• 1. 上海市中西醫(yī)結(jié)合醫(yī)院神經(jīng)內(nèi)科(上海 200082)2. 四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院神經(jīng)科(成都 610041);

目的  全面了解我國(guó)多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病患者的臨床表現(xiàn)。
方法  電子檢索中國(guó)生物醫(yī)學(xué)文獻(xiàn)數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)和萬(wàn)方數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)1980~2005年收錄的多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病病例報(bào)告,并分析其臨床表現(xiàn)特點(diǎn)。
結(jié)果  共檢索到13個(gè)研究、80例患者。其中男性61例,女性19例,均以單肢無(wú)力首發(fā),98.75%為慢性進(jìn)展性,遠(yuǎn)端重于近端(95.3%),伴有肌肉萎縮(76.3%),肌肉顫動(dòng)(46.3%),腱反射減低(96.4%),客觀感覺(jué)障礙少(6.25%),尺神經(jīng)、正中神經(jīng)或脛神經(jīng)存在運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)傳導(dǎo)阻滯(92.1%)。
結(jié)論  多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病是以肢體遠(yuǎn)端為主的進(jìn)行性非對(duì)稱性肌無(wú)力、肌萎縮,一般無(wú)感覺(jué)障礙,在尺神經(jīng)、正中神經(jīng)或脛神經(jīng)存在運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)傳導(dǎo)阻滯為特點(diǎn)。此病易與進(jìn)行性脊肌萎縮癥、慢性格林巴利相混淆。

引用本文: 鐘 萍,何 俐. 中國(guó)多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病80例患者臨床表現(xiàn)分析. 中國(guó)循證醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2006, 06(4): 305-309. doi: 復(fù)制

1. 湯景乾,梁圣彬,王振金等. 神經(jīng)電生理檢測(cè)對(duì)多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病診斷價(jià)值的初步研究. 中華神經(jīng)科雜志,2004;37(1):59~61.
2. 楊榮東.多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病3例報(bào)告. 川北醫(yī)學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào),2003;18(1):148~151.
3. 蔣榮峰,張光偉,李光勤等. 多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病四例報(bào)告. 中華神經(jīng)科雜志, 2001; 34(3): 167.
4. 葛建新,姜俊珍.多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病2例報(bào)告. 河南實(shí)用神經(jīng)病學(xué), 2002; 2(5): 96.
5. 李存江,王向波,邢華芳. 多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病的臨床研究. 北京醫(yī)學(xué), 2002; 24(2): 75~76.
6. 徐敏,賈建平,張津. 多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病10例分析. 中風(fēng)與神經(jīng)疾病雜志, 2003; 20(6): 541~543.
7. 劉明生,崔麗英,李曉光等.多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病的臨床和神經(jīng)電生理研究. 中華神經(jīng)科雜志, 2004; 37(1): 62~64.
8. 蔣智林,葉靜,范駿等.多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病的臨床、電生理和病理分析. 中國(guó)實(shí)用內(nèi)科雜志, 2003; 23(2): 110~111.
9. 黃東祥,李艷.多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病的臨床特征和診斷(附1例報(bào)告). 腦與神經(jīng)疾病雜志, 2002; 10(2): 117.
10. 羅丹紅,黃鑒政. 多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病2例報(bào)告. 中風(fēng)與神經(jīng)疾病雜志;2004,21(1):84.
11. 呂憲民,馮凱,馬建國(guó)等.多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病1例. 中國(guó)煤炭工業(yè)醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2004; 1(7): 91~92.
12. 王立軍,康德瑄,鐘延豐等. 多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病電生理診斷的初步研究. 中華物理醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 1998: 4(4): 72.
13. 姚茂元,包興昌.多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病2例. 南通醫(yī)學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào), 2002; 22(2): 219.
14. Olney RK, Lewis RA, Putnam TD, Campellone JV Jr. Consensus criteria for the diagnosis of multifocal motor neuropathy. Muscle Nerve, 2003; 27(1):117-121.
15. TANG JQ, LIANG Sheng-bin, WANG Zhen-jin, et al. Preliminary research on electroneurophysiological examination for diagnosis of multifocal motor neuropathy. Chinese Journal Neurology, 2004; 37(1):59-61.
16. Yang RD. Multifocal motor neuropathy 3 cases report. Journal of North Sichuan Medical College, 2003; 18(1): 148-151.
17. JIANG RF, ZHONG Guang-wei, LI Guang-qin, et al. Multifocal motor neuropathy 4 cases report. Chinese Journal Neurology, 2001; 34(3): 167.
18. GE JX, JIANG Jun-zhen. Multifocal motor neuropathy 2 cases report. Henan Journal of Practical Nervous Diseases, 2002; 5(2): 96.
19. LI CJ, WANG Xiao-bao, XING Hua-fang. Clinical study in multifocal motor neuropathy[J]. Beijing Medicine Journal; 2002: 24(2): 75-76.
20. XU M, JIA JP, ZHANG Jin. Multifocal motor neuropathy 10 cases report. Journal of Apoplexy and Nervous Diseases; 2003;20(6): 541-543.
21. LIU MS, CUI Li-ying, LI Xiao-guang, et al. The clinical and electrophysiological features of multifocal motor neuropathy. Chinese Journal Neurology; 2004: 37(1): 62-64.
22. JIANG ZL, YE Jing, FAN Jun, et al. Analysis of clinic and electrophysiology and pathology on multifocal motor neuropathy. Chinese Journal of Practical Internal Medicine, 2003 ; 23(2): 110-111.
23. HUANG DX, LI Yan. The clinical characteristics and diagnosis of mulifocal motor neuropathy. Journal of Brain and Nervous Diseases, 2002: 10(2): 117.
24. Luo DH, HUANG Jian-zheng. Multifocal motor neuropathy 2 cases report. Journal of Apoplexy and Nervous Diseases; 2004, 21(1): 84.
25. LV XM, FENG Kai, MA Jian-guo, et al. Multifocal motor neuropathy 1 cases report. Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine, 2004; 1(7): 91-92.
26. WANG LJ, KANG De-xuan, ZHONG Yan-feng,et al. Electrophysiological Diagnosis of Multifocal Motor Neuropathy. Chinese Journal of Physical medicine, 1998; 4(4): 72.
27. YAO MY, BAO Xing-chang. Multifocal motor neuropathy 2 cases report. Journal of Nantong Medical College, 2002; 22(2): 219.
28. Van den Berg-Vos RM, Franssen H, Wokke JH, et al. Multifocal motor neuropathy diagnostic criteria that predict the response to immunoglobulin treatment. Ann Neurol, 2000, 48(425): 919-926.
29. Olney RK, Consensus criteria for the diagnosis of paritial conduction block. Muscle Nerve, 1999, 22(Suppl 8): 225-229.
30. Katz JS, Wolfe GI, Bryan WW, et al. Multifocal motor neuropathy human sera block distal motor neuropathy. Neurology, 1997, 48(63): 700-707.
31. Nobile-Orazio E. Multifocal motor neuropathy. J Neuroimmunol, 2001, 115(21): 4-18.
  1. 1. 湯景乾,梁圣彬,王振金等. 神經(jīng)電生理檢測(cè)對(duì)多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病診斷價(jià)值的初步研究. 中華神經(jīng)科雜志,2004;37(1):59~61.
  2. 2. 楊榮東.多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病3例報(bào)告. 川北醫(yī)學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào),2003;18(1):148~151.
  3. 3. 蔣榮峰,張光偉,李光勤等. 多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病四例報(bào)告. 中華神經(jīng)科雜志, 2001; 34(3): 167.
  4. 4. 葛建新,姜俊珍.多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病2例報(bào)告. 河南實(shí)用神經(jīng)病學(xué), 2002; 2(5): 96.
  5. 5. 李存江,王向波,邢華芳. 多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病的臨床研究. 北京醫(yī)學(xué), 2002; 24(2): 75~76.
  6. 6. 徐敏,賈建平,張津. 多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病10例分析. 中風(fēng)與神經(jīng)疾病雜志, 2003; 20(6): 541~543.
  7. 7. 劉明生,崔麗英,李曉光等.多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病的臨床和神經(jīng)電生理研究. 中華神經(jīng)科雜志, 2004; 37(1): 62~64.
  8. 8. 蔣智林,葉靜,范駿等.多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病的臨床、電生理和病理分析. 中國(guó)實(shí)用內(nèi)科雜志, 2003; 23(2): 110~111.
  9. 9. 黃東祥,李艷.多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病的臨床特征和診斷(附1例報(bào)告). 腦與神經(jīng)疾病雜志, 2002; 10(2): 117.
  10. 10. 羅丹紅,黃鑒政. 多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病2例報(bào)告. 中風(fēng)與神經(jīng)疾病雜志;2004,21(1):84.
  11. 11. 呂憲民,馮凱,馬建國(guó)等.多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病1例. 中國(guó)煤炭工業(yè)醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2004; 1(7): 91~92.
  12. 12. 王立軍,康德瑄,鐘延豐等. 多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病電生理診斷的初步研究. 中華物理醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 1998: 4(4): 72.
  13. 13. 姚茂元,包興昌.多灶性運(yùn)動(dòng)神經(jīng)病2例. 南通醫(yī)學(xué)院學(xué)報(bào), 2002; 22(2): 219.
  14. 14. Olney RK, Lewis RA, Putnam TD, Campellone JV Jr. Consensus criteria for the diagnosis of multifocal motor neuropathy. Muscle Nerve, 2003; 27(1):117-121.
  15. 15. TANG JQ, LIANG Sheng-bin, WANG Zhen-jin, et al. Preliminary research on electroneurophysiological examination for diagnosis of multifocal motor neuropathy. Chinese Journal Neurology, 2004; 37(1):59-61.
  16. 16. Yang RD. Multifocal motor neuropathy 3 cases report. Journal of North Sichuan Medical College, 2003; 18(1): 148-151.
  17. 17. JIANG RF, ZHONG Guang-wei, LI Guang-qin, et al. Multifocal motor neuropathy 4 cases report. Chinese Journal Neurology, 2001; 34(3): 167.
  18. 18. GE JX, JIANG Jun-zhen. Multifocal motor neuropathy 2 cases report. Henan Journal of Practical Nervous Diseases, 2002; 5(2): 96.
  19. 19. LI CJ, WANG Xiao-bao, XING Hua-fang. Clinical study in multifocal motor neuropathy[J]. Beijing Medicine Journal; 2002: 24(2): 75-76.
  20. 20. XU M, JIA JP, ZHANG Jin. Multifocal motor neuropathy 10 cases report. Journal of Apoplexy and Nervous Diseases; 2003;20(6): 541-543.
  21. 21. LIU MS, CUI Li-ying, LI Xiao-guang, et al. The clinical and electrophysiological features of multifocal motor neuropathy. Chinese Journal Neurology; 2004: 37(1): 62-64.
  22. 22. JIANG ZL, YE Jing, FAN Jun, et al. Analysis of clinic and electrophysiology and pathology on multifocal motor neuropathy. Chinese Journal of Practical Internal Medicine, 2003 ; 23(2): 110-111.
  23. 23. HUANG DX, LI Yan. The clinical characteristics and diagnosis of mulifocal motor neuropathy. Journal of Brain and Nervous Diseases, 2002: 10(2): 117.
  24. 24. Luo DH, HUANG Jian-zheng. Multifocal motor neuropathy 2 cases report. Journal of Apoplexy and Nervous Diseases; 2004, 21(1): 84.
  25. 25. LV XM, FENG Kai, MA Jian-guo, et al. Multifocal motor neuropathy 1 cases report. Chinese Journal of Coal Industry Medicine, 2004; 1(7): 91-92.
  26. 26. WANG LJ, KANG De-xuan, ZHONG Yan-feng,et al. Electrophysiological Diagnosis of Multifocal Motor Neuropathy. Chinese Journal of Physical medicine, 1998; 4(4): 72.
  27. 27. YAO MY, BAO Xing-chang. Multifocal motor neuropathy 2 cases report. Journal of Nantong Medical College, 2002; 22(2): 219.
  28. 28. Van den Berg-Vos RM, Franssen H, Wokke JH, et al. Multifocal motor neuropathy diagnostic criteria that predict the response to immunoglobulin treatment. Ann Neurol, 2000, 48(425): 919-926.
  29. 29. Olney RK, Consensus criteria for the diagnosis of paritial conduction block. Muscle Nerve, 1999, 22(Suppl 8): 225-229.
  30. 30. Katz JS, Wolfe GI, Bryan WW, et al. Multifocal motor neuropathy human sera block distal motor neuropathy. Neurology, 1997, 48(63): 700-707.
  31. 31. Nobile-Orazio E. Multifocal motor neuropathy. J Neuroimmunol, 2001, 115(21): 4-18.