• 四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院心理衛(wèi)生中心 (成都 610041);

目的  分析2006年成都市精神衛(wèi)生機構(gòu)服務(wù)現(xiàn)狀,為衛(wèi)生職能部門制定精神衛(wèi)生工作規(guī)劃提供參考。
方法  采用描述性分析方法,對成都市2004年精神衛(wèi)生機構(gòu)的服務(wù)現(xiàn)狀進(jìn)行分析。
結(jié)果  成都市精神衛(wèi)生機構(gòu)資源比較貧乏,同時衛(wèi)生資源利用率較低。
結(jié)論  建議建立精神衛(wèi)生管理機構(gòu);增加衛(wèi)生資源投入;加強專業(yè)人員的培訓(xùn);堅持??瓢l(fā)展方向,不斷拓寬相關(guān)??品?wù)領(lǐng)域;開展社區(qū)精神病防治。

引用本文: 劉傳新,劉培毅,毛文君,楊彥春. 成都市精神衛(wèi)生服務(wù)現(xiàn)況調(diào)查分析. 中國循證醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2007, 07(11): 774-777. doi: 復(fù)制

1. 1成都市統(tǒng)計局《2003年成都市統(tǒng)計年鑒》.
2. “The Statistical Yearbook of Chengdu in 2003” National Bureau of Statistics of Chengdu.
3. Zhang MY. Mental illness and disease burden. National Medical Journal of China, 2001, 81(2): 67-68.
4. Yin DK. The work together, the down-to-earth, all to promote the works of mental health in the new century – The Report of the Conference in the Third National Mental Health. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 2002, 16(1): 4-8.
5. Ruan LM. Comparing research of mental health in China and Australia. Chinese Hospitals, 2005, 8(9): 37-39.
6. World Health Organization: Atlas: Mental Health Resources in the World, 2001. Geneva: WHO, 2002.
7. 張明園. 精神疾病和疾病負(fù)擔(dān). 中華醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2001, 81(2): 67-68.
8. 殷大奎. 齊心協(xié)力、腳踏實地、全民推進(jìn)新世紀(jì)精神衛(wèi)生工作-全國第三次精神衛(wèi)生工作會議報告. 中國心理衛(wèi)生雜志, 2002, 16(1): 4-8.
9. World Health Organization. The World Health Report 1999. Geneva: WHO, 1999. 78.
10. 阮列敏. 中澳兩國精神衛(wèi)生工作的比較及啟示. 中國醫(yī)院, 2005, 8(9): 37-39.
  1. 1. 1成都市統(tǒng)計局《2003年成都市統(tǒng)計年鑒》.
  2. 2. “The Statistical Yearbook of Chengdu in 2003” National Bureau of Statistics of Chengdu.
  3. 3. Zhang MY. Mental illness and disease burden. National Medical Journal of China, 2001, 81(2): 67-68.
  4. 4. Yin DK. The work together, the down-to-earth, all to promote the works of mental health in the new century – The Report of the Conference in the Third National Mental Health. Chinese Mental Health Journal, 2002, 16(1): 4-8.
  5. 5. Ruan LM. Comparing research of mental health in China and Australia. Chinese Hospitals, 2005, 8(9): 37-39.
  6. 6. World Health Organization: Atlas: Mental Health Resources in the World, 2001. Geneva: WHO, 2002.
  7. 7. 張明園. 精神疾病和疾病負(fù)擔(dān). 中華醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2001, 81(2): 67-68.
  8. 8. 殷大奎. 齊心協(xié)力、腳踏實地、全民推進(jìn)新世紀(jì)精神衛(wèi)生工作-全國第三次精神衛(wèi)生工作會議報告. 中國心理衛(wèi)生雜志, 2002, 16(1): 4-8.
  9. 9. World Health Organization. The World Health Report 1999. Geneva: WHO, 1999. 78.
  10. 10. 阮列敏. 中澳兩國精神衛(wèi)生工作的比較及啟示. 中國醫(yī)院, 2005, 8(9): 37-39.