• 1 蘭州軍區(qū)蘭州總醫(yī)院骨科中心(蘭州,710050);;
  • 2 蘭州大學第二臨床醫(yī)學院臨床系;

目的 以去細胞肌肉生物支架(acellular muscle bioscaffolds,AMBS)接種BMSCs,同種異體移植修復大鼠脊髓半切損傷,觀察兩者聯(lián)合移植對脊髓損傷的修復作用。 方法取8周齡雌性SD大鼠,采用改良化學方法制備AMBS,并進行復合冷滅菌;密度梯度離心法提取、貼壁法培養(yǎng)BMSCs,取第3代細胞用Hoechst 33342熒光標記,采用注射法制備BMSCs-AMBS復合支架,14 d后掃描電鏡及熒光顯微鏡觀察其生物相容性。取成年雌性SD大鼠48只,制備T9~11脊髓半切損傷模型后隨機分為4組(n=12),A組于缺損處移植BMSCs-AMBS復合支架,B組單獨移植BMSCs,C組單獨移植AMBS,D組注射PBS作為空白對照組,分別于術后1、2、3、4周行運動功能評分,術后4周行HE染色觀察及免疫熒光檢測。 結果Masson染色及HE染色示AMBS內(nèi)部呈平行結構,主要為膠原纖維,幾乎無肌纖維。BMSCs-AMBS復合培養(yǎng)14 d后熒光顯微鏡觀察示Hoechst 33342標記BMSCs大量存活,掃描電鏡可見BMSCs貼附于支架內(nèi)表面生長。術后2~4周,大鼠BBB評分A組均高于其余3組(P  lt; 0.05),D組明顯低于其余3組(P  lt; 0.05);術后4周B組明顯高于C組(t=10.352,P=0.000)。術后4周,HE染色示脊髓空洞面積A組明顯小于其余3組,免疫熒光染色示A 組神經(jīng)絲蛋白200、巢蛋白陽性細胞表達量高于其余3組,神經(jīng)膠質(zhì)原酸性蛋白(glial fibrillary acidic protein,GFAP)則明顯低表達。A、B組熒光示蹤的BMSCs移植到體內(nèi)后主要遷移至對側灰質(zhì)前角,部分分化為神經(jīng)元樣細胞。A、B、C、D組GFAP熒光半定量分析積分吸光度(IA)值分別為733.01 ± 202.04、926.42 ± 59.46、1 069.37 ± 33.42、1 469.46 ± 160.53,A組明顯低于其余3組,D組高于其余3組,差異均有統(tǒng)計學意義(P  lt; 0.05)。 結論AMBS具有相對規(guī)則的內(nèi)部結構,與BMSCs有良好生物相容性,能抑制膠質(zhì)瘢痕,促進BMSCs存活、遷徙、分化,是細胞移植理想的天然載體。兩者聯(lián)合移植修復大鼠脊髓損傷能發(fā)揮協(xié)同作用,促進運動功能恢復。

引用本文: 魏祥科,文益民,張濤,李含. BMSCs聯(lián)合去細胞肌肉生物支架修復大鼠脊髓半切損傷的實驗研究. 中國修復重建外科雜志, 2012, 26(11): 1362-1368. doi: 復制

1. Yang JT, Kuo YC, Chiu KH. Peptide-modified inverted colloidal crystal scaffolds with bone marrow stromal cells in the treatment for spinal cord injury. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, 2011, 84(1): 198-205.
2. Stokols S, Tuszynski MH. Freeze-dried agarose scaffolds with uniaxial channels stimulate and guide linear axonal growth following spinal cord injury. Biomaterials, 2006, 27(3): 443-451.
3. Zurita M, Otero L, Aguayo C, et al. Cell therapy for spinal cord repair: optimization of biologic scaffolds for survival and neural differentiation of human bone marrow stromal cells. Cytotherapy, 2010, 12(4): 522-537.
4. Gros T, Sakamoto JS, Blesch A, et al. Regeneration of long-tract axons through sites of spinal cord injury using templated agarose scaffolds. Biomaterials, 2010, 31(26): 6719-6729.
5. Itosaka H, Kuroda S, Shichinohe H, et al. Fibrin matrix provides a suitable scaffold for bone marrow stromal cells transplanted into injured spinal cord: a novel material for CNS tissue engineering. Neuropathology, 2009, 29(3): 248-257.
6. 汪大彬, 文益民, 藍旭, 等. 殼聚糖-藻酸鹽支架復合BMSCs修復急性脊髓損傷的實驗研究. 中國修復重建外科雜志, 2010, 24(2): 190-196.
7. Arai T, Kanje M, Lundborg G, et al. Axonal outgrowth in muscle grafts made acellular by chemical extraction. Restor Neurol Neurosci, 2000, 17(4): 165-174.
8. Mligiliche N, Kitada M, Ide C. Grafting of detergent-denatured skeletal muscles provides effective conduits for extension of regenerating axons in the rat sciatic nerve. Arch Histol Cytol, 2001, 64(1): 29-36.
9. Carlson EC, Carlson BM. A method for preparing skeletal muscle fiber basal laminae. Anat Rec, 1991, 230(3): 325-331.
10. 汪大彬, 文益民, 藍旭, 等. 殼聚糖-藻酸鹽多通道支架材料細胞相容性研究. 中國矯形外科雜志, 2010, 18(10): 836-839.
11. Rivlin AS, Tator CH. Objective clinical assessment of motor function after experimental spinal cord injury in the rat. J Neurosurg, 1977, 47(4): 577-581.
12. Parr AM, Tator CH, Keating A. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells for the repair of central nervous system injury. Bone Marrow Transplant, 2007, 40(7): 609-619.
13. Lu P, Jones LL, Tuszynski MH. BDNF-expressing marrow stromal cells support extensive axonal growth at sites of spinal cord injury. Exp Neurol, 2005, 191(2): 344-360.
14. Sanes JR, Marshall LM, McMahan UJ. Reinnervation of muscle fiber basal lamina after removal of myofibers. Differentiation of regenerating axons at original synaptic sites. J Cell Biol, 1978, 78(1): 176-198.
15. 徐新智, 孫磊, 胡蘊玉. 肌基膜管橋接周圍神經(jīng)缺損的電生理研究. 中華物理醫(yī)學與康復雜志, 2000, 22(2): 119-120.
16. Keilhoff G, Pratsch F, Wolf G, et al. Bridging extra large defects of peripheral nerves: possibilities and limitations of alternative biological grafts from acellular muscle and Schwann cells. Tissue Eng, 2005, 11(7-8): 1004-1014.
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19. Fansa H, Schneider W, Wolf G, et al. Host responses after acellular muscle basal lamina allografting used as a matrix for tissue engineered nerve grafts. Transplantation, 2002, 74(3): 381-387.
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21. 殷迪. 人羊膜上皮細胞與肌基膜管支架相容性的實驗研究. 長春: 吉林大學, 2008.
22. 賈彬, 李杰, 賀西京, 等. 嗅黏膜嗅鞘細胞與肌基膜管聯(lián)合移植修復脊髓損傷. 中國組織工程研究與臨床康復, 2008, 12(51): 10041-10044.
23. 王鴻飛, 鄭連杰, 張書琴, 等. 牛腦提取液與肌基膜管結合對脊髓損傷修復及再生的影響. 中國臨床康復, 2003, 7(32): 4336-4337.
24. 李培建, 胥少汀. 神經(jīng)生長因子及其結合肌基膜管移植修復脊髓橫斷性損傷的組織學觀察. 中華神經(jīng)外科雜志, 2000, 16(6): 367-370.
25. 張紅旭, 胥少汀, 吳霞, 等. 肌基膜管結合神經(jīng)生長因子修復脊髓缺損的實驗研究. 中華骨科雜志, 1995, 15(1): 32-35, T003.
  1. 1. Yang JT, Kuo YC, Chiu KH. Peptide-modified inverted colloidal crystal scaffolds with bone marrow stromal cells in the treatment for spinal cord injury. Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, 2011, 84(1): 198-205.
  2. 2. Stokols S, Tuszynski MH. Freeze-dried agarose scaffolds with uniaxial channels stimulate and guide linear axonal growth following spinal cord injury. Biomaterials, 2006, 27(3): 443-451.
  3. 3. Zurita M, Otero L, Aguayo C, et al. Cell therapy for spinal cord repair: optimization of biologic scaffolds for survival and neural differentiation of human bone marrow stromal cells. Cytotherapy, 2010, 12(4): 522-537.
  4. 4. Gros T, Sakamoto JS, Blesch A, et al. Regeneration of long-tract axons through sites of spinal cord injury using templated agarose scaffolds. Biomaterials, 2010, 31(26): 6719-6729.
  5. 5. Itosaka H, Kuroda S, Shichinohe H, et al. Fibrin matrix provides a suitable scaffold for bone marrow stromal cells transplanted into injured spinal cord: a novel material for CNS tissue engineering. Neuropathology, 2009, 29(3): 248-257.
  6. 6. 汪大彬, 文益民, 藍旭, 等. 殼聚糖-藻酸鹽支架復合BMSCs修復急性脊髓損傷的實驗研究. 中國修復重建外科雜志, 2010, 24(2): 190-196.
  7. 7. Arai T, Kanje M, Lundborg G, et al. Axonal outgrowth in muscle grafts made acellular by chemical extraction. Restor Neurol Neurosci, 2000, 17(4): 165-174.
  8. 8. Mligiliche N, Kitada M, Ide C. Grafting of detergent-denatured skeletal muscles provides effective conduits for extension of regenerating axons in the rat sciatic nerve. Arch Histol Cytol, 2001, 64(1): 29-36.
  9. 9. Carlson EC, Carlson BM. A method for preparing skeletal muscle fiber basal laminae. Anat Rec, 1991, 230(3): 325-331.
  10. 10. 汪大彬, 文益民, 藍旭, 等. 殼聚糖-藻酸鹽多通道支架材料細胞相容性研究. 中國矯形外科雜志, 2010, 18(10): 836-839.
  11. 11. Rivlin AS, Tator CH. Objective clinical assessment of motor function after experimental spinal cord injury in the rat. J Neurosurg, 1977, 47(4): 577-581.
  12. 12. Parr AM, Tator CH, Keating A. Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stromal cells for the repair of central nervous system injury. Bone Marrow Transplant, 2007, 40(7): 609-619.
  13. 13. Lu P, Jones LL, Tuszynski MH. BDNF-expressing marrow stromal cells support extensive axonal growth at sites of spinal cord injury. Exp Neurol, 2005, 191(2): 344-360.
  14. 14. Sanes JR, Marshall LM, McMahan UJ. Reinnervation of muscle fiber basal lamina after removal of myofibers. Differentiation of regenerating axons at original synaptic sites. J Cell Biol, 1978, 78(1): 176-198.
  15. 15. 徐新智, 孫磊, 胡蘊玉. 肌基膜管橋接周圍神經(jīng)缺損的電生理研究. 中華物理醫(yī)學與康復雜志, 2000, 22(2): 119-120.
  16. 16. Keilhoff G, Pratsch F, Wolf G, et al. Bridging extra large defects of peripheral nerves: possibilities and limitations of alternative biological grafts from acellular muscle and Schwann cells. Tissue Eng, 2005, 11(7-8): 1004-1014.
  17. 17. 張秀英, 薛輝, 孫皎, 等. 肌基膜管植入對大鼠脊髓半橫斷損傷模型的血管化作用. 吉林大學學報: 醫(yī)學版, 2011, 37(5): 784-787.
  18. 18. 張秀英. 肌基膜管移植大鼠脊髓半切損傷模型血管生成情況的研究. 長春: 吉林大學, 2007.
  19. 19. Fansa H, Schneider W, Wolf G, et al. Host responses after acellular muscle basal lamina allografting used as a matrix for tissue engineered nerve grafts. Transplantation, 2002, 74(3): 381-387.
  20. 20. 宋宇, 劉佳梅, 薛輝, 等. 攜帶神經(jīng)干細胞肌基膜管組織工程支架中神經(jīng)干細胞的存活分化. 中國組織工程研究與臨床康復, 2010, 14(47): 8751-8754.
  21. 21. 殷迪. 人羊膜上皮細胞與肌基膜管支架相容性的實驗研究. 長春: 吉林大學, 2008.
  22. 22. 賈彬, 李杰, 賀西京, 等. 嗅黏膜嗅鞘細胞與肌基膜管聯(lián)合移植修復脊髓損傷. 中國組織工程研究與臨床康復, 2008, 12(51): 10041-10044.
  23. 23. 王鴻飛, 鄭連杰, 張書琴, 等. 牛腦提取液與肌基膜管結合對脊髓損傷修復及再生的影響. 中國臨床康復, 2003, 7(32): 4336-4337.
  24. 24. 李培建, 胥少汀. 神經(jīng)生長因子及其結合肌基膜管移植修復脊髓橫斷性損傷的組織學觀察. 中華神經(jīng)外科雜志, 2000, 16(6): 367-370.
  25. 25. 張紅旭, 胥少汀, 吳霞, 等. 肌基膜管結合神經(jīng)生長因子修復脊髓缺損的實驗研究. 中華骨科雜志, 1995, 15(1): 32-35, T003.