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2003, 28(24): 2673-2678.
  11. 11. Sekhon LH. Cervical arthroplasty in the management of spondylotic myelopathy. J Spinal Disord Tech, 2003, 16(4): 307-313.
  12. 12. 楊大龍, 申勇, 曹俊明, 等. 頸人工椎間盤置換近期并發(fā)癥分析. 中國脊柱脊髓雜志, 2008, 18(4): 249-252.
  13. 13. Kim SW, Shin JH, Arbatin JJ, et al. Effects of a cervical disc prosthesis on maintaining sagittal alignment of the functional spinal unit and overall sagittal balance of the cervical spine. Eur Spine J, 2008, 17(1): 20-29.
  14. 14. 賈連順, 李家順. 頸椎外科手術學. 上海: 上海遠東出版社, 2001: 139-141.
  15. 15. Liu J, Ebraheim NA, Sanford CG, et al. Preservation of the spinous process-ligament-muscle complex to prevent kyphotic deformity following laminoplasty. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2007, 7(2): 159-164.
  16. 16. Shim CS, Lee SH, Park HJ, et al. Early clinical and radiologic outcomes of cervical arthroplasty with Bryan Cervical Disc prosthesis. J Spinal Disord Tech, 2006, 19(7): 465-470.
  17. 17. 張為, 申勇, 丁文元, 等. 人工頸椎間盤置換術治療脊髓型頸椎病的臨床觀察. 中國矯形外科雜志, 2006, 14(15): 1124-1126, i0001.
  18. 18. Cao JM, Zhang YZ, Shen Y, et al. Clinical and radiological outcomes of modified techniques in Bryan cervical disc arthroplasty. J Clin Neurosci, 2011, 18(10): 1308-1312.
  19. 19. Cho BY, Lim J, Sim HB, et al. Biomechanical analysis of the range of motion after placement of a two-1evel cervical ProDisc-C versus hybrid construct. Spine (Phila Pa 1976), 2010, 35(19): 1769-1776.