• 1. 四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院中國(guó)循證醫(yī)學(xué)中心,成都,6100412. 中國(guó)食品藥品監(jiān)督管理局藥品評(píng)價(jià)中心,北京,1000613. 波蘭華沙藥物經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)中心;

目的  本研究旨在對(duì)中國(guó)現(xiàn)有慢性乙型肝炎干預(yù)措施的經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)分析研究進(jìn)行系統(tǒng)評(píng)價(jià).
方法  計(jì)算機(jī)檢索MEDLINE和中國(guó)國(guó)內(nèi)4個(gè)最大的電子數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù);同時(shí)篩檢了納入研究的參考文獻(xiàn),納入所有慢性乙型肝炎干預(yù)措施的經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)評(píng)價(jià)研究.使用一個(gè)由25項(xiàng)組成的總量表評(píng)價(jià)納入文獻(xiàn)的質(zhì)量.質(zhì)量評(píng)價(jià)和資料提取由兩名評(píng)價(jià)員獨(dú)立進(jìn)行.
結(jié)果  納入19個(gè)完整的經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)評(píng)價(jià)和成本研究,其中14個(gè)研究的總體質(zhì)量為22~44 分,7個(gè)研究為45~61分.大多數(shù)研究充分描述了干預(yù)措施的臨床效果,但僅50%的研究充分報(bào)道了成本鑒定、測(cè)量和賦值三個(gè)過(guò)程.部分研究的數(shù)據(jù)分析存在問(wèn)題,特別是敏感性分析和貼現(xiàn)兩個(gè)方面.10個(gè)研究比較了拉米夫定、干擾素和常規(guī)治療1年(或6個(gè)月)的效果,結(jié)果顯示拉米夫定總體上成本-效果更好.3個(gè)研究比較了干擾素和常規(guī)治療的長(zhǎng)期效果(30年),干擾素治療方案相對(duì)于常規(guī)治療可節(jié)約成本,提高療效.另3個(gè)研究比較了干擾素與其他不常用的抗病毒藥物,結(jié)果其成本-效果不同.2項(xiàng)成本研究結(jié)果顯示,隨著疾病嚴(yán)重程度加劇,醫(yī)療成本占總成本比例和總成本均增加.
結(jié)論  在現(xiàn)有干預(yù)措施中,拉米夫定的短期成本-效果相對(duì)較好.干擾素的長(zhǎng)期成本-效果相對(duì)常規(guī)治療更好.但各干預(yù)措施的長(zhǎng)期成本-效果尚不能根據(jù)現(xiàn)有研究得到可靠證實(shí).此外,方法學(xué)質(zhì)量,特別是成本的測(cè)算較低影響了研究結(jié)果的可靠性,有必要提高原始研究報(bào)告的質(zhì)量.總之,運(yùn)用現(xiàn)有結(jié)果進(jìn)行決策時(shí)需仔細(xì)考慮.

引用本文: 孫 鑫,楊 煥,王 莉,Ewa Orlewska,李幼平. 中國(guó)治療慢性乙型肝炎的成本-效果的系統(tǒng)評(píng)價(jià). 中國(guó)循證醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2005, 05(11): 833-845. doi: 復(fù)制

1. Kao JH, Chen DS. Global control of hepatitis B virus infection[J]. Lancet Infect Dis, 2002; 2(7): 395-403.
2. Merican I, Guan R, Amarapuka D, Alexander MJ, Chutaputti A, Chien RN, Hasnian SS, Leung N, Lesmana L, Phiet PH, Sjalfocleah Noer HM, Sollano J, Sun HS, Xu DZ. Chronic hepatitis B virus infection in Asian countries[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2000; 15(12): 1356-1361.
3. Reported Incidence and Death Rate of Infectious Diseases. The 2004 Statistical Reports of Ministry of Health, China. Available at:
4. Reproted Incidence and Death Rate of 27 Infectious Diseases in 2003. The 2004 Statistical Reports of Ministry of Health, China. Available at:
5. Sun ZT, Ming LH, Zhu X, Lu JH. Prevention and Control of Hepatitis B in China[J]. Journal of Medical Virology, 2002; 67(3): 447-450.
6. Liu ZQ, Zhao SL, Zhang YX, Ma MG, Wang H. Cost-benefit analysis on immunization of onewborns with hepatitis B vaccination in Jinan City[J]. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 1995; 16(2): 81-84.
7. Qi YL , Wang FZ ,Gong XH. Analysis on cost-benefit it for infant hepatitis B vaccine immunization strategy in Beijing[J]. Chin J Public Health, 2004; 20(9): 1067-1069.
8. Broderick AL, Jonas MM. Hepatitis B in children[J]. Semin Liver Dis, 2003; 23(1): 59-68.
9. Maddrey WC. Hepatitis B: An Important Public Health Issue[J]. Journal of Medical Virology, 2000; 61: 362-366.
10. ILiaw YF. Management of patients with chronic hepatitis B[J]. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2002; 17: 406-408.
11. Song HY, Wang WZ, Zhu JR. Therapeutic effect of valsartan on chronic type B hepatitis and liver cirrhosis[J]. World Chinese J Digestol, 2004; 12(5): 1085-1088.
12. Li X, Guo JC. Efficacy of Lamivudine in Treating Chronic Serious-type Hepatitis[J]. Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Gan Bing Za Zhi, 2002; 12(3): 134-135.
13. Guan R. Interferon monotherapy in chronic hepatitis B[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2000; 15(Suppl.): E34-40.
14. Lau GKK. Use of immunomodulatory therapy (other than interferon) for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus infection[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2000; 15(Suppl.): E46-52.
15. Leung N. Nucleoside analogues in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2000; 15(Suppl.): E53-60.
16. Matthews GV, Nelson MR. The management of chronic hepatitis B infection[J]. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 2001; 12(6): 353-357.
17. Malaguarnera M, Restuccia S, Receputo G, Giugno I, Pistone G, Trovato BA. The efficacy of interferon alfa in chronic hepatitis B: a review and meta-analysis[J]. Current Therapeutic Research, 1996; 57(9): 646-662.
18. Mutchnick MG, Appelman HD, Chung HT. Thymosin treatment of chronic hepatitis B: a placebo-controlled pilot trial[J]. Hepatology, 1991; 14(3): 409-415.
19. Drummond M, OB(yǎng)rein B, Stoddart G, Torrance G. Methods of Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes. 2nd ed. New York, NY, Oxford University Press Inc; 1997.
20. Drummond MF, Jefferson TO, for the MBJ Working Party. Guidelines for authors and peer-reviewers of economic submissions to the British Medical Journal[J]. BMJ, 1996; 313: 275-283.
21. Weistein MC, Siegel JE, Gold MR, Kamlet MS, Russell LB. Recommendations of the Panel on Cost-effectiveness in Health and Medicine[J]. JAMA, 1996; 276: 1253-1258.
22. Fang SY. Li YG, Su JK, Xu DZ, Long Y, Jin J. Investigation of Cost Caused by Hepatitis B in the Army[J]. Chinese Hospital Statistics, 2000; 7(4): 206-209.
23. Fu HL, Chen XB. Chronic hepatitis B virus infectorsp use of medical services and the expenses incurred[J]. Chinese Journal of Hospital Management, 2004; 20(7): 408-409.
24. He H, Yuan GL. Comparing the effect and economic effectiveness of Interferon alfa21b and Lamivudine in treating chronic hepatitis B[J]. Guangdong Pharmacy, 2002; 12(5): 52-53.
25. Wu LL, Liu CX, Ying XF. The analysis of effectiveness and cost of lamivudine in treatment of chronic hepatitis[J]. Chinese Journal of New Drugs, 2002; 11(10): 811-813.
26. Wang RL, Ye XG. A Comparison of Cost-effectiveness between Interferon α-2b and Lamivudine in Treating Chronic Hepatitis B[J]. Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China, 2002; 2(1): 26-27.
27. Yan JZ. Cost effectiveness analysis of interferon a-1b with lamivudine for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B[J]. Guo Ji Yi Yao Wei Sheng Dao Bao, 2004; 10(8): 58-59.
28. Yang ZH. Chen YH. Cost-effectiveness analysis of three treatment protocols for hepatitis B[J]. Academic Journal of Guangdong Coll Ege of Pharmacy, 2001; 17(2): 135-136.
29. Zhang H, Wang RS, Zhang J, Kong HW, Zhu YF, Fu HB. Cost-effectiveness analysis of antiviral therapies for chronic hepatitis B[J]. Lin Chuang Hui Cui, 2002; 17(8): 441-442.
30. Zhang XF, Lan ZL. Cost-effectiveness analysis of two treatment protocols for chronic hepatitis B[J]. Modern Medicine, 2003; 19(7): 823.
31. Zhou XQ, Wang NS, Meng J. Studying Pharmacoeconomics of Interferon Cures the Chronic Hepatitis B[J]. Journal of Mathematical Medicine, 2004; 17(4): 348-349.
32. Lin XM, Xu ZY, Zhao SJ. Pharmaco-economic study: interferon alfa treatment of chronic hepatitis B in Shanghai[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 1997; 6(4): 173-173.
33. Lin XM, Ding D, Zhang PH, Zhang Y, Wei D, Liu W, et al. Cost-effectiveness analysis of treatment of chronic hepatitis B with interferon in Chinese City[J]. Chin J Hepatol, 1999; 7(2): 84-87.
34. Liu LP, He CS. Cost effectiveness of interferon in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B[J]. Chinese New Drugs Journal, 1999; 8(5): 332-334.
35. Wang YZ. Cost-effectiveness analysis of three treatment protocols for chronic hepatitis B[J]. Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Gan Bing Za Zhi, 2003; 13(5): 307-309.
36. Yao GB, Wang BE. Economic analysis of recombinant interferon alpha-2b in thetreatment of chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C[J]. Chin J of Dig, 1999; 19(6): 369-374.
37. Yuan XB. A Comparison of Cost-effectiveness between Compound G lycyrrhizin and Interferon A21b in Treating Chronic Hepatitis B[J]. Strait Pharmaceutical Journal, 2004; 16(1): 99-101.
38. Yin T, Liu SH. Comparison of therapeutic effects and cost-effectiveness analysis of foscarnet and a-interferon for chronic hepatitis B[J]. Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-Use in Hospitals of China, 2002; 2(5): 282-283.
39. Chen XB, Alison T, Larry L, Saal GB. Cost-effectiveness analysis after treatment of chronic hepatitis B with Lamivudine[J]. Chinese Health Resources, 2003; 6(5): 228-230.
40. Wei HY. Application of cost-effectiveness analysis in three therapeutic schemes for chronic hepatitis B[J]. China Pharmacy, 2001; 11(6): 264-265.
41. Guo WP. Cost-effectiveness analysis of 4 therapeutic projects for chronic hepatitis B[J]. Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China, 2003; 3(4): 227-228.
42. Zhang YE. Cost-effectiveness analysis of four regimens for chronic hepatitis B[J]. Academic Journal of Guangdong College of Pharmacy, 1999; 15(4): 307-309.
43. Gitlin N. Hepatitis B: diagnosis, prevention, and treatment[J]. Clinical Chemistry, 1997; 43: 8(B): 1500-1506.
44. Di Bisceglie AM, Fong TL, Fried MW, Swain MG, Bergasa NV, Axiotis CA, Waggoner JG, Park Y, Hoofnagle JH. A randomized, controlled trial of recombinant alpha-interferon therapy for chronic hepatitis B[J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 1993; 88(11): 1887-1892.
45. Fried MR, Hoofnagle J. Therapy of hepatitis C[J]. Semin Liver Dis, 1995; 15: 82-91.
46. Lai CL, Chien RN, Leung NW, Chang TT, Guan R, Tai DI, Ng KY, Wu PC, Dent JC, Barber J, Stephenson SL, Gray DF. A One-year Trial of Lamivudine for Chronic Hepatitis B. Asia Hepatitis Lamivudine Stuly Group[J]. N Engl J of Med, 1998; 339(2): 61-68.
47. Dienstag JL, Schieff ER, Wright TL, Perrillo RP, Hann HW, Goodman Z, Crowther L, Condreay LD, Woessner M, Rubin M, Brown NA. Lamivudine as Initial Treatment for Chronic Hepatitis B in the United States[J]. N Engl J Med, 1999; 341(17): 1256-1263.
48. Malik AH, Lee WM. Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection: Treatment Strategies for the Next Millennium[J]. Ann Intern Med, 2000; 132(9): 723-731.
49. Crowley SJ,Tognarini D,D esmond PV, Lees M. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Lamivudine for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B[J]. Pharmacoeconomics, 2000; 17(5): 409-427.
50. Wong JB, Koff RS, Tine F, Pauker SG. Cost-effectiveness of Interferon-alpha2b Treatment for Hepatitis B e Antigen-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B[J]. Annals of Internal Medicine, 1995; 122(9): 664-675.
51. Brooks EA, LaceyLF, Payne SL, Miller DM. Economic Evaluation of Lamivudine Compared with Interferon-a B in the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B in the United States[J]. Am J Manag Care, 2001; 7(7): 677-682.
52. Crowley S, Tognarini D, Desmond P, Lees M, Saal G. Introduction of lamivudine for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B: Expected clinical and economic outcomes based on 4-year clinical trial data[J]. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2002; 17(2): 153-164.
53. Janssen Ha, Gerken G, Carreno V, Marcellin P, Naoumov NV, Craxi A, Ring-Larsen H, Kitis G, Van Hatlum J, de Dries RA, Michielsen PP, ten Kate FJ, Hop WC, Heijtink RA, Honkoop P, Schalm SW. Interferon Alfa for Chronic Hepatitis B Infection: Increased Efficacy of Prolonged Treatment[J]. Hepatology, 1999; 30(1): 238-243.
54. Lampertico P, Del Ninno E, Manzin A, Donato MF, Rumi MG, Lunghi G, Morabito A, Clementi M, Colombo M. A Randomized, Controlled Trial of a 24-Month Course of Interferon Alfa 2b in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B Who Had Hepatitis B Virus DNA Without Hepatitis B e Antigen in Serum[J]. Hepatology, 1997; 26(6): 1621-1625.
  1. 1. Kao JH, Chen DS. Global control of hepatitis B virus infection[J]. Lancet Infect Dis, 2002; 2(7): 395-403.
  2. 2. Merican I, Guan R, Amarapuka D, Alexander MJ, Chutaputti A, Chien RN, Hasnian SS, Leung N, Lesmana L, Phiet PH, Sjalfocleah Noer HM, Sollano J, Sun HS, Xu DZ. Chronic hepatitis B virus infection in Asian countries[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2000; 15(12): 1356-1361.
  3. 3. Reported Incidence and Death Rate of Infectious Diseases. The 2004 Statistical Reports of Ministry of Health, China. Available at:
  4. 4. Reproted Incidence and Death Rate of 27 Infectious Diseases in 2003. The 2004 Statistical Reports of Ministry of Health, China. Available at:
  5. 5. Sun ZT, Ming LH, Zhu X, Lu JH. Prevention and Control of Hepatitis B in China[J]. Journal of Medical Virology, 2002; 67(3): 447-450.
  6. 6. Liu ZQ, Zhao SL, Zhang YX, Ma MG, Wang H. Cost-benefit analysis on immunization of onewborns with hepatitis B vaccination in Jinan City[J]. Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, 1995; 16(2): 81-84.
  7. 7. Qi YL , Wang FZ ,Gong XH. Analysis on cost-benefit it for infant hepatitis B vaccine immunization strategy in Beijing[J]. Chin J Public Health, 2004; 20(9): 1067-1069.
  8. 8. Broderick AL, Jonas MM. Hepatitis B in children[J]. Semin Liver Dis, 2003; 23(1): 59-68.
  9. 9. Maddrey WC. Hepatitis B: An Important Public Health Issue[J]. Journal of Medical Virology, 2000; 61: 362-366.
  10. 10. ILiaw YF. Management of patients with chronic hepatitis B[J]. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2002; 17: 406-408.
  11. 11. Song HY, Wang WZ, Zhu JR. Therapeutic effect of valsartan on chronic type B hepatitis and liver cirrhosis[J]. World Chinese J Digestol, 2004; 12(5): 1085-1088.
  12. 12. Li X, Guo JC. Efficacy of Lamivudine in Treating Chronic Serious-type Hepatitis[J]. Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Gan Bing Za Zhi, 2002; 12(3): 134-135.
  13. 13. Guan R. Interferon monotherapy in chronic hepatitis B[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2000; 15(Suppl.): E34-40.
  14. 14. Lau GKK. Use of immunomodulatory therapy (other than interferon) for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B virus infection[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2000; 15(Suppl.): E46-52.
  15. 15. Leung N. Nucleoside analogues in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B[J]. J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2000; 15(Suppl.): E53-60.
  16. 16. Matthews GV, Nelson MR. The management of chronic hepatitis B infection[J]. International Journal of STD & AIDS, 2001; 12(6): 353-357.
  17. 17. Malaguarnera M, Restuccia S, Receputo G, Giugno I, Pistone G, Trovato BA. The efficacy of interferon alfa in chronic hepatitis B: a review and meta-analysis[J]. Current Therapeutic Research, 1996; 57(9): 646-662.
  18. 18. Mutchnick MG, Appelman HD, Chung HT. Thymosin treatment of chronic hepatitis B: a placebo-controlled pilot trial[J]. Hepatology, 1991; 14(3): 409-415.
  19. 19. Drummond M, OB(yǎng)rein B, Stoddart G, Torrance G. Methods of Economic Evaluation of Health Care Programmes. 2nd ed. New York, NY, Oxford University Press Inc; 1997.
  20. 20. Drummond MF, Jefferson TO, for the MBJ Working Party. Guidelines for authors and peer-reviewers of economic submissions to the British Medical Journal[J]. BMJ, 1996; 313: 275-283.
  21. 21. Weistein MC, Siegel JE, Gold MR, Kamlet MS, Russell LB. Recommendations of the Panel on Cost-effectiveness in Health and Medicine[J]. JAMA, 1996; 276: 1253-1258.
  22. 22. Fang SY. Li YG, Su JK, Xu DZ, Long Y, Jin J. Investigation of Cost Caused by Hepatitis B in the Army[J]. Chinese Hospital Statistics, 2000; 7(4): 206-209.
  23. 23. Fu HL, Chen XB. Chronic hepatitis B virus infectorsp use of medical services and the expenses incurred[J]. Chinese Journal of Hospital Management, 2004; 20(7): 408-409.
  24. 24. He H, Yuan GL. Comparing the effect and economic effectiveness of Interferon alfa21b and Lamivudine in treating chronic hepatitis B[J]. Guangdong Pharmacy, 2002; 12(5): 52-53.
  25. 25. Wu LL, Liu CX, Ying XF. The analysis of effectiveness and cost of lamivudine in treatment of chronic hepatitis[J]. Chinese Journal of New Drugs, 2002; 11(10): 811-813.
  26. 26. Wang RL, Ye XG. A Comparison of Cost-effectiveness between Interferon α-2b and Lamivudine in Treating Chronic Hepatitis B[J]. Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China, 2002; 2(1): 26-27.
  27. 27. Yan JZ. Cost effectiveness analysis of interferon a-1b with lamivudine for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B[J]. Guo Ji Yi Yao Wei Sheng Dao Bao, 2004; 10(8): 58-59.
  28. 28. Yang ZH. Chen YH. Cost-effectiveness analysis of three treatment protocols for hepatitis B[J]. Academic Journal of Guangdong Coll Ege of Pharmacy, 2001; 17(2): 135-136.
  29. 29. Zhang H, Wang RS, Zhang J, Kong HW, Zhu YF, Fu HB. Cost-effectiveness analysis of antiviral therapies for chronic hepatitis B[J]. Lin Chuang Hui Cui, 2002; 17(8): 441-442.
  30. 30. Zhang XF, Lan ZL. Cost-effectiveness analysis of two treatment protocols for chronic hepatitis B[J]. Modern Medicine, 2003; 19(7): 823.
  31. 31. Zhou XQ, Wang NS, Meng J. Studying Pharmacoeconomics of Interferon Cures the Chronic Hepatitis B[J]. Journal of Mathematical Medicine, 2004; 17(4): 348-349.
  32. 32. Lin XM, Xu ZY, Zhao SJ. Pharmaco-economic study: interferon alfa treatment of chronic hepatitis B in Shanghai[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 1997; 6(4): 173-173.
  33. 33. Lin XM, Ding D, Zhang PH, Zhang Y, Wei D, Liu W, et al. Cost-effectiveness analysis of treatment of chronic hepatitis B with interferon in Chinese City[J]. Chin J Hepatol, 1999; 7(2): 84-87.
  34. 34. Liu LP, He CS. Cost effectiveness of interferon in the treatment of chronic hepatitis B[J]. Chinese New Drugs Journal, 1999; 8(5): 332-334.
  35. 35. Wang YZ. Cost-effectiveness analysis of three treatment protocols for chronic hepatitis B[J]. Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Gan Bing Za Zhi, 2003; 13(5): 307-309.
  36. 36. Yao GB, Wang BE. Economic analysis of recombinant interferon alpha-2b in thetreatment of chronic hepatitis B and chronic hepatitis C[J]. Chin J of Dig, 1999; 19(6): 369-374.
  37. 37. Yuan XB. A Comparison of Cost-effectiveness between Compound G lycyrrhizin and Interferon A21b in Treating Chronic Hepatitis B[J]. Strait Pharmaceutical Journal, 2004; 16(1): 99-101.
  38. 38. Yin T, Liu SH. Comparison of therapeutic effects and cost-effectiveness analysis of foscarnet and a-interferon for chronic hepatitis B[J]. Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-Use in Hospitals of China, 2002; 2(5): 282-283.
  39. 39. Chen XB, Alison T, Larry L, Saal GB. Cost-effectiveness analysis after treatment of chronic hepatitis B with Lamivudine[J]. Chinese Health Resources, 2003; 6(5): 228-230.
  40. 40. Wei HY. Application of cost-effectiveness analysis in three therapeutic schemes for chronic hepatitis B[J]. China Pharmacy, 2001; 11(6): 264-265.
  41. 41. Guo WP. Cost-effectiveness analysis of 4 therapeutic projects for chronic hepatitis B[J]. Evaluation and Analysis of Drug-use in Hospitals of China, 2003; 3(4): 227-228.
  42. 42. Zhang YE. Cost-effectiveness analysis of four regimens for chronic hepatitis B[J]. Academic Journal of Guangdong College of Pharmacy, 1999; 15(4): 307-309.
  43. 43. Gitlin N. Hepatitis B: diagnosis, prevention, and treatment[J]. Clinical Chemistry, 1997; 43: 8(B): 1500-1506.
  44. 44. Di Bisceglie AM, Fong TL, Fried MW, Swain MG, Bergasa NV, Axiotis CA, Waggoner JG, Park Y, Hoofnagle JH. A randomized, controlled trial of recombinant alpha-interferon therapy for chronic hepatitis B[J]. Am J Gastroenterol, 1993; 88(11): 1887-1892.
  45. 45. Fried MR, Hoofnagle J. Therapy of hepatitis C[J]. Semin Liver Dis, 1995; 15: 82-91.
  46. 46. Lai CL, Chien RN, Leung NW, Chang TT, Guan R, Tai DI, Ng KY, Wu PC, Dent JC, Barber J, Stephenson SL, Gray DF. A One-year Trial of Lamivudine for Chronic Hepatitis B. Asia Hepatitis Lamivudine Stuly Group[J]. N Engl J of Med, 1998; 339(2): 61-68.
  47. 47. Dienstag JL, Schieff ER, Wright TL, Perrillo RP, Hann HW, Goodman Z, Crowther L, Condreay LD, Woessner M, Rubin M, Brown NA. Lamivudine as Initial Treatment for Chronic Hepatitis B in the United States[J]. N Engl J Med, 1999; 341(17): 1256-1263.
  48. 48. Malik AH, Lee WM. Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection: Treatment Strategies for the Next Millennium[J]. Ann Intern Med, 2000; 132(9): 723-731.
  49. 49. Crowley SJ,Tognarini D,D esmond PV, Lees M. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Lamivudine for the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B[J]. Pharmacoeconomics, 2000; 17(5): 409-427.
  50. 50. Wong JB, Koff RS, Tine F, Pauker SG. Cost-effectiveness of Interferon-alpha2b Treatment for Hepatitis B e Antigen-Positive Chronic Hepatitis B[J]. Annals of Internal Medicine, 1995; 122(9): 664-675.
  51. 51. Brooks EA, LaceyLF, Payne SL, Miller DM. Economic Evaluation of Lamivudine Compared with Interferon-a B in the Treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B in the United States[J]. Am J Manag Care, 2001; 7(7): 677-682.
  52. 52. Crowley S, Tognarini D, Desmond P, Lees M, Saal G. Introduction of lamivudine for the treatment of chronic hepatitis B: Expected clinical and economic outcomes based on 4-year clinical trial data[J]. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2002; 17(2): 153-164.
  53. 53. Janssen Ha, Gerken G, Carreno V, Marcellin P, Naoumov NV, Craxi A, Ring-Larsen H, Kitis G, Van Hatlum J, de Dries RA, Michielsen PP, ten Kate FJ, Hop WC, Heijtink RA, Honkoop P, Schalm SW. Interferon Alfa for Chronic Hepatitis B Infection: Increased Efficacy of Prolonged Treatment[J]. Hepatology, 1999; 30(1): 238-243.
  54. 54. Lampertico P, Del Ninno E, Manzin A, Donato MF, Rumi MG, Lunghi G, Morabito A, Clementi M, Colombo M. A Randomized, Controlled Trial of a 24-Month Course of Interferon Alfa 2b in Patients With Chronic Hepatitis B Who Had Hepatitis B Virus DNA Without Hepatitis B e Antigen in Serum[J]. Hepatology, 1997; 26(6): 1621-1625.