• 1.四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院中國循證醫(yī)學(xué)中心(成都 610041) 2.四川大學(xué)華西臨床醫(yī)學(xué)院 (成都 610041) 3.中國衛(wèi)生部醫(yī)政司(北京 100044) 4.中國醫(yī)師協(xié)會(北京 100054);

目的  循證評價我國煤礦業(yè)風(fēng)險及管理現(xiàn)狀,為同屬高風(fēng)險行業(yè)的醫(yī)療行業(yè)風(fēng)險控制提供參考。
方法  計算機檢索EI(1969~2005)、SDOS(1995~2005)、維普全文數(shù)據(jù)(1989~2005)、萬方數(shù)據(jù)庫(會議論文:1997~2005;學(xué)位論文:1977~2005)、CNKI數(shù)據(jù)庫(1994~2005)、 MSHA(msha.gov)及相關(guān)官方網(wǎng)站。收集我國礦業(yè)安全現(xiàn)狀、應(yīng)急救援、風(fēng)險管理及預(yù)警的文獻。語種限制為英文和中文。
結(jié)果  共納入19篇文獻,其中官方文獻9篇,研究性文獻4篇,專家評論6篇。近年我國煤礦業(yè)安全狀況有所改善,礦難呈下降趨勢,但遠較美國高。占全國煤礦90%的小煤礦安全問題突出。我國煤礦業(yè)應(yīng)急救援及預(yù)警體系還不完善。
結(jié)論  我國醫(yī)療行業(yè)應(yīng)吸取我國礦難頻發(fā)的教訓(xùn),積極關(guān)注占我國醫(yī)療機構(gòu)68.24%的診所的醫(yī)療服務(wù)質(zhì)量,對各級醫(yī)務(wù)人員開展多層面、多形式、多內(nèi)容培訓(xùn),提高其風(fēng)險防范意識和法律意識,并建立員工主動上報小差錯制度。

引用本文: 高曉鳳,謝 瑜,文 進,孫 丁,李幼平,羅裕坤,彭 柯,陳恒禧,王 羽,張宗久,趙明鋼,陸 君,柳琪林. 我國煤礦業(yè)風(fēng)險管理現(xiàn)狀的循證評價——醫(yī)療風(fēng)險系列研究之二. 中國循證醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2006, 06(3): 202-208. doi: 復(fù)制

1. 李鳳發(fā). 制止礦難,要待何時?法制與經(jīng)濟, 2005; (1): 1.
2. 楊宜勇, 李宏梅. 對中國礦難的制度分析. 發(fā)展, 2005; (6): 35~36.
3. 楊鳳春. 政府應(yīng)對礦難承擔(dān)什么樣的責(zé)任. 決策咨詢, 2004; (12): 28~29.
4. 中華人民共和國國家統(tǒng)計局. 中華人民共和國2000年國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展統(tǒng)計公報. Available from: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20020331_15395.htm.
5. 中華人民共和國國家統(tǒng)計局. 中華人民共和國2001年國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展統(tǒng)計公報. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20020331_15396.htm.
6. 中華人民共和國國家統(tǒng)計局. 中華人民共和國2002年國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展統(tǒng)計公報. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20030228_69102.htm.
7. 中華人民共和國國家統(tǒng)計局. 中華人民共和國2003年國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展統(tǒng)計公報. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20040226_402131958.htm.
8. 中華人民共和國國家統(tǒng)計局. 中華人民共和國2004年國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展統(tǒng)計公報. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20050228_402231854.htm.
9. 匿名. 礦難頻發(fā)的背后——數(shù)字來說話. Available from: URL: http://bulo.163.com/article/-9PGw-ZZJxxz.html.
10. 楊亮. 礦難背后的血酬定律. 北方經(jīng)濟, 2005; (5): 18~20.
11. 溫源.《全國國有煤礦安全保障能力調(diào)研報告》發(fā)布. Available from: URL: http://www.gmw.cn/01gmrb/2004-12/28/content_155732.htm.
12. 田彥紅. 基層煤礦安全投入欠賬巨大, 國內(nèi)煤礦安全再調(diào)查. Available from: URL: http://finance.sina.com.cn/review/observe/20050320/12381444338.shtml.
13. 中華人民共和國安全生產(chǎn)法. Available from: URL: http://past.people.com.cn/GB/jinji/20020629/764322.html.
14. 饒傳平. 礦難為何猛于虎-來自法律層面的思考. 學(xué)習(xí)月刊, 2003; (9): 15~16.
15. 王安民. 美國的煤礦安全監(jiān)察情況. 煤礦安全, 1999; (10): 26-28.
16. 裴迅思. 美國煤礦安全經(jīng)驗值得學(xué)習(xí)借鑒. 專家工作通訊, 2003; (6): 37~39.
17. 匿名. 梁嘉琨: 六大原因?qū)е碌V難頻發(fā). 開放潮, 2005; (l): 7.
18. 匿名. 礦山救護的法律規(guī)定. 現(xiàn)代職業(yè)安全, 2005; (1): 85~86.
19. 國家煤礦安全監(jiān)察局. 煤礦安全規(guī)程. Available from: URL: http://www.china-ex.com/flfgmkgc.htm.
20. 楊大明. 我國礦山救護現(xiàn)狀. 當代礦工, 2002; (4): 11.
21. 張沉. 應(yīng)急救援, 突發(fā)事件的最后一張牌. 現(xiàn)代職業(yè)安全, 2004; (11): 18-26.
22. 匿名. 礦工之淚與發(fā)展模式之累. 經(jīng)濟管理文摘, 2005; (2): 1.
23. 徐彩霞, 劉武. 礦難與政府角色. 有色礦冶. 2005; 21(suppl.): 170~171.
24. 崔滬. 國外煤礦安全管理對國內(nèi)礦難的啟示. 煤礦現(xiàn)代化, 2005; (2): 32~33.
25. 盧仲毅, 王興勇, 肖農(nóng), 等. 醫(yī)療風(fēng)險防范管理的理論與實踐. 中華現(xiàn)代醫(yī)院管理雜志, 2004; 2(8): 81~83.
26. 衛(wèi)生部統(tǒng)計信息中心. 2004年中國衛(wèi)生事業(yè)發(fā)展情況統(tǒng)計公報. Available from: URL: http://www.moh.gov.cn/news/sub_index.aspx?tp_class=C3.
27. 簡夏微, 袁訓(xùn)書. 管理理念對醫(yī)療質(zhì)量管理品質(zhì)的影響. 中華醫(yī)院管理雜志, 2003;19(5): 271~273.
28. Li FF. When will mine disaster be stop? Legal System and Economy, 2005; (1): 1.
29. Yang YY, Li HM. Analyze the system for mine disaster in China. Development, 2005; (6): 35-36.
30. Yang FC. What responsibility should be taken by government for mine disaster? Decision-making consultation, 2004; (12): 28-29.
31. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Gazette of national economy and social development of china in 2000. Available from: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20020331_15395.htm.
32. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Gazette of national economy and social development of china in 2001. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20020331_15396.htm.
33. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Gazette of national economy and social development of china in 2002. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20030228_69102.htm.
34. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Gazette of national economy and social development of china in 2003. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20040226_402131958.htm.
35. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Gazette of national economy and social development of china in 2004. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20050228_402231854.htm.
36. Anonymous. The back of the mine disaster-according to number. Available from: URL: http://bulo.163.com/article/-9PGw-ZZJxxz.html.
37. Yang L. The law of reward of blood in back of the mine disaster. The North Economy, 2005; (5):18-20.
38. Wen Y. The investigation reports of the ability to ensure safety of coal mine in China proclamation. Available from: URL: http://www.gmw.cn/01gmrb/2004-12/28/content_155732.htm.
39. Tian YH. Enormous lack of safety input coal mines in grass roots and reinvestigation for safety in coal mines of China. Available from: URL: http://finance.sina.com.cn/review/observe/20050320/12381444338.shtml.
40. The law safety production of the People’s of Republic China. Available from: URL http://past.people.com.cn/GB/jinji/20020629/764322.html.
41. Rao CP. Why mine disasters is more horrible than tigers. Xue Xi Yue Kan, 2003; (9): 15-16.
42. Wang AM. Safety supervision of coal mine in America. Coal Mine Safety, 1999; (10): 26-28.
43. Pei XS. The safety experience of coal mine in America is worthy to be studied. Work Message of Experts, 2003; (6): 37-39.
44. Code of federal Regulation 30-Mineral Resources. Available from: URL: http://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/cfr.php?title=30.
45. Anonymous. Liang Jia-Kun: six reasons leading to high frequency of mine disaster. Opening Tide, 2005; (l): 7.
46. Anonymous. The law regulation of mine rescue. Modern Occupation Safety, 2005; (1): 85-86.
47. China State Administration of work safety. The regulation of coal safety. Available from: URL: http://www.china-ex.com/flfgmkgc.htm.
48. Yang DM. The present status of mine rescue in China. Contemporary Miners, 2002; (4): 11.
49. Zhang C. First aid in emergency, the final card to outburst of accidents. Modern Occupation Safety, 2004; (11): 18-26.
50. Anonymous. The tears of miners and the loads of development mode. The Abstracts of Economy Management, 2005; (2): 1.
51. Xu CX, Liu W. Mine disaster and governmental role. Non-ferrous and Metallurgy, 2005; 21(suppl.): 170-171.
52. Cui H. Revelation of safety management in foreign coal mine to mine disaster in China. Coal Mine Modernization, 2005; (2): 32-33.
53. Lu ZY, Wang XY, Xiao N, et al. The practice and theory of preventing and managing medical risk. Chinese Model Hospital Management Journal, 2004; 2(8): 81-83.
54. Center of statistic information of ministry of health of China. Gazette of health development of China in 2004. Available from: URL: http://www.moh.gov.cn/news/sub_index.aspx?tp_class=C3.
55. Jian XW, Yuan XS. The influence of management concept to management of medical quality. Chinese Hospital Management, 2003; 19(5): 271-273.
  1. 1. 李鳳發(fā). 制止礦難,要待何時?法制與經(jīng)濟, 2005; (1): 1.
  2. 2. 楊宜勇, 李宏梅. 對中國礦難的制度分析. 發(fā)展, 2005; (6): 35~36.
  3. 3. 楊鳳春. 政府應(yīng)對礦難承擔(dān)什么樣的責(zé)任. 決策咨詢, 2004; (12): 28~29.
  4. 4. 中華人民共和國國家統(tǒng)計局. 中華人民共和國2000年國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展統(tǒng)計公報. Available from: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20020331_15395.htm.
  5. 5. 中華人民共和國國家統(tǒng)計局. 中華人民共和國2001年國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展統(tǒng)計公報. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20020331_15396.htm.
  6. 6. 中華人民共和國國家統(tǒng)計局. 中華人民共和國2002年國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展統(tǒng)計公報. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20030228_69102.htm.
  7. 7. 中華人民共和國國家統(tǒng)計局. 中華人民共和國2003年國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展統(tǒng)計公報. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20040226_402131958.htm.
  8. 8. 中華人民共和國國家統(tǒng)計局. 中華人民共和國2004年國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展統(tǒng)計公報. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20050228_402231854.htm.
  9. 9. 匿名. 礦難頻發(fā)的背后——數(shù)字來說話. Available from: URL: http://bulo.163.com/article/-9PGw-ZZJxxz.html.
  10. 10. 楊亮. 礦難背后的血酬定律. 北方經(jīng)濟, 2005; (5): 18~20.
  11. 11. 溫源.《全國國有煤礦安全保障能力調(diào)研報告》發(fā)布. Available from: URL: http://www.gmw.cn/01gmrb/2004-12/28/content_155732.htm.
  12. 12. 田彥紅. 基層煤礦安全投入欠賬巨大, 國內(nèi)煤礦安全再調(diào)查. Available from: URL: http://finance.sina.com.cn/review/observe/20050320/12381444338.shtml.
  13. 13. 中華人民共和國安全生產(chǎn)法. Available from: URL: http://past.people.com.cn/GB/jinji/20020629/764322.html.
  14. 14. 饒傳平. 礦難為何猛于虎-來自法律層面的思考. 學(xué)習(xí)月刊, 2003; (9): 15~16.
  15. 15. 王安民. 美國的煤礦安全監(jiān)察情況. 煤礦安全, 1999; (10): 26-28.
  16. 16. 裴迅思. 美國煤礦安全經(jīng)驗值得學(xué)習(xí)借鑒. 專家工作通訊, 2003; (6): 37~39.
  17. 17. 匿名. 梁嘉琨: 六大原因?qū)е碌V難頻發(fā). 開放潮, 2005; (l): 7.
  18. 18. 匿名. 礦山救護的法律規(guī)定. 現(xiàn)代職業(yè)安全, 2005; (1): 85~86.
  19. 19. 國家煤礦安全監(jiān)察局. 煤礦安全規(guī)程. Available from: URL: http://www.china-ex.com/flfgmkgc.htm.
  20. 20. 楊大明. 我國礦山救護現(xiàn)狀. 當代礦工, 2002; (4): 11.
  21. 21. 張沉. 應(yīng)急救援, 突發(fā)事件的最后一張牌. 現(xiàn)代職業(yè)安全, 2004; (11): 18-26.
  22. 22. 匿名. 礦工之淚與發(fā)展模式之累. 經(jīng)濟管理文摘, 2005; (2): 1.
  23. 23. 徐彩霞, 劉武. 礦難與政府角色. 有色礦冶. 2005; 21(suppl.): 170~171.
  24. 24. 崔滬. 國外煤礦安全管理對國內(nèi)礦難的啟示. 煤礦現(xiàn)代化, 2005; (2): 32~33.
  25. 25. 盧仲毅, 王興勇, 肖農(nóng), 等. 醫(yī)療風(fēng)險防范管理的理論與實踐. 中華現(xiàn)代醫(yī)院管理雜志, 2004; 2(8): 81~83.
  26. 26. 衛(wèi)生部統(tǒng)計信息中心. 2004年中國衛(wèi)生事業(yè)發(fā)展情況統(tǒng)計公報. Available from: URL: http://www.moh.gov.cn/news/sub_index.aspx?tp_class=C3.
  27. 27. 簡夏微, 袁訓(xùn)書. 管理理念對醫(yī)療質(zhì)量管理品質(zhì)的影響. 中華醫(yī)院管理雜志, 2003;19(5): 271~273.
  28. 28. Li FF. When will mine disaster be stop? Legal System and Economy, 2005; (1): 1.
  29. 29. Yang YY, Li HM. Analyze the system for mine disaster in China. Development, 2005; (6): 35-36.
  30. 30. Yang FC. What responsibility should be taken by government for mine disaster? Decision-making consultation, 2004; (12): 28-29.
  31. 31. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Gazette of national economy and social development of china in 2000. Available from: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20020331_15395.htm.
  32. 32. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Gazette of national economy and social development of china in 2001. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20020331_15396.htm.
  33. 33. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Gazette of national economy and social development of china in 2002. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20030228_69102.htm.
  34. 34. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Gazette of national economy and social development of china in 2003. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20040226_402131958.htm.
  35. 35. National Bureau of Statistics of China. Gazette of national economy and social development of china in 2004. Available from: URL: http://www.stats.gov.cn/tjgb/ndtjgb/qgndtjgb/t20050228_402231854.htm.
  36. 36. Anonymous. The back of the mine disaster-according to number. Available from: URL: http://bulo.163.com/article/-9PGw-ZZJxxz.html.
  37. 37. Yang L. The law of reward of blood in back of the mine disaster. The North Economy, 2005; (5):18-20.
  38. 38. Wen Y. The investigation reports of the ability to ensure safety of coal mine in China proclamation. Available from: URL: http://www.gmw.cn/01gmrb/2004-12/28/content_155732.htm.
  39. 39. Tian YH. Enormous lack of safety input coal mines in grass roots and reinvestigation for safety in coal mines of China. Available from: URL: http://finance.sina.com.cn/review/observe/20050320/12381444338.shtml.
  40. 40. The law safety production of the People’s of Republic China. Available from: URL http://past.people.com.cn/GB/jinji/20020629/764322.html.
  41. 41. Rao CP. Why mine disasters is more horrible than tigers. Xue Xi Yue Kan, 2003; (9): 15-16.
  42. 42. Wang AM. Safety supervision of coal mine in America. Coal Mine Safety, 1999; (10): 26-28.
  43. 43. Pei XS. The safety experience of coal mine in America is worthy to be studied. Work Message of Experts, 2003; (6): 37-39.
  44. 44. Code of federal Regulation 30-Mineral Resources. Available from: URL: http://www.law.cornell.edu/cfr/cfr.php?title=30.
  45. 45. Anonymous. Liang Jia-Kun: six reasons leading to high frequency of mine disaster. Opening Tide, 2005; (l): 7.
  46. 46. Anonymous. The law regulation of mine rescue. Modern Occupation Safety, 2005; (1): 85-86.
  47. 47. China State Administration of work safety. The regulation of coal safety. Available from: URL: http://www.china-ex.com/flfgmkgc.htm.
  48. 48. Yang DM. The present status of mine rescue in China. Contemporary Miners, 2002; (4): 11.
  49. 49. Zhang C. First aid in emergency, the final card to outburst of accidents. Modern Occupation Safety, 2004; (11): 18-26.
  50. 50. Anonymous. The tears of miners and the loads of development mode. The Abstracts of Economy Management, 2005; (2): 1.
  51. 51. Xu CX, Liu W. Mine disaster and governmental role. Non-ferrous and Metallurgy, 2005; 21(suppl.): 170-171.
  52. 52. Cui H. Revelation of safety management in foreign coal mine to mine disaster in China. Coal Mine Modernization, 2005; (2): 32-33.
  53. 53. Lu ZY, Wang XY, Xiao N, et al. The practice and theory of preventing and managing medical risk. Chinese Model Hospital Management Journal, 2004; 2(8): 81-83.
  54. 54. Center of statistic information of ministry of health of China. Gazette of health development of China in 2004. Available from: URL: http://www.moh.gov.cn/news/sub_index.aspx?tp_class=C3.
  55. 55. Jian XW, Yuan XS. The influence of management concept to management of medical quality. Chinese Hospital Management, 2003; 19(5): 271-273.