• 四川大學華西醫(yī)院泌尿外科,成都,610041;

目的  評價增加飲水量對泌尿系結石及其復發(fā)的預防效果.
方法  確定資料檢索范圍(即Medline,Embase,Cochrane臨床對照試驗資料庫及中國生物醫(yī)學文摘數(shù)據(jù)庫)并設計檢索策略,通過機檢和手檢獲取符合納入標準的文獻,并且.由兩位研究者獨立評估試驗質量和提取數(shù)據(jù).
結果  共4個研究符合納入標準,其中1篇為隨機對照試驗,1篇為臨床對照試驗,2篇為前瞻性隊列研究.Meta-分析的結果表明,增加飲水量預防泌尿系結石的OR合并及95%可信區(qū)間分別為0.64和0.53-0.77,具有統(tǒng)計學意義;增加飲水量預防泌尿系結石復發(fā)的OR合并及95%可信區(qū)間分別為0.56和0.37-0.84,具有統(tǒng)計學意義;增加飲水量可以延長泌尿系結石的復發(fā)間隔時間,具有統(tǒng)計學意義(P=0.016).
結論  增加飲水量可預防泌尿系結石及其復發(fā),并能延長泌尿系結石的復發(fā)間隔時間.

引用本文: 魏強,張科,李虹. 增加飲水量預防泌尿系結石的系統(tǒng)評價. 中國循證醫(yī)學雜志, 2003, 03(3): 181-185. doi: 復制

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7. [7]Curhan G, Willett W, Rimm E, et al. A prospective study of dietary calcium and other nutrients and the risk of symptomatic kidney stones[J]. N Eng J Med 1993;328(12):833-838.
8. [8]Frank M, de Vries A, Tikva P. Prevention of urolithiasis. Education to adequate fluid intake in a new town situated in the Judean Dessert Mowntains[J].Arch Environ Health 1966; 13(5):625-630.
9. [9]Di Silverio F, Ricciuti G, D’ Angelo A, et al. Stone recurrence after lithotripsy in patiens with recurrent idiopathic calcium urolithiasis:efficacy of treatment with Fiuggi water[J]. Eur Urol 2000;37(2):145-148.
10. [10]Strauss A, Coe F, Deutsch L, et al. Factors that predict relapse of calcium nephrolithiasis during treatment: a prospective study[J].Amer J Med 1982;72(1): 17-24.
11. [11]Hosking D, Erickson S, Van den berg C, et al. The stone clinic effect in patients with idiopathic calcium urolithiasis[J]. J Urol 1983;130(6):1115-1118.
12. [12]Rodgers A. The influence of South African mineral water on reduction of risk of calcium oxalate kidney stone formation[J]. South Africa Medical Journal 1998;88(4):448-451.
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14. [14]Ljunghall S, Fellstrom B, Johansson G. Prevention of renal stones by a high fluid intake[J]? Eur Urol 1988; 14(5):381-385.
15. [15]Curhan G, Willett W, Rimm E, et al. Prospective study of beverage use and the risk of kidney’ s stones[J]. Am J Epidemiol 1996;143:240-247.
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17. [17]Rose GA, Westbury EJ. Influence of calcium content of water,intake of vegetables and fruit, and other food factors upon the incidence of renal calculi[J]. Urol Res 1975;3:61.
18. [18]Churchill D, Bryant D, Fodor G, et al. Drinking water hardness and urolithiasis[J]. Ann Intern Med 1978; 88:513-514.
19. [19]Sierakowski R, Finlayson B, Landes R. Stone incidence as related to water hardaess in different geographical regions of the United States[J]. Urol Res 1978;7:157-160.
20. [20]Kohri K, Kodama M, Ishikawa Y, et al. Magnesium calcium ratio in tap water and its relationship to geological features and the incidence of calcium-containing urinary stones[J]. J Urol 1989;142:1272.
21. [21]劉建平.非隨機研究的系統(tǒng)評價[J].中國循證醫(yī)學2001;1(3):137-139.
  1. 1. [1]Borghi L, Ferretti PP, Elia G, et al. Epidemiological study of urinary tract stones in a notherm Italian city [J].Br J Urol 1990;65(3):231-235.
  2. 2. [2]Kohrmann KU, Rassweiler J, Alken P. The recurrence rate of stones following ESWL[J]. WorldJ Urol 1993;11(1):26-30.
  3. 3. [3]Sun BY, Lee Y, Jiaan B, et al. Recurrence rate and risk factors for urinary calculi after ESWL[J]. J Urol 1996; 156(3):903-905.
  4. 4. [4]Sutherland JW. Recurrence following operative treatment of upper urinary tract stone [J]. J Urol 1982; 127(3):472-474.
  5. 5. [5]Williams RE. Long-term survey of 538 patients with upper urinary tract stone [J]. Br J Urol 1963; 35:416.
  6. 6. [6]Borghi L, Meschi T, Amato F, et al. Urinary volume, water and recurrences in idiopathic calcium nephrolithiosis: a 5-year randomized prospective study[J]. J Urol 1996; 155(3):839-843.
  7. 7. [7]Curhan G, Willett W, Rimm E, et al. A prospective study of dietary calcium and other nutrients and the risk of symptomatic kidney stones[J]. N Eng J Med 1993;328(12):833-838.
  8. 8. [8]Frank M, de Vries A, Tikva P. Prevention of urolithiasis. Education to adequate fluid intake in a new town situated in the Judean Dessert Mowntains[J].Arch Environ Health 1966; 13(5):625-630.
  9. 9. [9]Di Silverio F, Ricciuti G, D’ Angelo A, et al. Stone recurrence after lithotripsy in patiens with recurrent idiopathic calcium urolithiasis:efficacy of treatment with Fiuggi water[J]. Eur Urol 2000;37(2):145-148.
  10. 10. [10]Strauss A, Coe F, Deutsch L, et al. Factors that predict relapse of calcium nephrolithiasis during treatment: a prospective study[J].Amer J Med 1982;72(1): 17-24.
  11. 11. [11]Hosking D, Erickson S, Van den berg C, et al. The stone clinic effect in patients with idiopathic calcium urolithiasis[J]. J Urol 1983;130(6):1115-1118.
  12. 12. [12]Rodgers A. The influence of South African mineral water on reduction of risk of calcium oxalate kidney stone formation[J]. South Africa Medical Journal 1998;88(4):448-451.
  13. 13. [13]Cauderella R, Rizzoli E, Buffa A, et al. Comparative study of the influence of 3 types of mineral water in patients with idiopathic calcium lithiasis[J]. J Urol 1998; 159(3):658-663.
  14. 14. [14]Ljunghall S, Fellstrom B, Johansson G. Prevention of renal stones by a high fluid intake[J]? Eur Urol 1988; 14(5):381-385.
  15. 15. [15]Curhan G, Willett W, Rimm E, et al. Prospective study of beverage use and the risk of kidney’ s stones[J]. Am J Epidemiol 1996;143:240-247.
  16. 16. [16]Pak CYC, Sakhaee K, Crowther C, et al. Evidence justifying a high fluid intake in treatment of nephrolithiasis[J]. Ann Intern Med 1980;93:36-39.
  17. 17. [17]Rose GA, Westbury EJ. Influence of calcium content of water,intake of vegetables and fruit, and other food factors upon the incidence of renal calculi[J]. Urol Res 1975;3:61.
  18. 18. [18]Churchill D, Bryant D, Fodor G, et al. Drinking water hardness and urolithiasis[J]. Ann Intern Med 1978; 88:513-514.
  19. 19. [19]Sierakowski R, Finlayson B, Landes R. Stone incidence as related to water hardaess in different geographical regions of the United States[J]. Urol Res 1978;7:157-160.
  20. 20. [20]Kohri K, Kodama M, Ishikawa Y, et al. Magnesium calcium ratio in tap water and its relationship to geological features and the incidence of calcium-containing urinary stones[J]. J Urol 1989;142:1272.
  21. 21. [21]劉建平.非隨機研究的系統(tǒng)評價[J].中國循證醫(yī)學2001;1(3):137-139.