• 四川大學(xué)華西醫(yī)院(成都,610041)1超聲科,2放射科;

目的  探討甲狀腺髓樣癌的超聲聲像圖特點,以提高超聲診斷水平。 方法  回顧性分析2006年1月- 2010年9月經(jīng)手術(shù)切除及病理組織學(xué)證實的16例甲狀腺髓樣癌20個結(jié)節(jié)的超聲聲像圖表現(xiàn)。 結(jié)果  20個甲狀腺髓樣癌結(jié)節(jié)中,結(jié)節(jié)呈低回聲20個,結(jié)節(jié)內(nèi)部有鈣化灶者13個,結(jié)節(jié)內(nèi)血流豐富者13個,合并有甲狀腺乳頭狀微小癌1例,頸部淋巴結(jié)腫大17例。 結(jié)論  甲狀腺髓樣癌具有一定的超聲聲像圖特點,了解這些特點可以提高超聲對甲狀腺髓樣癌的診斷水平。

引用本文: 蔡迪明,李永忠,彭玉蘭,宋彬. 甲狀腺髓樣癌的超聲診斷價值. 華西醫(yī)學(xué), 2012, 27(11): 1656-1659. doi: 復(fù)制

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2.  陳銀成,陳灼懷,關(guān)弘,等.甲狀腺髓樣癌的診斷與鑒別診斷[J],診斷病理學(xué)雜志,2005, 12(5): 345-347.
3.  Ito Y, Kihara M, Hirokawa M, et al. Validity of 6(th) edition of UICC TNM classification system for medullary thyroid carcinoma: a proposal for intraoperative evaluation of T category[J]. Endocr J, 2012, 59(5): 407-416.
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5.  蔡勝, 歐陽云淑, 李建初, 等.超聲對甲狀腺髓樣癌的診斷價值[J],中國超聲醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2008, 24(12): 1071-1075.
6.  Jun P, Chow LC, Jeffrey RB, et al. The sonographic features of papillary thyroid carcinomas[J]. Ultrasound Q, 2005, 21(1): 39-45.
7.  Enrico P, Rinaldo G, Antonio B,et al.Risk of Malignancy in Nonpalpable Thyroid Nodules: Predictive Value of Ultrasound and Color-Doppler Features[J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2002, 87(5): 1941-1946.
8.  K T Wong, Ahuja A.Cancer Imaging[J]. Ultrasound of thyroid cancer, 2005, 5(1): 157-166.
9.  Morris LF, Ragavendra N, Yeh MW.Evidence-based assessment of the role of ultrasonography in the management of benign thyroid nodules[J]. World J Surg, 2008, 32(7): 1253-1263.
10.  Rago T, Vitti P.Role of thyroid ultrasound in the diagnostic evaluation of thyroid nodules[J]. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2008, 22(6): 913-928.
11.  Seo HS, Lee DH, Park SH, et al. Thyroid follicular neoplasms: can sonography distinguish between adenomas and carcinomas?[J]. J Clin Ultrasound, 2009, 37(9): 493-500.
12.  周玉, 徐麗梅, 姚斌, 等. 甲狀腺髓樣癌21例[J], 中華全科醫(yī)師雜志, 2005: 4(1): 47.
  1. 1.  Xu L, Wang WB, Zhao YP, et al. Medullary thyroid carcinoma with nodular goiter carries an excellent prognosis[J]. J Surg Oncol, 2012, 106(2): 169-173.
  2. 2.  陳銀成,陳灼懷,關(guān)弘,等.甲狀腺髓樣癌的診斷與鑒別診斷[J],診斷病理學(xué)雜志,2005, 12(5): 345-347.
  3. 3.  Ito Y, Kihara M, Hirokawa M, et al. Validity of 6(th) edition of UICC TNM classification system for medullary thyroid carcinoma: a proposal for intraoperative evaluation of T category[J]. Endocr J, 2012, 59(5): 407-416.
  4. 4.  胡朝理, 靳紅義, 邱新光, 等. 甲狀腺髓樣癌預(yù)后因素分析[J]. 中國普通外科雜志, 2008, 17(11): 1061-1064.
  5. 5.  蔡勝, 歐陽云淑, 李建初, 等.超聲對甲狀腺髓樣癌的診斷價值[J],中國超聲醫(yī)學(xué)雜志, 2008, 24(12): 1071-1075.
  6. 6.  Jun P, Chow LC, Jeffrey RB, et al. The sonographic features of papillary thyroid carcinomas[J]. Ultrasound Q, 2005, 21(1): 39-45.
  7. 7.  Enrico P, Rinaldo G, Antonio B,et al.Risk of Malignancy in Nonpalpable Thyroid Nodules: Predictive Value of Ultrasound and Color-Doppler Features[J]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2002, 87(5): 1941-1946.
  8. 8.  K T Wong, Ahuja A.Cancer Imaging[J]. Ultrasound of thyroid cancer, 2005, 5(1): 157-166.
  9. 9.  Morris LF, Ragavendra N, Yeh MW.Evidence-based assessment of the role of ultrasonography in the management of benign thyroid nodules[J]. World J Surg, 2008, 32(7): 1253-1263.
  10. 10.  Rago T, Vitti P.Role of thyroid ultrasound in the diagnostic evaluation of thyroid nodules[J]. Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2008, 22(6): 913-928.
  11. 11.  Seo HS, Lee DH, Park SH, et al. Thyroid follicular neoplasms: can sonography distinguish between adenomas and carcinomas?[J]. J Clin Ultrasound, 2009, 37(9): 493-500.
  12. 12.  周玉, 徐麗梅, 姚斌, 等. 甲狀腺髓樣癌21例[J], 中華全科醫(yī)師雜志, 2005: 4(1): 47.