• 四川大學華西醫(yī)院腎臟內(nèi)科(成都,610041);

目的  總結腎移植術后肺部感染的臨床表現(xiàn)、病原學及救治措施,以提高其治愈率。 方法  對四川大學華西醫(yī)院50例次腎移植術后肺部感染住院患者的病歷資料進行回顧性分析。 結果  共收集42例(50例)次腎移植肺部感染患者,痰培養(yǎng)檢出病原體38例次(76%),未檢出12例次,其中細菌感染17例次(44.7%),真菌感染7例次(18.4%),巨細胞病毒感染19例次(38%),支原體感染6例次(12%),混合感染10例次(20%)。肺部感染發(fā)生在腎移植術后1個月以內(nèi)者3例(7%),1~6個月者16例(38%),6個月以后者23例(55%)。50例次感染患者中48例次經(jīng)積極治療搶救后好轉出院,有2例患者死亡。 結論  腎移植術后肺部感染患者的病原體與腎移植術后時間有一定的規(guī)律性。對于腎移植術后肺部感染,救治成功的關鍵是早期病原體及CT檢查,及時給予綜合治療措施,包括經(jīng)驗性抗生素治療措施,及時調(diào)整免疫抑制劑方案,加強全身支持。

引用本文: 王瑩瑩,張艷玲,劉亞,唐曉紅,陶冶. 腎移植術后肺部感染的臨床表現(xiàn)及病原學分析. 華西醫(yī)學, 2012, 27(6): 837-840. doi: 復制

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2.  唐雅望, 張玉海, 賈寶祥, 等. 腎移植2200例次臨床分析[J]. 中華醫(yī)學雜志, 2001, 18(2): 20-23.
3.  閔志廉, 朱有華, 何長民, 等. 尸體腎移植1011例次的臨床報告[J]. 第二軍醫(yī)大學學報, 1994, 15(5): 401-406.
4.  Briggs JD. Cause of death after renal transplantion[J]. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2001, 16(11): 1545-1549.
5.  陳萍, 兀威. 糖尿病合并肺部感染的診治[J]. 中國實用內(nèi)科雜志, 2004, 24(6): 324-325.
6.  Rubin RH. The impact of mtectuous on the outcome of transplantation[J]. Transplant Proc, 1991, 23(4): 2068-2074.
7.  Santos CAQ, Brennan DC. Infections in kidney transplant recipien[M]//McKay DB, Steinberg SM. Kidney transplantation: a guide to the care of kidney transplant recipients. New York: Springer, 2010: 277-309.
8.  John GT, Shankar V, Abraham AM. Risk factors for post transplant tuberculosis[J]. Kidney Int, 2001, 60(3): 1148-1153.
9.  Kalra V, Agarwal SK, Khilnani GC, et al. Spectrum of pulmonary infections in renal transplant recipients in the tropics: a single center study[J]. Int Urol Nephrol, 2005, 37(3): 551-559.
10.  Chen G, Zhang Z, Gu J, et al. Incidence and risk factors for pulmonary mycosis in kidney transplantation[J]. Transplant pro, 2010, 42(10): 4094-4098.
11.  Hoyo I, Linares L, Cervera C. Epidemiology of pneumonia in kidney transplantation[J]. Transplant Proc, 2010, 42(8): 2938-2940.
12.  Kalra V, Agarwal SK, Khilnani GC, et al. Spectrum of pulmonary infections in renal transplant recipients in the tropics: a single center study[J]. Int Urol Nephrol, 2005, 37(3): 551-559.
13.  Menon LR, Divate S, Acharya VN, et al. Utility of bronchoalveolar lavage in the diagnosis of pulmonary infections in immunosuppressed patients[J]. J Assoc Physicians India, 2002, 50: 1110-1114.
14.  錢翠, 梁宗安. 腎移植術后肺部感染臨床分析[J]. 四川醫(yī)學, 2009, 30(2): 167-169.
15.  Jung M, Krech U, Price PC, et al. Evidence of chronic persistent infections with polyomaviruses (BK type) in renal transplant recipients[J]. Arch Virol, 1975, 47(1): 39-46.
16.  滕琳, 劉婷, 李香美, 等. 腎移植術后并發(fā)肺部感染10例分析[J]. 中國感染與化療雜志, 2010, 10(4): 270-272.
17.  Jiang T, Xue F, Zheng X, et al. Clinical data and CT findings of pulmonary infection caused by different pathogens after kidney transplantation[J]. Eur J Radiol, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrad.2011.03.070.
18.  廖鳳翔, 魏江平, 劉大仁. 腎移植術后肺部感染的CT診斷[J]. 實用臨床醫(yī)學, 2007, 8(8): 103-105.
19.  Yin S, Powell EC, Trainor JL. Serious bacterial infections in febirle outpatient pediatric kidney transplant recipients[J]. Pediatr Infect Dis J, 2011, 30(2): 136-140.
20.  Eid AJ, Arthurs SK, Deziel PJ, et al. Emergence of drug-resistant cytomegalovirus in the era of valganciclovir prophylaxis: therapeutic implications and outcomes[J]. Clin Transplant, 22(2): 162-170.
21.  張彥選,于立新,付紹杰, 等. 腎移植術后應用新型免疫抑制劑受者肺部感染的臨床研究[J]. 南方醫(yī)科大學學報, 2008, 28(6): 1037-1040.
22.  趙杰, 明英姿, 牛英, 等. 腎移植術后28例臨床分析[J]. 現(xiàn)代醫(yī)藥衛(wèi)生, 2010, 26(20): 3078-3079.
  1. 1.  Sia IG, Paya CV. Infectious complications following renal transplantation[J]. Surg Clin North Am, 1998, 78(1): 95-112.
  2. 2.  唐雅望, 張玉海, 賈寶祥, 等. 腎移植2200例次臨床分析[J]. 中華醫(yī)學雜志, 2001, 18(2): 20-23.
  3. 3.  閔志廉, 朱有華, 何長民, 等. 尸體腎移植1011例次的臨床報告[J]. 第二軍醫(yī)大學學報, 1994, 15(5): 401-406.
  4. 4.  Briggs JD. Cause of death after renal transplantion[J]. Nephrol Dial Transplant, 2001, 16(11): 1545-1549.
  5. 5.  陳萍, 兀威. 糖尿病合并肺部感染的診治[J]. 中國實用內(nèi)科雜志, 2004, 24(6): 324-325.
  6. 6.  Rubin RH. The impact of mtectuous on the outcome of transplantation[J]. Transplant Proc, 1991, 23(4): 2068-2074.
  7. 7.  Santos CAQ, Brennan DC. Infections in kidney transplant recipien[M]//McKay DB, Steinberg SM. Kidney transplantation: a guide to the care of kidney transplant recipients. New York: Springer, 2010: 277-309.
  8. 8.  John GT, Shankar V, Abraham AM. Risk factors for post transplant tuberculosis[J]. Kidney Int, 2001, 60(3): 1148-1153.
  9. 9.  Kalra V, Agarwal SK, Khilnani GC, et al. Spectrum of pulmonary infections in renal transplant recipients in the tropics: a single center study[J]. Int Urol Nephrol, 2005, 37(3): 551-559.
  10. 10.  Chen G, Zhang Z, Gu J, et al. Incidence and risk factors for pulmonary mycosis in kidney transplantation[J]. Transplant pro, 2010, 42(10): 4094-4098.
  11. 11.  Hoyo I, Linares L, Cervera C. Epidemiology of pneumonia in kidney transplantation[J]. Transplant Proc, 2010, 42(8): 2938-2940.
  12. 12.  Kalra V, Agarwal SK, Khilnani GC, et al. Spectrum of pulmonary infections in renal transplant recipients in the tropics: a single center study[J]. Int Urol Nephrol, 2005, 37(3): 551-559.
  13. 13.  Menon LR, Divate S, Acharya VN, et al. Utility of bronchoalveolar lavage in the diagnosis of pulmonary infections in immunosuppressed patients[J]. J Assoc Physicians India, 2002, 50: 1110-1114.
  14. 14.  錢翠, 梁宗安. 腎移植術后肺部感染臨床分析[J]. 四川醫(yī)學, 2009, 30(2): 167-169.
  15. 15.  Jung M, Krech U, Price PC, et al. Evidence of chronic persistent infections with polyomaviruses (BK type) in renal transplant recipients[J]. Arch Virol, 1975, 47(1): 39-46.
  16. 16.  滕琳, 劉婷, 李香美, 等. 腎移植術后并發(fā)肺部感染10例分析[J]. 中國感染與化療雜志, 2010, 10(4): 270-272.
  17. 17.  Jiang T, Xue F, Zheng X, et al. Clinical data and CT findings of pulmonary infection caused by different pathogens after kidney transplantation[J]. Eur J Radiol, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrad.2011.03.070.
  18. 18.  廖鳳翔, 魏江平, 劉大仁. 腎移植術后肺部感染的CT診斷[J]. 實用臨床醫(yī)學, 2007, 8(8): 103-105.
  19. 19.  Yin S, Powell EC, Trainor JL. Serious bacterial infections in febirle outpatient pediatric kidney transplant recipients[J]. Pediatr Infect Dis J, 2011, 30(2): 136-140.
  20. 20.  Eid AJ, Arthurs SK, Deziel PJ, et al. Emergence of drug-resistant cytomegalovirus in the era of valganciclovir prophylaxis: therapeutic implications and outcomes[J]. Clin Transplant, 22(2): 162-170.
  21. 21.  張彥選,于立新,付紹杰, 等. 腎移植術后應用新型免疫抑制劑受者肺部感染的臨床研究[J]. 南方醫(yī)科大學學報, 2008, 28(6): 1037-1040.
  22. 22.  趙杰, 明英姿, 牛英, 等. 腎移植術后28例臨床分析[J]. 現(xiàn)代醫(yī)藥衛(wèi)生, 2010, 26(20): 3078-3079.