• 四川省資陽市第二人民醫(yī)院,簡陽,641400;

目的  探討大腦中動脈梗塞所致惡性大腦中動脈綜合征的手術(shù)治療時機(jī).
方法  對四川省資陽市第二人民醫(yī)院47例惡性大腦中動脈綜合征患者手術(shù)時機(jī)與療效的關(guān)系進(jìn)行回顧性分析,并對比分析早期手術(shù)和延期手術(shù)的療效優(yōu)劣,統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)分析使用SPSS10.0軟件.
結(jié)果  27例早期手術(shù)患者中,痊愈及良好的18例,重殘4例,死亡5例.20例延期手術(shù)患者中,痊愈及良好9例;重殘4例;死亡7例.延期組死亡率和重殘率高于早期組.
結(jié)論  合理選擇手術(shù)時機(jī),可能減少惡性大腦中動脈綜合征的死亡率和重殘率.

引用本文: 趙強(qiáng),王德全,何東升,鄧增賦,樊偉. 惡性大腦中動脈綜合征的手術(shù)治療時機(jī). 中國循證醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2004, 04(3): 212-214. doi: 復(fù)制

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  1. 1. [1]Kuroki K, Taguchi H, Sumida M,Yukawa O, Murakami T,Onda J, Eguchi K. Decompressive craniectomy for massive infartion of middle cerebral artery terrtory [ J ]. No Shinkei Geka, 2001 ;29(9) :831-835.
  2. 2. [2]Wijdicks EF, Diringer MN: Middle cerebral artery terrtory infarction and early brain swelling: progression and effect of age on outcome[J]. Mayo Clin. Proc, 1998;73(9) :829-836.
  3. 3. [3]Ma DZ, Yang L, Hao ZD. The effect of later surgery for unilateral cerebal hemisphere complete infarction[J]. Chinese Journal of Critical Care Medicine, 2003 ;23( 1 ) :51.
  4. 4. 馬東周,楊玲,郗振東.單側(cè)大腦半球完全梗死延遲手術(shù)的療效[J].中國急救醫(yī)學(xué),2003;23(1):51.
  5. 5. [4]Doerller A, Engelhom T, Heiand S,Benner T, Forsting M.Perfusion-and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance images for monitoring decompressive craniectomy in animals with experimental hemispheric strike [ J ]. J Neurosurg , 2002; 96( 5 ) :933-940.
  6. 6. [5]Manno EM, Adams RE, Derdeyn CP, Powers WJ, Deringer MN . The effects of mannitol on cerebral edema after large hemispheric cerebral infarct [ J ]. Neurology, 1999 ;52 (3) :583-587.
  7. 7. [6]Schwab S , Steiner T , AschoffA , Schwarz S , Steiner HH ,Jansen O, Hacke W. Early hemicraniectomy in patients with complete middle cerbral artery infarction[J]. Stroke, 1998; 29(9): 1 888-1 893.
  8. 8. [7]Cho DY , Chen TC , Lee HC. Ultra - early decompressive craniectomy for malignant middle cerebral artery infarction[J].Surg Neurol, 2003 ;60(3 ) :227-232.