• 解放軍總醫(yī)院泌尿外科,北京,100853;

引用本文: 高江平,洪寶發(fā). 前列腺癌根治術(shù)前的新輔助治療. 中國(guó)循證醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2004, 04(2): 138-140. doi: 復(fù)制

1. [1]Gao JP, Dong J, Cai W, Hong BF, Wang XX, Li YT.Actuality of maximum androgen blockade in prostate cancer[J]. Journal of clinical urology, 2002; 17(6): 314-316.
2. 高江平,董雋,蔡偉,洪寶發(fā),王曉雄,李炎唐雄激素最大限度阻斷治療前列腺癌的現(xiàn)狀[J].臨床泌尿外科雜志,2002;17(6):314-316.
3. [2]Fu WJ. Progress of discontinuous androgen blockade in prostate cancer[J]. Urinary system fascicule of foreign medical sciences,2002:22(5):287-289.
4. 符偉軍.間斷性雄激素阻斷治療前列腺癌的研究進(jìn)展[J].國(guó)外醫(yī)學(xué)泌尿系統(tǒng)分冊(cè),2002;22(5):287-289.
5. [3]Bono AV, Pagano F, Montironi R, Zattoni F, Manganelli A, Selvaggi FP, Comeri G, Fiaccavento G, Guazzieri S, Selli C, Lembo A, Cosciani-Cunico S, Potenzoni D, Muto G,Diamanti L, Santinelli A, Mazzucchelli R, Prayer-Galletti T;Italian PROSIT Study Group. Effect of complete androgen blockade on pathologic stage and resection margin status of prostate cancer: progress pathology report of the Italian PROSIT study[J ]. Urology, 2001 ;57 (1): 117-21.
6. [4]Prostate Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group. Maximum and rogen blockade in advanced prostate cancer: an overview of randomized trials[J]. Lancet, 2000; 355 (9214): 1 491-1498.
7. [5]Meyer F, Bairati I, Bedard C, Lacombe L, Tetu B, Fradet Y.Duration of neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy before radical prostatectomy and disease-free survival in men with prostate cancer[J]. Urology, 2001; 58(2 Suppl 1): 71-77.
8. [6]Gleave ME, Goldenberg SL, Chin JL, Warner J, Saad F,Klotz LH, Jewett M, Kassabian V, Chetner M, Dupont C,Van Rensselaer S; Canadian Uro-Oncology Group.Randomized comparative study of 3 versus 8-month neoadjuvant hormonal therapy before radical prostatectomy:biochemical and pathological effects [J]. J Urol, 2001; 166(2): 500-506; discussion 506-507.
9. [7]Vallet BB. Radical perineal prostatectomy subsequent to bilateral orchiectomy[J]. Del Med J, 1944; 16:19.
10. [8]Monfette G, Dupont A, Labrie F, et al. Multiple advantages of prior and post-radical prostatectomy with combined endocrine therapy. Eur Urol, 1990, 18 (suppl 1): 97.
11. [9]Schulman CC, Debruyne FM, Forster G, Selvaggi FP, Zlotta AR, Witjes WP. 4-Year follow-up results of a European prospective randomized study on neoadjuvant hormonal therapy prior to radical prostatectomy in T2-3N0M0 prostate cancer. European Study Group on Neoadjuvant Treatment of Prostate Cancer[J]. Eur Urol, 2000; 38(6): 706-713.
12. [10]Scolieri MJ, Altman A, R esnick MI. Neoadjuvant hormonal ablative therapy before radical prostatectomy: a review. Is it indicated[J]? J Urol, 2000; 164(5): 1 465-1 472.
13. [11]Wood DP Jr, Beaman A, Banerjee M, Powell I, Pontes E,Cher ML. Effect of neoadjuvant androgen deprivation on circulating prostate cells in the bone marrow of men undergoing radical prostatectomy [ J ]. Clin Cancer Res, 1998;4(9): 2 119-2 123.
14. [12]Ohori M, Abbas F, Wheeler TM, Kattan MW, Scardino PT,Lerner SP. Pathological features and prognostic significance of prostate cancer in the apical section determined by whole mount histology[J]. J Urol, 1999; 161(2): 500-504.
15. [13]Iselin CE, Robertson JE, Paulson DF. Radical perineal prostatectomy: oncological outcome during a 20-year period[J]. J Urol, 1999; 161(1): 163-168.
  1. 1. [1]Gao JP, Dong J, Cai W, Hong BF, Wang XX, Li YT.Actuality of maximum androgen blockade in prostate cancer[J]. Journal of clinical urology, 2002; 17(6): 314-316.
  2. 2. 高江平,董雋,蔡偉,洪寶發(fā),王曉雄,李炎唐雄激素最大限度阻斷治療前列腺癌的現(xiàn)狀[J].臨床泌尿外科雜志,2002;17(6):314-316.
  3. 3. [2]Fu WJ. Progress of discontinuous androgen blockade in prostate cancer[J]. Urinary system fascicule of foreign medical sciences,2002:22(5):287-289.
  4. 4. 符偉軍.間斷性雄激素阻斷治療前列腺癌的研究進(jìn)展[J].國(guó)外醫(yī)學(xué)泌尿系統(tǒng)分冊(cè),2002;22(5):287-289.
  5. 5. [3]Bono AV, Pagano F, Montironi R, Zattoni F, Manganelli A, Selvaggi FP, Comeri G, Fiaccavento G, Guazzieri S, Selli C, Lembo A, Cosciani-Cunico S, Potenzoni D, Muto G,Diamanti L, Santinelli A, Mazzucchelli R, Prayer-Galletti T;Italian PROSIT Study Group. Effect of complete androgen blockade on pathologic stage and resection margin status of prostate cancer: progress pathology report of the Italian PROSIT study[J ]. Urology, 2001 ;57 (1): 117-21.
  6. 6. [4]Prostate Cancer Trialists’ Collaborative Group. Maximum and rogen blockade in advanced prostate cancer: an overview of randomized trials[J]. Lancet, 2000; 355 (9214): 1 491-1498.
  7. 7. [5]Meyer F, Bairati I, Bedard C, Lacombe L, Tetu B, Fradet Y.Duration of neoadjuvant androgen deprivation therapy before radical prostatectomy and disease-free survival in men with prostate cancer[J]. Urology, 2001; 58(2 Suppl 1): 71-77.
  8. 8. [6]Gleave ME, Goldenberg SL, Chin JL, Warner J, Saad F,Klotz LH, Jewett M, Kassabian V, Chetner M, Dupont C,Van Rensselaer S; Canadian Uro-Oncology Group.Randomized comparative study of 3 versus 8-month neoadjuvant hormonal therapy before radical prostatectomy:biochemical and pathological effects [J]. J Urol, 2001; 166(2): 500-506; discussion 506-507.
  9. 9. [7]Vallet BB. Radical perineal prostatectomy subsequent to bilateral orchiectomy[J]. Del Med J, 1944; 16:19.
  10. 10. [8]Monfette G, Dupont A, Labrie F, et al. Multiple advantages of prior and post-radical prostatectomy with combined endocrine therapy. Eur Urol, 1990, 18 (suppl 1): 97.
  11. 11. [9]Schulman CC, Debruyne FM, Forster G, Selvaggi FP, Zlotta AR, Witjes WP. 4-Year follow-up results of a European prospective randomized study on neoadjuvant hormonal therapy prior to radical prostatectomy in T2-3N0M0 prostate cancer. European Study Group on Neoadjuvant Treatment of Prostate Cancer[J]. Eur Urol, 2000; 38(6): 706-713.
  12. 12. [10]Scolieri MJ, Altman A, R esnick MI. Neoadjuvant hormonal ablative therapy before radical prostatectomy: a review. Is it indicated[J]? J Urol, 2000; 164(5): 1 465-1 472.
  13. 13. [11]Wood DP Jr, Beaman A, Banerjee M, Powell I, Pontes E,Cher ML. Effect of neoadjuvant androgen deprivation on circulating prostate cells in the bone marrow of men undergoing radical prostatectomy [ J ]. Clin Cancer Res, 1998;4(9): 2 119-2 123.
  14. 14. [12]Ohori M, Abbas F, Wheeler TM, Kattan MW, Scardino PT,Lerner SP. Pathological features and prognostic significance of prostate cancer in the apical section determined by whole mount histology[J]. J Urol, 1999; 161(2): 500-504.
  15. 15. [13]Iselin CE, Robertson JE, Paulson DF. Radical perineal prostatectomy: oncological outcome during a 20-year period[J]. J Urol, 1999; 161(1): 163-168.