• 佛山市第二人民醫(yī)院(廣東佛山,528000)1 骨科一區(qū),2 手術(shù)室;

  目的 探討關(guān)節(jié)鏡輔助治療肩袖損傷的方法和療效。 方法2009年11月-2011年3月,收治27例肩袖損傷患者,男17例,女10例;年齡29~66歲,平均43.6歲。病程1~36個月,平均27個月。左肩11例,右肩16例。12例有外傷史,15例無明顯誘因?;颊呒珀P(guān)節(jié)主動前屈及外展功能均有不同程度受限。攝肩關(guān)節(jié)正側(cè)位、岡上肌出口位X線片,根據(jù)Bigliani肩峰分型標準:Ⅰ型5例,Ⅱ型13例,Ⅲ型9例。MRI檢查均顯示肩袖全層斷裂。首先行關(guān)節(jié)鏡探查,27例岡上肌均全層斷裂,23例有肩峰撞擊;無撞擊者行肩袖清理,有撞擊者行肩袖清理后再行肩峰成形和肩峰下滑囊切除;關(guān)節(jié)鏡輔助定位下作3~4 cm小切口,直視下縫合修復(fù)肩袖。 結(jié)果患者手術(shù)切口均Ⅰ期愈合。27例均獲隨訪,隨訪時間13~27個月,平均19個月。未發(fā)生內(nèi)固定物松動及肩袖再撕裂等并發(fā)癥;疼痛癥狀明顯緩解,患者對手術(shù)療效滿意?;颊吣┐坞S訪時肩關(guān)節(jié)活動度較術(shù)前顯著改善(P  lt; 0.05);疼痛視覺模擬評分(VAS)由術(shù)前(8.0 ± 1.8)分改善至術(shù)后2 周(1.6 ± 0.7)分及末次隨訪時(0.8 ± 0.7)分;美國加州大學(xué)洛杉磯分校(UCLA)肩關(guān)節(jié)功能評分由術(shù)前(18.8 ± 6.6) 分提高至術(shù)后3個月(32.2 ± 3.3)分及末次隨訪時(33.6 ± 2.1)分;差異均有統(tǒng)計學(xué)意義(P  lt; 0.05)。 結(jié)論關(guān)節(jié)鏡輔助小切口治療肩袖損傷臨床療效滿意,但因隨訪時間有限,其遠期療效有待進一步隨訪觀察。

引用本文: 曹興海,陳飚,李達志,孫波,謝松卿,吳笑容,范柳萍. 關(guān)節(jié)鏡輔助治療肩袖損傷的臨床療效分析. 中國修復(fù)重建外科雜志, 2012, 26(10): 1154-1157. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Potau JM, Bardina X, Ciurana N, et al. Quantitative study of the architecture of the human subacromial space and its relationship with rotator cuff tears. Eur J Anat, 2008, 12 (1): 39-45.
2. Papadopoulos P, Karataglis D, Boutsiadis A, et al. Functional outcome and structural integrity following mini-open repair of large and massive rotator cuff tears: A 3-5 year follow-up study. J Shoulder Elbow Surg, 2011, 20(1): 131-137.
3. Ellman H. Arthroscopic subacromial decompression: analysis of one-to three-year results. Arthroscopy, 1987, 3(3): 173-181.
4. Hijioka A, Suzuki K, Nakamura T, et al. Degenerative change and rotator cuff tears. An anatomical study in 160 shoulders of 80 cadavers. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 1993, 112(2): 61-64.
5. MacDermid JC, Holtby R, Razmjou H, et al. All-arthroscopic versus mini-open repair of small or moderate-sized rotator cuff tears: a protocol for a randomized trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 2006, 7: 25.
6. 張貴祥, 胡運勝, 趙京龍, 等. MRI不同序列對肩袖損傷診斷價值的比較. 中國醫(yī)學(xué)影像技術(shù), 2005, 21(7): 1067-1069.
7. Teefey SA, Rubin DA, Middleton WD, et al. Detection and quantification of rotator cuff tears. J Bone Joint Surg (Am), 2004, 86-A(4): 708-716.
8. DeFranco MJ, Cole BJ. Current perspectives on rotator cuff anatomy. Arthroscopy, 2009, 25(3): 305-320.
9. Zlatkin MB, Hoffman C, Shellock FG. Assessment of the rotator cuff and glenoid labrum using an extremity MR system: MR results compared to surgical findings from a multi-center study. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2004, 19(5): 623-631.
10. 劉玉杰, 王志剛, 王巖, 等. 肩袖損傷的影像學(xué)及關(guān)節(jié)鏡診療價值. 中華創(chuàng)傷雜志, 2004, 20(1): 33-35.
11. 陸偉, 崔國慶, 歐陽侃, 等. 關(guān)節(jié)鏡下五種方法修復(fù)肩袖撕裂的療效觀察. 中國修復(fù)重建外科雜志, 2009, 23(9): 1083-1086.
12. Shinoda T, Shibata Y, Izaki T, et al. A comparative study of surgical invasion in arthroscopic and open rotator cuff repair. J Shoulder Elbow Surg, 2009, 18(4): 596-599.
13. 劉玉杰, 蔡胥, 王志剛, 等. 關(guān)節(jié)鏡輔助下小切口修復(fù)肩袖損傷. 中華手外科雜志, 2005, 21(1): 6-8.
14. 張春剛, 王衛(wèi)明, 趙德偉, 等. 肩袖部分撕裂的關(guān)節(jié)鏡治療. 中國骨與關(guān)節(jié)損傷雜志, 2010, 25(7): 586-588.
15. Bond JL, Dopirak RM, Higgins J, et al. Arthroscopic replacement of massive, irreparable rotator cuff tears using a GraftJacket allograft: technique and preliminary results. Arthroscopy, 2008, 24(4): 403-409.
16. Burkhart SS, Johnson TC, Wirth MA, et al. Cyclic loading of transosseous rotator cuff repairs: tension overload as a possible cause of failure. Arthroscopy, 1997, 13(2): 172-176.
17. Demirham M, Atalar AC, Kilicoglu O. Primary fixation strength of rotator cuff repair techniques: a comparative study. Arthroscopy, 2003, 19(6): 572-576.
18. Nho SJ, Shindle MK, Sherman SL, et al. Systematic review of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair and mini-open rotator cuff repair. J Bone Joint Surg (Am), 2007, 89 Suppl 3: 127-136.
  1. 1. Potau JM, Bardina X, Ciurana N, et al. Quantitative study of the architecture of the human subacromial space and its relationship with rotator cuff tears. Eur J Anat, 2008, 12 (1): 39-45.
  2. 2. Papadopoulos P, Karataglis D, Boutsiadis A, et al. Functional outcome and structural integrity following mini-open repair of large and massive rotator cuff tears: A 3-5 year follow-up study. J Shoulder Elbow Surg, 2011, 20(1): 131-137.
  3. 3. Ellman H. Arthroscopic subacromial decompression: analysis of one-to three-year results. Arthroscopy, 1987, 3(3): 173-181.
  4. 4. Hijioka A, Suzuki K, Nakamura T, et al. Degenerative change and rotator cuff tears. An anatomical study in 160 shoulders of 80 cadavers. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg, 1993, 112(2): 61-64.
  5. 5. MacDermid JC, Holtby R, Razmjou H, et al. All-arthroscopic versus mini-open repair of small or moderate-sized rotator cuff tears: a protocol for a randomized trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 2006, 7: 25.
  6. 6. 張貴祥, 胡運勝, 趙京龍, 等. MRI不同序列對肩袖損傷診斷價值的比較. 中國醫(yī)學(xué)影像技術(shù), 2005, 21(7): 1067-1069.
  7. 7. Teefey SA, Rubin DA, Middleton WD, et al. Detection and quantification of rotator cuff tears. J Bone Joint Surg (Am), 2004, 86-A(4): 708-716.
  8. 8. DeFranco MJ, Cole BJ. Current perspectives on rotator cuff anatomy. Arthroscopy, 2009, 25(3): 305-320.
  9. 9. Zlatkin MB, Hoffman C, Shellock FG. Assessment of the rotator cuff and glenoid labrum using an extremity MR system: MR results compared to surgical findings from a multi-center study. J Magn Reson Imaging, 2004, 19(5): 623-631.
  10. 10. 劉玉杰, 王志剛, 王巖, 等. 肩袖損傷的影像學(xué)及關(guān)節(jié)鏡診療價值. 中華創(chuàng)傷雜志, 2004, 20(1): 33-35.
  11. 11. 陸偉, 崔國慶, 歐陽侃, 等. 關(guān)節(jié)鏡下五種方法修復(fù)肩袖撕裂的療效觀察. 中國修復(fù)重建外科雜志, 2009, 23(9): 1083-1086.
  12. 12. Shinoda T, Shibata Y, Izaki T, et al. A comparative study of surgical invasion in arthroscopic and open rotator cuff repair. J Shoulder Elbow Surg, 2009, 18(4): 596-599.
  13. 13. 劉玉杰, 蔡胥, 王志剛, 等. 關(guān)節(jié)鏡輔助下小切口修復(fù)肩袖損傷. 中華手外科雜志, 2005, 21(1): 6-8.
  14. 14. 張春剛, 王衛(wèi)明, 趙德偉, 等. 肩袖部分撕裂的關(guān)節(jié)鏡治療. 中國骨與關(guān)節(jié)損傷雜志, 2010, 25(7): 586-588.
  15. 15. Bond JL, Dopirak RM, Higgins J, et al. Arthroscopic replacement of massive, irreparable rotator cuff tears using a GraftJacket allograft: technique and preliminary results. Arthroscopy, 2008, 24(4): 403-409.
  16. 16. Burkhart SS, Johnson TC, Wirth MA, et al. Cyclic loading of transosseous rotator cuff repairs: tension overload as a possible cause of failure. Arthroscopy, 1997, 13(2): 172-176.
  17. 17. Demirham M, Atalar AC, Kilicoglu O. Primary fixation strength of rotator cuff repair techniques: a comparative study. Arthroscopy, 2003, 19(6): 572-576.
  18. 18. Nho SJ, Shindle MK, Sherman SL, et al. Systematic review of arthroscopic rotator cuff repair and mini-open rotator cuff repair. J Bone Joint Surg (Am), 2007, 89 Suppl 3: 127-136.